Little beasts known as squirrels hang out in many of our yards and although cute, they can be pests. They eat up your vegetable garden or even your outdoor furniture but what to do?
Here are some tips from
Step 1
Remove any extra food sources from your tree. If you nailed a bird house to the tree, or if your kids hung a bird seeded pine cone to the tree, you will want to remove them. Squirrels love to feast on bird seed, and this could be what is attracting the squirrels in the first place.
Step 2
Spray the tree with fox urine. The fox is a predator of the squirrel. Squirrels will smell the urine and think that a fox is nearby. They will stay away from the tree. Just make sure you reapply the fox urine every two weeks, or after a rainfall. ~ um, no
Step 3
Cover the bottom of the tree with metal sheeting. The squirrels will not be able to latch on to anything with their claws, and will not be able to get up the tree to do any damage.
Step 4
Trap the squirrels by baiting a squirrel trap with peanut butter. Then transport the squirrels to a nearby park or zoo.
Step 5
Use a squirrel repellent that contains the active ingredient thiram. Be aware that this a chemical repellent, but it is highly effective if your other methods are not working. Spray the squirrel repellent around the base of the tree up to the first set of branches to keep the squirrels away.
#3 looks like the best option but the little beasts could jump to the tree from the roof or anything nearby. Not doing the fox pee thing but then again, I wonder if Mr. Foxy Bingo could come and pee on my trees. :D
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