Woman Steals Bingo Profits from Senior Citizens Center

Woman Steals Bingo Profits from Senior Citizens Center
Cash stolen from bingo profits was stolen from a senior citizens center. A 44-year-old woman allegedly stole approximately $5,600 and was arrested and charged.

Claire Santos Cruz faces theft charges of property held in trust as a second-degree felony as stated within documentation of the Superior Court of Guam. Cruz tracked the profits generated by bingo as the recreation leader at the center.

The treasurer of the Senior Citizen Council noticed that the bingo funds had gone missing. Once it was discovered that cash was unaccounted for, the police became involved and questioned Cruz. She claimed that she had not always made timely deposits into the account held by the senior center.

According to court documents, Cruz also claimed to have made a recent deposit of approximately $2,000 in cash from the missing bingo money but she was unable to provide information as to what happened to the remainder.

The cash in question was from August's earnings. "Cruz stated that during the duration of (August) she would bring the money bag home and place it within a bedroom drawer then back to work where she would store the bag in her unsecured desk," stated court documents. "Cruz denied taking money from the bag for personal use."

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