Vodone Scores Big Online Lottery Agreement in China

Jul 03, 2013
Vodone Scores Big Online Lottery Agreement in China
This week, it has been reported that Hong Kong-listed internet video broadcasting company VODone Limited has agreed to acquire the issued share capital of Victor Choice Investments for a consideration of Chinese Yuan (CNY) 150 Million ($24.4 Million).

Holding the entire equity interest in Beijing Caiwang Bohui Technology Company Limited (BCBTC), Victor Choice has enabled VODone to take control of BCBTC's proprietary online and telephone lottery sales platform, lottery-related business in the People's Republic of China (PRC) as well as its Caipiao168 (.com) domain.

When the acquisition is complete, the company will successfully expand its sports lotteries related business, especially thanks to the “Hebei Internet Sale Framework Agreement of China Sports Lottery” and the “Hebei Province Phone Sale Framework Agreement of China Sports Lottery”.
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