Beauty and the Beast Tips

Last post made 6 years ago by Doble A

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  • How about a conditioner or a moisturiser to cure that itchy beard.  Apparently the itchyness only lasts a week - not that I have a personal knowledge of this cos I've never had a beard (and hope that I never will!).


    Just a thought.



  • I love all these tips! Yeah.. i think Blues tips would help, the problem with beards is the skin is dry underneath, when i grow my beard out i use a little bit of light babyoil, just a little bit now.. you don't want people following the drips lol.. j/k'n .. i did eventually shave my beard off, it didn't look right on me.. i prefer just a slight moostash..

  • Oh Imagin, you crack me up!

  • Hello Bingo Beez!


    If for some ungodly reason your internet is down and bingo is inaccessible, what do you do?

    I am about to solve all your problems. Oh yes! Take this list and print it out. Keep it hidden under your mattress and refer to it when you don't know what to do with yourself.






    Blink wildly and then close your eyes really tight for an interesting light show

    (Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)

    See a variety of blobs, stars and flashes. Try to make out shapes and see if your subconscious is trying to send you a message (perhaps that funny shape is saying, 'send all your money to'?)


    See how long you can hold a note

    (Amusement Potential: 4-20 minutes)

    Not that much fun, but it sure passes the time. Play with a friend, or try to beat your own personal best. Inhale deeply and then try and make a noise for as long as you can. Earn extra points for making your partner laugh or ending on an amusing note.


    Try to not think about penguins

    (Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)

    This is especially hard, because by trying too much, you remember what you were trying to avoid thinking of. If you try too little, you end up thinking about penguins anyway.


    Use your secret mind power

    (Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)

    Pick a passing by and try to use your mind power to command them do something, like drop their bag or knock into someone. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later one of your mind commands will come true, so you can convince yourself that you really have super human powers and waste even more time trying them out.


    Pretend you're a robot

    (Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)

    Walk down the street with mechanical movements, adding 'zzzzzt' sounds with each motion. Pretending to have a motor broken in, say, your left hand can add at least 30 seconds more entertainment.


    Rate passers by

    (Amusement Potential: 10-15 minutes)

    Secretly award passers by marks out of ten as you go along, offering (unsaid) expert criticism over their clothing, hairstyle and footwear choices.


    Repeat the same word over and over until it loses its meaning

    (Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)

    Pick a random word out of a magazine and say it aloud to yourself until it becomes a meaningless set of noises.


    Pretend to be a car

    (Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)

    Make appropriate revving noises in your head as you walk along and add a racing commentary as you pass strangers in the street. Use blinking eyes as indicators for extra authenticity.


    Make Star Trek door noises

    (Amusement Potential: 1-2 minutes)

    Stand by an electric door to a bank or something and make that silly "Scccccccchwop" sound heard whenever people popped on to the bridge to hang with Captain Kirk.


    Look at something for awhile, shut eyes, study after image

    (Amusement Potential: 2-5 minutes)

    Another great time waster. It takes about 30 seconds of staring to create an after image, and the image is then viewable for about the same length of time. Fun to combine this one with pushing on your eyes.


    Get yourself as nauseated as possible

    (Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)

    Best achieved by looking straight up and spinning around. Try to be so dizzy you can't even stand up. This is also entertaining due to the "makes boredom seem a lot better" effect (see "Hurt Yourself").


    Invent a weird twitch

    (Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)

    Adopt a bizarre twitch (e.g. flicking your head irregularly, twitching with eye or busting out sporadic cough noises) and try it out when you go shopping.


    Make a low buzzing noise

    (Amusement Potential: 15-30 minutes)

    Hours of fun in libraries! Keeping a totally straight face and looking nonchalant, make a low pitch humming/buzzing noise and see who reacts.


    Have a fun filled week!!!




  • LMAO - I love these Froggy especially the penguin one.



  • Froggy these are hysterical! It almost makes me wish i didn't have the internet.....NOT!!!!


    Thanks for the good laugh.



  • LMFAOOOOO @ Froggys Avatar!!!!!!!!! I had to say that first... LOLOLOL


    I tried the blink one it works!!!


    I can just imagine myself sitting bored on a bus stop or in a conference or seminar and suddenly start pretending i'm a car, or doing the robot!!


    And OMG i could NOT stop thinking about penguins, and i got this weird twitch now... HELP!


    Very funny stuff Froggy THANK YOU!!!

  • Hello Dazzling Dabbers!


    Wind burn is a nasty thing! I've found the perfect solution to this problem. Feel free to let the wind whip at your face. Check this out!




    Ah, isn't it the answer to all your prayers? I know it is for me. I couldn't sleep nights worrying about wind burn. What a relief. This one size fits all little baby won't break the bank either. See, I'm always thinking of you guys!


    So protect your cheeks this fall! Oh and I don't care where you go, just play Bingo Anywhere!




  • lmaoooo! What great stocking stuffers too! Hey do you have any thing for rug burn......lmaooooo!

  • You know I'm looking out for you Gurrrl!

    Well lips, if you've been I say riding a little rough, check this out.


    How to Soothe Rug Burn


    Frictions from carpet against skin causes friction burns. As skin gets pushed along the rug, the fibers of the rug remove layers of skin, exposing sensitive skin beneath. This can occur anywhere on the body that makes contact with the rug, but is common on the large joints (elbows and knees, for example). Rug burns aren't usually serious, but they can be quite painful. If enough skin is rubbed off, the area can scab. Treat rug burn as a minor burn or abrasion, because that is essentially what it is (and why it stings so much).


    1. Gently wash the rug burned area with cool water. If the skin is broken, use an antibacterial soap to cleanse it. If it is very painful, you may apply ice to it; wrap the ice in a washcloth or towel first so you don't damage your skin.


    2. Pat the skin dry with a soft cloth. Apply a topical analgesic to the area (use a triple antibiotic ointment with a pain reliever included, if skin is broken). This will temporarily relieve the burning sensation.


    3. Keep the skin cool. Wear breathable, soft fabrics, if the rug burn is on an area (such as the knees) you must cover with clothing during cool weather. Apply more analgesic as frequently as the label indicates; otherwise let the burn remain exposed to air (not bandaged), clean and dry.




  • Hey Bingo Babes!


    Here are some tips to sort cut your holiday cooking. Anything I can do to give you more bingo time!





    -- Cook ahead: Soup can be made up to a week ahead and frozen if you follow a few guidelines. Add pasta, rice and other grains just before serving to avoid sogginess. Don't stir in milk or cream until dinnertime: if you freeze, they'll separate and curdle.


    -- Money Saver! Get prepping: Toast your own croutons for stuffing and salads instead of spending on them in the store. When they've cooled completely, freeze in an airtight plastic bag until ready to use. Firm cheeses like cheddar and Parmesan also freeze nicely, so grate them now and save time later.




    Money Saver! Shop for perishables, like fresh produce and dairy products: Trying to make room for incoming groceries may tempt you to throw out space hogs like bottles of juice, soda, beer and wine -- but you shouldn't have to buy them again. Put beverages in a cooler to save them for later use.

    Start brining your bird: If you bought a fresh turkey or ham, submerge the meat in a brine solution and refrigerate for 24 hours. Drain, pat dry and return the turkey to the fridge until roasting time.



    Chop hard veggies like carrots, celery and turnips. Refrigerate them in airtight plastic bags. Prepare aromatic onions and garlic just before cooking because their flavors will dissipate quickly.

    Get organized: Prepare cocktail garnishes. Squeeze lemon juice, peel garlic and wash herbs. Organize and label serving dishes; transfer them to a tagging area for easy plating at mealtime.




    Bake fresh: For prime freshness, bake biscuits, rolls, and par-baked bread today; their textures can change even overnight.

    Roast veggies: Roasted vegetables like brussels sprouts, potatoes, and parsnips lose their crispness once they're refrigerated. Cook them today.


    I hope these time savers will free you up enough to enjoy your holiday gala....Bingo Gala that is!



  • Wonderful tips froggy! You must be quite busy this week with all the preparations you have listed here. Phewww take a break and kick your shoes off and relax a bit. Looks like you have earned it!

  • Love it Froggy Thank You so much, i enjoy cooking, and most of the time i do from scratch, best thing to make but is a little work is homemade bread and pies.. the aromoa in your house and all down the block is mouth watering, the taste is undescribable... it's worth it.. i'm ALWAYS looking for tips and "genuis" ways of doing it LOL..

  • Tis the season to shop til u drop!!! Why how can it even be exhausting for us ladies who love to shop!


    To help your holiday shopping to be a bit less stressful, here are a few tips for the holiday busy bees!!




    Don't Wait Until the Last Minute


    Are you one of those people who adds to your own stress level by doing last minute Christmas shopping? Do you know better, but it seems to happen anyway?


    Look at it this way... When you shop on Christmas Eve you're going to have to fight the crowds, choose from limited merchandise, and wait in long lines. Buy your gifts little by little, beginning in November, and you can avoid last-minute shopping fiascos.


    Shop in Off-Peak Hours


    Most stores aren't very busy early in the morning or late at night. Shop at slow times and you can forgo the crowds and long lines. Better yet, find some stores that are open 24 hours.


    My brother does his Christmas shopping into the wee hours of the night. He can often get most of his shopping done in a single trip because the aisles aren't blocked and there's much less stress involved.


    Take a List


    Start your Christmas list early in the season. When the holidays near, keep a pen and paper handy to write down all of your gift ideas. Always take that checklist with you when you go shopping This way, you'll know exactly what you need to buy and you'll be less likely to forget anything.


    Set a Budget


    Are you still paying for Christmas gifts in January and February? Work out a budget and stick to it. Buy only affordable gifts and you'll find it much easier to pay off your holiday credit card debt.


    Look for Sales


    Watch ads and Black Friday ads and be on the lookout for in-store holiday sales. You can save a pretty good chunk of money because almost anything you may want to buy eventually goes on sale. Still, there are some things that won't and you'll need to decide whether to get it while it's available. Sometimes, you have to pay more for things you really want.


    If you're up to it, consider taking advantage of "After Christmas Sales" to get wrapping supplies and gifts for next year. You'll have to put up with the crowds, but it may be worth the money you'll be saving and the satisfying feeling it gives.


    Buy Extra Gifts


    Find some "generic" items on sale that can be for a man or a woman, and purchase a couple of extras. Wrap them up and put a sticky note on the box stating what the item is. This way you'll always be prepared if someone unexpectedly gives you a gift, and you can avoid any embarrassment or hurt feelings by returning the favor.


    Shop Online


    Every year, more and more people shop from the comfort of their own home. All of your favorite stores are here online, so get your list and buy your Christmas presents at a leisurely pace to avoid the stress. Most online stores offer simple navigation and secure shopping.


    The benefits to online shopping are additional security using your credit card and no sales tax if the company doesn't have a store in your state. Look for special deals that allow free shipping or discounts that will offset the shipping fees. (Usually the sales tax savings alone will do this.) When you shop online, you can find out instantly if an item is in stock, and you'll find a receipt right in your email inbox after the transaction.


    Save Receipts


    Be prepared for broken items, wrong sizes and duplicate gifts. Always save shopping receipts for 90 days after your purchase. This is about how long stores will allow a returns for unwanted items.


    Reward Yourself


    Finally, treat yourself to a special lunch or buy a small token for a job well-done. Christmas shopping isn't near so bad if you acknowledge your accomplishments and reward yourself with something inexpensive and fun.


    source: christmas-celebrations


    When your all done you will be proud that you didn't break the bank but instead spin the reels at Break the Safe for being the  busy Bingo Beez that you are through the holiday season!

  • Thanks for the tips lips. I am such a procrastinator. Not waiting until the last minute this year. Need to get my butt out there soon though.

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