Bingo Players Love, Romance and Sex Horoscopes.

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  • April 19, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Still not quite sure of all the facts when it comes to the next step you two are contemplating?


    You might want to sit and wait for a while.


    Making a decision with incomplete information will only increase your doubts.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    What the heck is going on? Why are all these changes coming from out of left field?


    Take it as a sign from the cosmos about some old, stuck areas in your relationship.


    The two of you need to go with the flow.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    You profess to hate secrets, but deep down you know everyone needs to have a little air of mystery -- it helps keep romance alive.


    So allow your darling (and yourself) some privacy.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Every now and then your sweetie expresses wonderment that they still can't totally figure you out.


    Well, thank goodness.


    If they could, life would be incredibly boring.


    Give them your best Mona Lisa smile.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Marshall your resources.


    That doesn't mean just drawing up an inventory of what you and your sweetie have to offer.


    Think about friends, family, other loved ones -- what can they bring during your time of need?


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    All of your past romantic experiences helped prepare you for this relationship, but that doesn't mean you can (or should) stop learning.


    If anything, you have even more opportunities for growth here and now.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Raking up the past just to score points in a debate might be initially gratifying, but will it really help long-term relations between you two?


    Bring up topics that are relevant and don't go for cheap shots.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Aren't you both tired of the same issues appearing in different ways? (This goes for people who constantly pop up and make trouble, too.)


    It's time to get a handle on why this keeps happening right now.


    Be accountable.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Listen to your heart if it's saying that the solution you and your darling worked out still isn't quite right.


    Get another opinion from a trusted friend or professional.


    It's time to set realistic goals and reach them.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Plumbing the depths of your partner's psychological makeup is absolutely enthralling, but it can leave them feeling a teeny bit tired.


    Why not turn that laserlike insight on yourself instead?


    You can take it.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Get back to basics in this relationship.


    It's all too easy to get caught up in the extraneous and the material, but what really counts is the quality of the connection between you two.


    Focus on that.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    While you two might want to sweep this under the rug, take the time to address it now.


    Small matters can become much more important than they have to be if they aren't nipped in the bud.


    :z :z :z

  • April 20, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    A loss now might result in truly fantastic gains down the road.


    It's time for you and your honey to ask why you're holding onto something so tightly.


    Keep your eyes on the long-term prize.


    This, too, shall pass.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    It's time for you and your sweetheart to preemptively banish a case of the blahs.


    You two need an adventure.


    Try sailing, hiking -- just about anything that gets both of you out of the house and your hearts pumping.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    You know everything worth knowing about your partner -- don't you?


    Then again, aren't there parts of you that might be a surprise to them, too?


    It's nice that you two are able to keep surprising each other.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Why is your darling acting like a fruitcake?


    And why are you enjoying it? (Or perhaps these roles are reversed right now.)


    Just go with the flow -- those stars are filling you two with zany, anything-goes energy.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    You can't talk yourself out of a feeling, no matter how hard you try or how well organized your debates are.


    Think of this as a learning experience.


    Pay attention to your emotions without immediately responding to them.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Role-playing keeps things fresh in any relationship, whether its three months or three decades long.


    Whether you want to be naughty or switch up who takes the garbage out, a change will do you both good.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    You and your significant other don't have to be physically together to stay connected.


    All it takes is a text message, a quick email or a shared joke on your voice mail to remind you of the bond that you two share.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Occasionally you and your sweetie need to condense a conversation into shorthand if you don't have enough time or space to go into the issue in depth.


    At times like these, however, you find that the shorthand is more than enough.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Don't listen to the sports cliches.


    Life isn't about winning and losing -- it's about how much fun you two have while playing the game.


    Ask each other if you're enjoying yourselves in the present moment.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Hey, it's okay if you get a case of couple overload every now and then.


    If you need a break from your relationship or from hanging out with other twosomes, go to the movies by yourself.


    Read a book in a cafe.


    See some friends.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    There aren't enough words in the dictionary to fully describe you, and your partner knows it!


    Sometimes you manage to surprise even yourself.


    You have unexpected depths, so dive right in and enjoy the swim.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    You and your sweetie are unstoppable at your chosen task, such is the force of your combined charm.


    Once you two take center stage, just about everything will sort itself out.


    So keep on keepin' on




  • Just a quick ty nan for a great horoscope thread!





  • April 21, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    The long and winding road can actually be the more direct path at times.


    So you don't quite understand why your sweetie isn't being more straightforward.


    Practice a little patience and pay attention to the journey.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    The more you rush the process, the more mistakes you'll create.


    Usually you know this (in fact, it's second nature to you), but you might need a reminder right now.


    You and your sweetie need to slow it down.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Give yourself a chance to get reoriented before you open your mouth, or you could blurt out something in an unnecessarily harsh manner.


    The content of your message is good; now it's time to work on the style.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Why is your darling acting like a fruitcake?


    And why are you enjoying it? (Or perhaps these roles are reversed right now.)


    Just go with the flow -- those stars are filling you two with zany, anything-goes energy.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    You're eating healthy foods, exercising and drinking lots of water.


    That doesn't mean your sweetie constantly wants to hear about your latest diet or cardio routine.


    Keep the calorie counting to yourself.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    It's healthy to have ups and downs in a relationship.


    Right now, the two of you are in an up period, so enjoy it to its fullest.


    Just make sure you don't have outsized expectations going forward.


    Be realistic


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Being courageous doesn't mean you have to do anything as dramatic as climbing a mountain or rescuing orphans from burning buildings.


    Why not identify what you really want and speak up for yourself?


    That's courage, too.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Your sweetie's success has you (mostly) feeling proud as punch.


    Other times, you admit (only to yourself) that you don't want to be left behind.


    That's normal!


    Confiding in a friend will make it even more so.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Your confidence bounces back, and just in the nick of time.


    Your sweetheart loves seeing you at the height of your powers.


    Life-changing possibilities are on the table.


    You're realizing that you're totally up for this.


    aquariusglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Studies have shown that significant amounts of loving acceptance can reduce tension in a relationship.


    Are you giving each other (and yourself) the required daily allowance?


    Have you tried doubling it?


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Your sweetie wants you to take on a new challenge right now, but frankly, you're not feeling up to it.


    So say so.


    After all, with everything you've accomplished, you deserve a break -- and a lot of fun.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Take a risk or three.


    Let's face it -- you and your darling have a nice routine going on, but it's in danger of becoming, well, routine.


    It doesn't have to be a big risk, either.


    Try Thai instead of Chinese for take-out.


    ?! ?! ?!

  • April 22, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    The long and winding road can actually be the more direct path at times.


    So you don't quite understand why your sweetie isn't being more straightforward.


    Practice a little patience and pay attention to the journey.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    The more you rush the process, the more mistakes you'll create.


    Usually you know this (in fact, it's second nature to you), but you might need a reminder right now.


    You and your sweetie need to slow it down.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Hidden agendas blur the best intentions.


    Show your true feelings and encourage your beloved to do the same.


    Stop wasting time trying to put puzzles with missing pieces together.


    gemini%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    If one of your needs isn't being met right now, it's time to figure out how to get it met.


    Make sure your sweetie knows if it's relevant.


    And don't forget: Feelings also count when discussing this topic.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    First impressions can only be made once.


    When your sweetie wants you to meet new friends, make more of an effort than usual to be charming and positive.


    Put your best foot forward.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Romance is in the air.


    Take full advantage of the flirty vibe with your mate.


    Catch your sweetie off-guard by doing something completely spontaneous and sexy.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Tap-dancing on your honey's last nerve?


    Even the most patient of partners has a limit to what they will put up with.


    Don't be annoying on purpose to push buttons.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Feeling unappreciated and slightly invisible to your busy sweetie?


    Communicate what you want now before things get out of hand.


    Offer to help with projects to free up more time to be together.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Start saving your pennies.


    You've been spending more than you can afford.


    Keep a budget of everything you and your sweetie spend to see where it's all going, and then adjust your lifestyle to save some money.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Good things come to those who wait, and even greater things happen when they're least expected.


    So be doubly patient with your sweetie, and you could end up with exciting rewards!


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Tired of the same old complaints?


    Tell your partner to offer up constructive criticism or quit whining.


    Constant nagging only irritates you further.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Friends and family can always rely on you.


    There isn't a loved one you haven't helped in some way.


    But don't let these acts of goodwill spread you too thin.


    8| 8| 8|

  • April 23, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Dishing celebrity gossip is one thing; spilling couple secrets is quite another.


    You and your sweetie's rep could be damaged, all for a few moments of fame.


    Keep your love out of the spotlight.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20


    Slow-moving might be your preferred speed, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world has their feet planted firmly on the breaks.


    Take the lead -- then take a chance and let your relationship catch up to speed.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    When your partner has the upper hand, the balance of power is skewed.


    Couples should be teams, not warring nations.


    Call a truce and start over.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    A little mystery makes for romantic magic, but be wary of too many mixed messages leading to one heck of a misunderstanding.


    Offer your sweetheart a clue to decipher the current relationship riddle.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Today's celestial atmosphere indicates that sharing your feelings with someone special may not be quite as easy as you would have hoped.


    You do have a lot in common, but right now you may experience some difficulty in getting that initial conversation off the ground.


    This is not a permanent state of affairs; it just means making a lot more effort, and tuning into their real needs.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Workplace flirtations are harmless, but take your mate's feelings into consideration before you decide to partake in any wanton banter.


    Resist the temptation to string along a coworker to boost your ego.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Feeling depressed?


    Instead of sulking in self-pity, volunteer with a worthwhile group that best fits your interests.


    Get your sweetie involved, too.


    You'll notice that your problems don't seem so big.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Too much of a good thing could be bad for you.


    Using indulgences to distract you from relationship problems doesn't help.


    Try to get to the root of your addictive behaviors.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    No one likes a moocher.


    Pay your own way, or better yet, treat your sweetie to a night out on the town.


    Pick up the tab financially and emotionally.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Take a moment to congratulate your honey on recent accomplishments.


    Everyone likes to feel successful, and your partner is no exception.


    Lavish them with praise and end with a smooch


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Surrender to your urges regarding your loved one.


    Don't hold back a single emotion.


    Let go of inhibitions and the need to be in control all the time.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    All work and no play make for a very unhappy relationship.


    Give you and your honey some comic relief.


    Go to a stand-up comedy show or rent your favorite side-splitting movie.


    8) 8) 8)

  • April 24, 2011




    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    The planetary influences of the day will melt the last vestiges of resistance that you have been putting up against the advances of a certain person.


    There may not have been any particular reason for this, as you know that you are just playing hard to get.


    Today you will not be able to play any longer, as the feelings have become too strong.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Today's celestial atmosphere may encourage you to take definitive action concerning someone who you have been writing to for a while over the Internet.


    You realize that even though you may not have met physically, you have to get to know each other on a far deeper level.


    Maybe the next step is a phone call to let them know how you feel.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Under the influence of today's strong planetary energy, this is a day for romance in all its glory.


    Whether you are in a permanent relationship, or out on a first date, you would be wise to dress in soft blues or colors that evoke mother of pearl.


    Your interactions will tend to be very feeling oriented, and you will want to share your deepest secrets and your love.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 )


    A lively celestial energy makes this a wonderfully romantic day, if you can ease yourself gently into this kind of mood.


    It would be a pity to waste it by being on your own, when you and your sweetheart could be chasing your dreams together over a candlelit dinner, or under the stars.


    Perhaps you could create a loving atmosphere in your home and share some tender moments there.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Getting to social events is important with today's celestial energy, as you may find yourself inexplicably drawn to another's company.


    This person may be someone you had known as an acquaintance, but now you see something within them that you can really relate to, and they feel the same way.


    It is this deepening bond that could become very special.


    GO for it.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Today's celestial configuration adds a wonderful air of mystery to your day, and certainly increases the chances of a truly romantic encounter.


    You could well meet someone who has more depth than their looks imply.


    Although you often find talk of intimate feelings a little embarrassing, this person has a way with words that you find breathtaking.


    You could make some wonderful music together.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    There is a wonderful atmosphere around that is ripe for love.


    Today's planetary energies encourage you to wear your softest and most feminine clothes out on your date this evening, and don't forget to add some pearls to the ensemble.


    You will find that your partner is in a particularly tender and romantic mood, and the two of you will have a truly fabulous time.


    The bond deepens


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    The aspect at play today indicates that you have a potentially wonderful day ahead of you, especially when it comes to your love life.


    If this has been lagging somewhat, then you will find that it is very much uplifted by the day's events.


    If you have planned to go out with your dearest one, make it somewhere special, as you both will benefit from being together and sharing your love


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Don't worry if you don't feel particularly romantic and tenderhearted this morning, as the planetary energy will soon have you in the right frame of mind.


    This is a wonderful opportunity to invite your darling over for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or perhaps all three.


    Why not have a day of love and enjoy every moment of it?


    The cosmos supports any attempt to share your deepest feelings


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    With today's celestial energy, you have every chance of having a wonderful evening out.


    Make sure to wear clothes that heighten your subtle feminine charms and give you an air of mystery.


    There is an air of unreality around that nevertheless makes your current love affair seem like a grand romantic adventure.


    It is a great time to get to know each other and appreciate the feelings you both share


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    You may find it difficult to grasp what is going on between you and your sweetheart today, especially under the influence of today's astral configuration.


    There seems to be a powerful force drawing you ever closer together, which you can't seem to understand, no matter how much thought you give it.


    Don't even try; just enjoy the growing feeling of real love that is developing between you


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Today's celestial energy creates the potential for a deeply emotional encounter.


    This is not something that you can prepare for, as it will happen of its own accord.


    But you will know when the moment has arrived because you will suddenly realize that -


    whether you have known this person for a while or only just met -


    there is a really powerful chemistry between you that defies rational explanation.



  • Hi everyone!

    It's time for.......

    Weekly Love Horoscopes :)


    Week of Monday, Apr 25, 2011 


    aries.gifAries(March 21 - April 19)

    Sign: The Ram

    Planet: Mars

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Diamond

    Flower: Sweet Pea

    Colors: Red, Orange


    Aries Strength: Courage

    Aries Weakness: Not fininishing things


    The Moon in your impulsive sign makes you itchy for action this weekend.


    But there's some unfinished personal business to complete before you're free to play.


    A serious conversation on Friday will test your commitment toward a relationship.


    Dealing with the consequences of past actions might not be fun, but is a necessary step to building trust. 


    taurus.gifTaurus(April 20 - May 20)


    Sign: The Bull

    Planet: Venus

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Emerald

    Flower: Honeysuckle, Tulip, Primrose

    Colors: Natural Shades


    Taurus Strength: Sensible outlook

    Taurus Weakness: Settling for less


    Do your best to stay out of the line of fire this weekend since explosive emotions can create unsettling conditions.


    The restless Aries Moon in your 12th House of Escapism is better suited for avoiding the spotlight than being in the middle of a crowd.


    Just take some time out to rest and relax instead of overloading your social calendar or pushing for romance. 


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini(May 21 - June 20)


    Sign: The Twins

    Planet: Mercury

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Agate

    Flower: Rose

    Colors: Blue, Black


    Gemini Strength: Curiousity

    Gemini Weakness: Distractions


    Going out with friends should make your social life especially entertaining this weekend.


    The Aries Moon lights up your 11th House of Groups and puts you in the middle of the action, which is both exciting and risky.


    The downside is that you could get caught up in someone else's conflict.


    Avoid getting involved in others' craziness if you want to have a good time.


    cancer%20glyph.gif Cancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Sign: The Crab

    Planet: Saturn

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Moonstone

    Flower: Larkspur

    Colors: Silver, Green


    Cancer Strength: Nuturer

    Cancer Weakness: Focus on fears of the past


    You might think that you're the only adult in a world filled with bratty children this weekend.


    The mood-setting Moon is in rambunctious Aries and your 10th House of Public Responsibility, making you feel like you have to control those around you.


    But if you want to enjoy yourself, let others do what they want as long as it doesn't affect you directly. 


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Sign: The Lion

    Planet: The Sun

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Amber

    Flower: Marigold

    Colors: Yellow, Orange


    Leo Strength: Playful and loving

    Leo Weakness: Need for approval


    Heading into unfamiliar social territory could be the key to making your romantic life more interesting this weekend.


    The Moon is traveling through your 9th House of Faraway Places, which arouses restless feelings and intense wanderlust.


    Broadening your horizons with cultural events and people from different countries can provide the spice you need to capture your attention. 


    virgoglyph.gif Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Sign: The Virgin

    Planet: Mercury

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Sapphire

    Flower: Aster

    Colors: Warm Shades


    Virgo Strength: Focused

    Virgo Weakness: Need for perfection


    Surprises are likely this weekend. In spite of your careful planning, it's almost certain that you will encounter unpredictable people and situations that upset your expectations.


    While conflicts are possible, a flexible attitude and open mind can invite delight where you least expect to find it, including an attraction to someone who's not your usual type. 


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Sign: The Scales

    Planet: Venus

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Jade, Opal

    Flower: Violet

    Colors: Blue, Pink


    Libra Strength: Grace and charm

    Libra Weakness: Ignoring your own needs


    The enthusiastic Aries Moon visits your 7th House of Partners this weekend, which should energize your social life.


    But you may be too hard on yourself to take advantage of the romantic opportunities.


    Be clear about what (and who) you want and don't want, instead of simply shutting up and accepting circumstances that aren't meeting your needs.


    You are entitled to be happy just as much as anyone else. 


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Sign: The Scorpion

    Planet: Pluto

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Topaz

    Flower: Chrysanthemum

    Colors: Dark Blue


    Scorpio Strength: Passionate

    Scorpio Weakness: Isolated


    Caution is recommended in personal matters this weekend with the Aries Moon speeding through your 6th House of Adjustments.


    A minor misunderstanding could flame up into a major conflict if you don't keep your cool.


    On the plus side, romantic sparks could fly when you're working with someone and have zero expectations of the fun to come.


    Keep your options open and you might be pleasantly surprised.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Sign: The Archer

    Planet: Jupiter

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Turquoise

    Flower: Narcissus

    Colors: Red, Purple


    Sagittarius Strength: Optimistic

    Sagittarius Weakness: Avoidance of difficulties


    Suit up for a stupendous weekend with the adventurous Aries Moon firing through your 5th House of Romance.


    Fun and games are to be expected when you allow your spontaneous side to lead the way.


    You're bound to make a splash now, but be sensitive if you're around someone who feels knocked down by life and needs a little tenderness.


    Consider your audience before you accidentally hurt anyone's feelings.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Sign: The Goat

    Planet: Saturn

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Garnet

    Flower: Carnation

    Colors: Dark Shades


    Capricorn Strength: Ability to overcome obstacles

    Capricorn Weakness: Workaholic


    You may have to deal with some serious relationship or self-worth issues on Friday when your hyper-responsible ruling planet Saturn makes a challenging opposition to lovable Venus.


    But if you can get the hard work out of the way, you will earn the right to party.


    Play must come after work, which fits your usual mode of operation, anyway. 


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Sign: The Water Carrier

    Planet: Uranus

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Amethyst

    Flower: Violet

    Colors: Wild, bright


    Aquarius Strength: Eclectic

    Aquarius Weakness: Know it all


    Excitement could await around every corner this weekend.


    The Moon in high-energy Aries is heating up your 3rd House of Nearby Places and can turn a little trip to the store into a significant social event.


    Chatty strangers want to tell you their life stories, which is fine only if they,re very interesting, since you may not be especially patient for small talk now.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Sign: The Fish

    Planet: Neptune

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Bloodstone

    Flower: Jonquil

    Colors: Violet, Ocean shades


    Pisces Strength: Compassion

    Pisces Weakness: Confusion


    Set aside the tender side of your personality and show some toughness this weekend.


    The Moon is in rough and ready Aries, which is more about acting first and thinking later than carefully preparing every move.


    Being bolder in your attitude and appearance may shock those who know you well, but are excellent ways to earn the attention you desire.


    Have a great week! :)

  • April 26, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Clutter seems to be controlling your life.


    Get a handle on your living and work areas by throwing away papers you don't need.


    Ask your partner for ideas on how to best organize your stuff.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Do you have the urge to be wacky?


    Instead of doing your usual outings, why not try something funky with your honey to break up the routine.


    Have a blast.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Foreign concepts may be scary at first, but in time they could provide some excitement in an otherwise boring relationship.


    Be open to new experiences and ideas.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Stretch those emotional muscles.


    Being stiff and stubborn about matters of the heart will cause severe relationship cramping.


    Relax and allow different ideas to take shape.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Admitting you're in the wrong can be like pulling teeth.


    But in any strong relationship, ego clashes and pride have to be pushed to the side for the sake of compromise.


    Be the bigger person.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    In a relationship rut?


    Throw yourself into a new activity that challenges both your brain and body.


    Grab your partner to come join you.


    As a team you can't be beat.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    When was the last time you had fun with your sweetie?


    If it's been too long, make an effort today to do something 100 percent entertaining for you both.


    Be as wacky as you want.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Harmony at home is achievable with some planning and juggling of the usual responsibilities.


    Ask your sweetie to help with the work around the house, as well as granting you the occasional wish!


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Enlightenment isn't just for yogis.


    You and your sweetie could benefit from some meditation techniques to calm frazzled nerves.


    Open your mind to new ideas.


    aquariusglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Stop worrying about money matters.


    Your significant other might have a few saving ideas ready for you to hear.


    Pay attention and save.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Naturally charismatic, you're a master of communication today.


    People will listen and be affected, for the better.


    Put your powers to good use by giving your sweetie a much-needed pep talk


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Set a good example to all couples with your behavior toward each other.


    You can help the most people by loving honestly and without judgment.


    Be a trendsetter.


    8| 8| 8|

  • April 27, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Don't fool around with relationship goals.


    If you're serious about what you want, buckle down and make it happen.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Spend time talking about the future with your partner.


    It doesn't have to be serious -- make a list of restaurants you want to try together or DVDs


    you want to rent. Having some plans will give you both fun things to look forward to.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Find ways to express yourself creatively.


    At work, try a new way of doing an everyday task.


    In your love life, find a new way to show your feelings for your sweetie.


    You can tell them in words or demonstrate in a hands-on manner!


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Emotions run strong in you today, but your honey might not understand your myriad moods.


    Don't mistake their confusion for aloofness.


    Your sweetie cares about your feelings more than you know.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    A miscommunication leads to an upset partner.


    Recognize what's going on, and talk it through.


    You may find yourself having to apologize for something.


    It won't be long before you're back on track though.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    You want everything to happen right now and your sweetie has a more laid-back approach.


    Try to meet them halfway.


    They should step up the pace on the things that are most important to you, and you should chill about those that can wait.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    When was the last time you had fun with your sweetie?


    If it's been too long, make an effort today to do something 100 percent entertaining for you both.


    Be as wacky as you want.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    You've got an active imagination, and a vivid fantasy life to go along with it.


    Don't be shy: Let your honey in on those secret ideas!


    You may be pleasantly surprised to find they're quite willing to make some of your fantasies reality.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Your sweetie is feeling a bit nostalgic and wants to talk about days gone by.


    Give them your full attention.


    This is clearly important to them, and gives you an opportunity to learn something new about their past.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Invite your sweetie to join you for lunch -- sharing sandwiches in the park is a fun little mini date.


    Take extra time getting back to work and enjoy an ice cream cone and a sunny stroll.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Naturally charismatic, you're a master of communication today.


    People will listen and be affected, for the better.


    Put your powers to good use by giving your sweetie a much-needed pep talk


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    You spend a lot of time spoiling your sweetheart, and they love you for it.


    Today, do something to spoil yourself.


    Buy some little treat you've had your eye on, or get a treatment at a day spa.




    :) :) :)

  • April 28, 2011


    aries.gif Aries (March 21-April 19)


    Sometimes you want to take action, but right now is a time for waiting.


    A minor issue has you upset with your partner.


    Let some time pass before you say anything, and you may find that the issue takes care of itself.


    taurus.gif Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Spend time talking about the future with your partner.


    It doesn't have to be serious -- make a list of restaurants you want to try together or DVDs you want to rent.


    Having some plans will give you both fun things to look forward to.


    gemini%20glyph.gif Gemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Just when you think your social circle is feeling a bit cramped, someone new appears on the scene.


    Invite them to join you and your partner for dinner, and make some introductions among your friends.


    cancer%20glyph.gif Cancer (June 22 - July 22)


    It's hard to get any work done today, when you keep lapsing into daydreams about your beloved.


    Try to keep your focus until the workday is done.


    When you get home, you can make those daydreams into reality!


    leoglyph.gif Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

    You've been laying the groundwork for some big changes, and now it's starting to pay off.


    Expect good things to start happening -- your already excellent life with your honey is about to get even better.

    virgoglyph.gif Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    If you feel you need to be critical of your sweetie, be sure to bring up your concerns in a constructive way.


    People don't want to hear bad things about themselves, especially from their loved one.

    libraglyph.gif Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Resist the temptation to start a million things today, and focus on completing some tasks you've already started.


    Enlist your sweetie's help if you think you'll need some support to stay focused.

    scorpioglyph.gif Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    You've got an active imagination, and a vivid fantasy life to go along with it.


    Don't be shy:


    Let your honey in on those secret ideas!


    You may be pleasantly surprised to find they're quite willing to make some of your fantasies reality.

    sagittariusglyph.gif Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Your honey wants you to meet some people that are important to them.


    You may feel nervous, but try to relax.


    They've heard wonderful things about you already and you are sure to charm them.

    capricornglyph.gif Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    A vivid dream will offer you an interesting vision of your future with you partner.


    While it's not a prediction of what will happen, you may find it offers some insight.


    Take what you can from the experience.

    aquariusglyph.gif Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Keep close tabs on your spending today.


    Forgo going out to lunch in favor of bringing your own.


    Making small changes can help you save up for something big -- like a weekend away with your sweetheart.

    piscesglyph.gif Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    You may find yourself so giddy about your feelings for your loved one that it becomes hard to focus.

    As long as you can get the important things done, give in to your happiness!


    Let your joy be contagious.


    8) :D 8)


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    When you and your sweetheart both want something, you can always find a way to achieve it.


    Start making plans for something big -- a dream vacation perhaps?


    Work toward your goal together to make it a reality.


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Don't let a small misunderstanding with your partner turn into a big power struggle.


    Take a step back and see if you can see their side.


    Keeping the peace can be more important than being right.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    Sure, you know your sweetie's favorite food and favorite movie, but do you know what their deepest hopes and wishes are?


    Talk to them and find out what their heart desires most, then work together to make it come true.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    You may be feeling emotionally fragile today, and unfortunately your loved one's not being very supportive.


    You can let them know you need a little extra support.


    But the best support of all today may come in the form of your pillow.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    It takes two to tango -- or foxtrot, jitterbug or even Texas swing.


    Grab your sweetie by the hand and spin them around the dance floor.


    Two left feet?


    Taking lessons together will be a lot fun, or a lot of laughs.


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Spend a little time today going over your finances with your honey.


    Careful planning may mean you have a little extra for a fun treat.


    Try that hot new restaurant everyone's been talking about, or that cute new boutique hotel.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Look for creative solutions to your problems today.


    A conflict you're having with your partner has a resolution that will satisfy you both; you just need to figure out what it is.


    Don't be afraid to try something that sounds a bit crazy, it may work!


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Keep an open mind when in it comes to trying new things.


    You partner wants to share an experience with you that might not sound like your cup of tea.


    Let them talk you into it -- you won't regret it.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    You've got a lot on your mind today.


    Your partner is all ears if you want to talk it over.


    But sometimes you just want to work things out on your own.


    If that's the case, let your partner know so they can give you space.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    If you always do the same thing on date night, try mixing it up a bit this week.


    Do something retro like bowling, or take the opposite approach and attend a lecture at a local university.


    Whatever you do, you're sure to have fun.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Your words have a lot of impact on your sweetie, and they take what you say to heart.


    Be mindful of that if you have to be critical of them for any reason.


    You may want to soften your approach.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Your sweetie's behavior today has you bewildered -- what's going on?


    Accept that everyone has an off day once in a while.


    If the weirdness doesn't pass in a few days, you may want to ask them what's on their mind.


    8'| 8'| 8'|

  • May 1, 2011


    aries.gifAries (March 21-April 19)


    Communication between you and your sweetie is a bit off today.


    You say one thing, and they hear another.


    Recognize what's going on, and try to make light of the situation.


    Joke about it!


    taurus.gifTaurus (April 20 - May 20)


    Let your honey know you're there for them, just as they're there for you.


    They may like to act like the strong, silent type, but they have concerns and worries, too.


    They may not open up today, but just knowing that you care will mean a lot.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini (May 21 - June 21)


    You and your sweetie have different strengths, and today you get a chance to show off one of yours.


    It feels good to do what you do best.


    And if you can do it for the benefit of your partner, all the better.


    cancer%20glyph.gifCancer (June 22 - July 22)


    It's the little things that keep the spark in a relationship.


    Slip a love note into your sweetie's bag and they'll be thinking of you all day.


    Don't be surprised if the loving feelings continue well into the evening.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    You're in the mood to spruce up your living space.


    Find the best photos of you and your sweetie and put them into some nice frames.


    No photos?


    Go find the nearest photo booth and ham it up together!


    virgoglyph.gifVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    After a few mellow days, you're full of energy.


    Dinner, dancing and then who knows what's next?


    Let's hope your other half got a good night's rest last night, because there's no snoozing in your near future!


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Grand gestures are nice, but it's the little things your partner does for you that matter most.


    Anyone who will fold your laundry or pick you up at the airport when your flight arrives at 3 a.m. is a real keeper!


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Your sweetie comes home with some big news that has you absolutely ecstatic!


    Something thing you've both been waiting for is finally happening.


    Time to break out the bubbles -- this is cause for celebration.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    You've got a lot on your mind today.


    Your partner is all ears if you want to talk it over.


    But sometimes you just want to work things out on your own.


    If that's the case, let your partner know so they can give you space.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Invite your circle of friends to join you and your honey for a movie night this weekend.


    You supply the popcorn and the movie, and dinner is potluck.


    Hosting a gathering as a couple makes it less work and more fun.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Your cell phone rings -- it's your honey calling to say they're having a lousy day.


    If you can slip away, do so, and give them your full attention.


    Being there when they need you means a lot.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    You have energy to spare today!


    You spring out of bed and hit the ground running.


    If you're still going strong by the end of the day, ask your honey to join you for a jog.


    Or maybe you'd rather direct the energy into indoor activities!


    :z :z :z

  • Week of Monday, May 2, 2011


    aries.gifAries(March 21 - April 19)

    Sign: The Ram

    Planet: Mars

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Diamond

    Flower: Sweet Pea

    Colors: Red, Orange


    Aries Strength: Courage

    Aries Weakness: Not fininishing things


    Staying cool emotionally is your challenge this weekend with the Moon traveling through your supersensitive 4th House of Roots.


    Irritability arises easily on Saturday, especially if you feel pressured to do something that doesn't appeal to you.


    It's better to say no and disappoint someone now than to passively agree at first and wind up being resentful about it later.


    taurus.gifTaurus(April 20 - May 20)


    Sign: The Bull

    Planet: Venus

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Emerald

    Flower: Honeysuckle, Tulip, Primrose

    Colors: Natural Shades


    Taurus Strength: Sensible outlook

    Taurus Weakness: Settling for less


    The New Moon in your sensual sign on Monday provides enough motivation to update your appearance or attitude.


    It's time for a fresh start, so let bygones be bygones and look ahead toward success rather than looking back with regret.


    Giving yourself a little gift is an excellent way to celebrate this potential for a relationship revival in your life.


    gemini%20glyph.gifGemini(May 21 - June 20)


    Sign: The Twins

    Planet: Mercury

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Agate

    Flower: Rose

    Colors: Blue, Black


    Gemini Strength: Curiousity

    Gemini Weakness: Distractions


    The self-protective Cancer Moon visits your 2nd House of Self-Worth this weekend, which can make you acutely aware of what you're giving to others.


    It's understandable if you have a sudden change of heart as you recognize that what you're seeking may not be what you will end up getting.


    Back up and carefully review the situation before going all in and courting disappointment later on.


    cancer%20glyph.gif Cancer (June 22 - July 22)


    Sign: The Crab

    Planet: Saturn

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Moonstone

    Flower: Larkspur

    Colors: Silver, Green


    Cancer Strength: Nuturer

    Cancer Weakness: Focus on fears of the past


    The Moon in your sentimental sign may put you on a rollercoaster ride of feelings this weekend.


    Friday can be delicious, dreamy and fun, but Saturday and Sunday could turn your head in so many different directions that it's hard to know what to think.


    Words can't capture the complexity of your emotions, so don't feel forced to explain yourself if you don't want to now.


    Take whatever time you need to sort yourself out.


    leoglyph.gifLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)


    Sign: The Lion

    Planet: The Sun

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Amber

    Flower: Marigold

    Colors: Yellow, Orange


    Leo Strength: Playful and loving

    Leo Weakness: Need for approval


    Avoid overloading your social calendar this week, even if you think you can handle it.


    Monday's Taurus New Moon in your 10th House of Career could weigh you down with responsibilities that don't allow much time for play.


    The emotional Cancer Moon dives into your ultra-private 12th House of Secrets on Friday, which is better for hiding out with your honey than performing your moves in the bright spotlight.


    virgoglyph.gif Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


    Sign: The Virgin

    Planet: Mercury

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Sapphire

    Flower: Aster

    Colors: Warm Shades


    Virgo Strength: Focused

    Virgo Weakness: Need for perfection


    Even the best laid plans may go out the window this weekend as friends can suddenly turn your social life in unexpected directions.


    Trying to keep a group in line may be like herding cats.


    If you're frustrated from your lack of progress, it's better to let go of your expectations than to wear yourself out.


    Freedom comes from caring just a bit less about the small stuff.


    Going with the flow allows you to avoid any unnecessary drama.


    libraglyph.gifLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


    Sign: The Scales

    Planet: Venus

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Jade, Opal

    Flower: Violet

    Colors: Blue, Pink


    Libra Strength: Grace and charm

    Libra Weakness: Ignoring your own needs


    The protective Cancer Moon occupies your 10th House of Responsibility this weekend, which can cut into your playtime more than you wish.


    You may find yourself acting like a mother hen, taking care of everyone else and losing sight of your own needs.


    Drop unessential obligations so that you can have some fun or, at least, have a chance for some rest and recuperation.


    scorpioglyph.gifScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


    Sign: The Scorpion

    Planet: Pluto

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Topaz

    Flower: Chrysanthemum

    Colors: Dark Blue


    Scorpio Strength: Passionate

    Scorpio Weakness: Isolated


    This weekend's sensitive Cancer Moon is sailing away in your 9th House of Distant Places, inspiring you to seek love through travel or with someone from another culture.


    If you already have a partner, expanding your minds to explore new ideas and belief systems together can enhance the ways you see one another and restore excitement to your relationship.


    sagittariusglyph.gifSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


    Sign: The Archer

    Planet: Jupiter

    Element: Fire

    Gemstone: Turquoise

    Flower: Narcissus

    Colors: Red, Purple


    Sagittarius Strength: Optimistic

    Sagittarius Weakness: Avoidance of difficulties


    Partnerships can be rocky this weekend with the Moon traveling through your 8th House of Deep Sharing.


    You may have to address deep emotional issues that are hard to put into words.


    This isn't, though, the time to try to resolve anything, since feelings can change so quickly.


    Simply bringing questions of desire into the open is an important first step toward creating more fulfilling relationships.


    capricornglyph.gifCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


    Sign: The Goat

    Planet: Saturn

    Element: Earth

    Gemstone: Garnet

    Flower: Carnation

    Colors: Dark Shades


    Capricorn Strength: Ability to overcome obstacles

    Capricorn Weakness: Workaholic


    Your personal life could be all over the map this weekend.


    The mood-setting Cancer Moon visits your 7th House of Partners, inspiring strong feelings about your needs and desires.


    Friday looks like fun, but Saturday might arouse less comfortable feelings.


    Emotions may run to extremes and minor matters could turn into major confrontations.


    A healthy sense of humor will come in handy, if you remember to use it.


    aquariusglyph.gifAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


    Sign: The Water Carrier

    Planet: Uranus

    Element: Air

    Gemstone: Amethyst

    Flower: Violet

    Colors: Wild, bright


    Aquarius Strength: Eclectic

    Aquarius Weakness: Know it all


    You're usually able to keep your cool in emotionally-heated situations.


    This weekend, however, the Moon is camping out in subjective Cancer and your 6th House of Adjustments.


    Managing your feelings can become difficult in this volatile environment.


    Avoid making any major personal decisions unless you've thought them completely through in advance.


    Take a deep breath and count to ten before saying anything you might regret.


    piscesglyph.gifPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)


    Sign: The Fish

    Planet: Neptune

    Element: Water

    Gemstone: Bloodstone

    Flower: Jonquil

    Colors: Violet, Ocean shades


    Pisces Strength: Compassion

    Pisces Weakness: Confusion


    The cuddly Cancer Moon warms up your 5th House of Romance this weekend.


    This otherwise delightful transit runs into some rough spots on Saturday that can shake up plans and upset emotions.


    A dash of detachment helps you through the bumpy moments so you can settle down and settle into the sweetness of opening your heart.


    Have a fantastic week!!! :'X

  • I better put on my seat belt Nan looks like i am in for a bumpy Saturday!

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