Vic’s Bingo Review

Vic’s Bingo Review
Hey Vic……….how about a little rub for luck?

I remember when I was little and would get a cold there was always one thing mom would do. Bring out the Vics Vapor Rub and rub it on my chest with a warm cloth. If my nose was stuffy she would put that nasty stuff up my nose! That I didn’t like! I feel a bit under the weather today with a cold coming on. I reach for the Vic’s and rub some of it on me…….ahh the soothing sensation. I already feel better.

All this talk of Vic’s reminds me I have 10 bb’s waiting for me at Vic’s Bingo. I had to the .10 bingo room. This is the 75 ball room. I came in at a good time. If I buy 35 cards I get 5 extra free!

There is only 15 roomies in here today. I love the small rooms! That gives me better odds at winning. Oh the first game and I need one number on 3 cards!!! Noooo………the announce the winners. No Bingo for me on this game.

The next game is a wave pattern. It is a good thing the put a picture up of the pattern. I would never know what some of these patterns are! On this game I have only one bingo card where I need just one number. They have already called three numbers and now I am getting nervous. I am sure there is more players who need just one number too! As the next number is called my leg starts to shake under the table. That’s a sure sign I am getting anxious!

I need I 24 to Bingo! C’mon, I begin to chant I 24! The next number is called……Bingo Baby!!!! I won $15.18 and did not have to split it! It always seems to be so much more fun when your playing with a tiny bankroll.

Time to take a break and rest. All that excitement has wore me out. Off to the couch with my other Vic. A little rub here and a little rub there and before I know it I ill be back in the game!

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