Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • Pucca is saying I LOVE YOU with kisses with smacking sound... :D


    All for you,Blue!!!


    Thank you Nan - that's really sweet.   :-*



  • You may be traveling for health-related reasons soon. An authority figure or police officer could turn out to be lucky for you today. You are likely to be learning, studying or reading today, and all these activities can bring you useful information. :o :o :o



    That is crazy, and so true..Thanks Nan!




  • Your Chinese Horoscope for 05 / 08 / 2010.




    If you are making plans for a trip or even an outing to the local park, keep in mind you may have to reschedule plans at the last minute. The weather may be bad, someone may cancel, plans are changed at the last minute, etc. The whole thing may have to be scrapped or revised at a later date.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    8 11 23




    Family members seem to be going to come across as left of batty today. You may be forced to holler at someone to catch their attention. They will seem unfocused, but they may not actually be ignoring you - their mind is just totally on another world.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    19 25 35




    There is a family member in trouble and you may be called upon to help them out. Be firm, a little "tough love" may be called for, especially if drugs or alcohol turn out to be part of the picture. You have financial opportunities, but check them out carefully.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    23 25 26




    You may get into arguments about money today. You are spending impulsively right now and could break the bank if you are not careful. Some electronic toy or gadget is not the bargain it appears to be at first. Wait a while longer, it will drop down in price.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 7 19




    You have gone through a lot of personal changes the last year and it is time for yet another transformation. You may be off to the spa or beauty parlor to update your look once again. Just be sure this fashion statement is okay for your career path, it's bound to be a little wild.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 8 22




    This is not the day for spiritual teaching or preaching - for learning, and listening, perhaps. Keep an open mind and let others do the talking. Tomorrow, you will be among those who are more receptive to your personal message or insights.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    20 31 51




    You will be spending a lot of time on the phone today. You are likely to be discussing a hot new entertainer or musician with friends and acquaintances. You may be planning a get-together or party soon. You might have to run out to pick up some decorations or a new CD.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    19 22 23




    You may be a terrific challenge to your boss, coworkers, and clients today. They won't know what your mood will be like from one moment to the next. While you may feel moody, remember that others may be counting on you right now. They need your support or inspiration.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 17 27




    You are likely going to have one of those sit-down, dragged-out family discussions where everything is discussed but nothing gets done. You may be tempted to retreat into some overdue paperwork, but be careful, your mind is not really focused today.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    8 22 35




    You may be invited out to a lecture or class together with friends, but you may find that the content is boring, or too challenging. You will have better luck in getting together with your significant other for some cuddle-time together this evening.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    21 23 26




    If you are still single, you need to be careful about new people you meet in or around your workplace. They may be more than just a little exotic. If you are already married, you and your significant other may have an unexpected argument about your career path or social status.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    19 21 22




    You will find that you have a lot of chores today, but you have a nice burst of energy just perfect for the mood of the day. You could be spending a lot of time around your home, puttering about, fixing up and having a good time making a more comfortable living space.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2 20 28


    Have a super Duper day!!!

  • You are likely going to have one of those sit-down, dragged-out family discussions where everything is discussed but nothing gets done. You may be tempted to retreat into some overdue paperwork, but be careful, your mind is not really focused today


    AGAIN :o :o :o


    Wow, these are pretty accurate...Thanks nan for the warning ;D




  • August 6, 2010




    If you have kids they are likely to be hyperactive and excitable today - but that may work, because they are getting it from you. If you want your loved ones to calm down right now, you are going to have to calm down yourself first. Take three deep breaths. There. Feel better?


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 10 21




    Family matters could intrude upon your recent run of good luck this evening - someone could come to you with their hand out in what looks like an emergency. But take a breath before you pull out your wallet. There may be other ways to sort out the trouble without breaking the bank.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 3 16




    There is a family member in trouble and you may be called upon to help them out. Be firm, a little "tough love" may be called for, especially if drugs or alcohol turn out to be part of the picture. You have financial opportunities, but check them out carefully.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    16 23 29




    Financial benefits are going to make your life easier in some ways, but tougher in others. It may be that a relationship is changing or being left behind because you are suddenly and unexpectedly moving into a new or innovative financial category.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    6    12      38




    You may discover that you have special teaching skills or an opportunity to go back to school may manifest today. You may encounter people who have medical problems you have some experience with. Don't be afraid to share what you have learned. You could be helpful.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    11 21 50




    Spiritual doubts and questions keep floating up into your mundane world today. It may be that you have doubts, or you are dealing with the doubts of siblings, friends and companions, but you may be spending too much time on the unanswerable right now.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    18 30 55




    A friend or loved one could introduce you to a sexy someone who could be an increasingly important person in times to come, but you are a little gun-shy right now. You are afraid that history could repeat itself, that the people you care for may have their eye on your pocketbook.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 18 21




    You may find that there are challenges between home and the workplace today. People will seem to be slow, lethargic, or distracted. You may find that while you are at work, your mind drifts back home, and when you are at home, it drifts back to the workplace.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    8 21 33




    If you are reading or writing for work, you may find the going tough. If you are reading or writing for pleasure, then you may find unexpected insights that are far more valuable today. You will want to push yourself, but the harder you force things, the more challenging they get.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 7 10




    You must be careful with investing and financial decisions today. While there are opportunities, it is apparent that you will be drawn to those with more "flash" and less substance. Be sure to investigate the facts behind the pomp and circumstance you encounter today.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 5 27




    Listen to your significant other. That life-sized, light-up statue of the goddess Venus is just a little over the top for your living room. Maybe your taste won't be that wacky today, but you will be in a bit of a "funky" mood and you could end up regretting your purchases.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    11 23 50




    You may find that your energy levels and mood are low today. Take things as easy as you can, and be sure to get lots of rest. It is not a good day to get up on the roof to patch holes, or to head off for a strenuous jog. Don't push things, take everything in moderation.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    12 22 36


    Happy Friday!!!

  • August 7, 2010




    You may be staying at home to help a loved one nurse a cold or flu today - or they could be helping you. It's not as bad as it sounds, you could actually find yourself enjoying playing nursemaid, and you'll find you have a lot to talk about.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    6 22 39




    Looks like you found a way to unwind, and in the middle of your relaxation an idea will hit you out of the blue. There is gold in them thar hills, you say? Start working on your business plan. Your idea is a winner, but it will take a lot of work to succeed.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    6 8 13




    Family arguments or disagreements about new home renovations may not be as traumatic as you fear. In fact, getting everyone's feelings out in the open could provoke some thoughtful brainstorming that resolves an old problem and brings in a much better mood.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2 27 35




    You may be asked to sign some contract or document today, but the project is likely to go nowhere unless you wait until late in the day or tomorrow. You may find that it is difficult to connect with people and that your meetings are cancelled or rescheduled because everyone is scattered.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    20 28 38




    Some recent financial troubles could turn out to have a silver lining. That electronic device or toy you or your partner wanted has suddenly gone on sale, or a friend has a used one they are looking to unload, or perhaps someone is willing to trade.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    8 23 56




    You may find that it is too easy to slip into arguments with the men in your life today. Try to avoid getting into deep or challenging topics around groups of men. Women on the other hand will tend to be more open to your ideas, especially in the more metaphysical topics.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 8 10




    Your subconscious mind resolves itself with laser-like clarity and as a result, you are gifted with ideas, intuition and highly valuable insights that you can use to build bridges and connections between family, children and other close loved-ones.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 5 13




    You have an opportunity to make a lot of new friends. Some of them won't last long - but you will be surrounded with new and exciting people. Make sure to cherry-pick a few "keepers" for your collection of eccentrics. The wilder, the better right now.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    26 28 55




    Someone in your workplace has been cranky and unreasonable and it will dawn on you today that the problem is a medical condition that is making them unstable. You may be able to help with some advice about an alternative treatment they will find helpful.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    15 51 37




    It will be a dramatic, exciting day full of challenges and opportunities. Your biggest challenge is your need to run off at the mouth about your ideas and inspirations. Know when to keep silent today. Travel opportunities are in better aspect today.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    27 36 37




    You have a new-found connection to your religious or spiritual roots. An older loved one, family member or spiritual "guru" has much to teach you if you will only admit there is room to learn. Keep an open mind, you are about to be taken on quite a trip.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 3 37




    If you are still single, this could be an incredibly lucky moment in the history of your love life. There are people with great potential coming into your life. These are new relationships with the possibility of long-term benefits both as lovers and companions.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 29 32


    Woo Hoo~~~have a fantastic Saturday!!!

  • August 8, 2010




    Your energy levels and mood are a little chaotic today, but there are good opportunities if you keep on your toes. You may hear some news or information that can help you make money, or better make your existing resources work for you.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    21 22 28




    Romantic relationships could be challenging today, but there are opportunities for you to build intimacy together if you can overcome your differences. You may have access to interesting medical treatments involving children, childbirth or the related areas of the body.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 7 12




    The house, home or a family member is likely to be a source of some stress in your love life right now. You want things to change and you are losing your patience with someone who just can't seem to mind their own business. You may be forced to tell them to "back off".


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 24 32




    You need to talk with someone, not yell at someone. You may be frustrated with their behavior, but if you want them to listen to you, you are going to have to reciprocate. A coworker expects too much of you, or vice versa today, or perhaps it is a mutual thing?


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    24 30 31




    You will be an impulsive shopper right now and could find yourself sinking some serious coin into something that does not work as advertised, is overpriced, or that you get sick of quickly. You can't go wrong if you sink that dough into a savings account.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2 5 18




    If you are not yet a parent, and you don't want to be, be extra careful when "playing" today. Your chart shows abundant fertility, creativity, but there are also potential mistakes involving children. If you are already a parent, watch your temper, especially with children of the opposite sex.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 11 17




    You are going deeper today in your search for meaning. Suddenly you are examining your deepest values and spiritual beliefs with new and wiser eyes. You are starting to see that there is a much wider range of thought than you have allowed to surface in the past.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    33 35 38




    You have some strange developments to deal with today as a result of some eccentric friendships. You could experience sudden bouts of anger or rage, especially if someone criticizes you or your family members. You are especially sensitive about the kids in your life.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    26 29 50




    You will have a happier and more harmonious day today if you avoid getting into financial arguments with your significant other. They are likely to say that you are working too hard in one breath, then suggest you are not trying hard enough in the next.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    30 37 20




    Travel for pleasure works in your chart, but not if your partner is involved. They may have dramatically different plans and ideas, and the two of you will have to work hard to sort out a compromise. At least part of the problem is likely to relate to your budget.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2 15 26




    Keep any financial windfalls under your hat. While you may want to share some good news, you may end up facing a lot of outstretched hands, or dealing with some not-to-veiled hints for financial assistance. Someone else thinks they know how to spend your money.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    26 30 33




    You and your significant other will be discussing the family budget and there will definitely be compromises and sacrifices that have to be made. Once you start to see that you agree on the goal, the method to achieve it may become more obvious - or at least, less contentious.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    20 23 28


    Have a great day everyone!!!

  • August 9, 2010








    An argument or disagreement could lead to positive changes in your love life today. If you are still single, you may meet someone whose button-pushing attitude suddenly tweaks your interest. If you are already married, listen to what your partner says today!


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 16 32




    You'll be dealing with some kind of healthcare issue today, something that you are working a little too hard to keep secret from family and friends. Or perhaps you are keeping it secret from yourself, by denying a problem exists? Check it out for your peace of mind.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    6 17 19




    You feel tense and excitable today, but your creativity is high. Don not mistake physical energies for anxiety. If you are feeling tense, find a way to work out your feelings with some exercise or sporting activity that gets your body moving and your heart pumping.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    10 15 22




    You will be highly energetic. You can get a lot done on home-based projects and chores, but don't expect a lot of kudos from family members. They see you as seeking attention, and while they may be right about that, they shoot themselves if the foot when they are not be helpful to your pet causes today.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 25 20




    Your energy is dramatically scattered and you may find it hard to concentrate. You will find communications and electronics devices are unreliable. Be extra careful while driving today. It is not a good day for travel. Don't drive aggressively today.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    15 20 31




    Money is not leaking out of your pockets, it's jumping out today. You simply have to have everything you see. The only sure defense against a serious debt-causing shopping spree is to leave the credit cards at home, and to avoid the shopping malls altogether if you can.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    6 7 19




    You may be considering traveling soon, and it may be that you have something to say that could make it into print. Do not listen to any negative people you work with right now, they may be down on everyone today. You can help them by reminding them that their worries are never as bad as they fear.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 15 53




    The keyword for the day is "secrets". You may find that some hidden knowledge comes up that throws you for a bit of a loop. If you release the need to judge the odd behavior or ideas of others, this could turn into a blessing for you.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 10 28




    Family, friends and children bring mixed blessings today. Someone may point out some of the shortcomings in your role as a parent, or it may be you who is tempted to speak something obvious about a lack of discipline in a friend's household. Either way it's likely to be hurtful, so hold your tongue.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    9 12 33




    You may end up in an argument with a contractor about the cost of some renovations to your home today. It is not a particularly good day to start a huge new addition to your home, or to buy property. You may also have disagreements with elder relatives about housing.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 18 35




    The paperwork is starting to get to you a bit today, but if you plow through and get it off your plate, your mood will pick up, and you will find that there is great satisfaction in store. You may be attending an entertainment event or art gallery opening soon.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2 5 25




    A friend of yours may propose a business deal or offer a chance to change your employment but keep in mind that any impulsive choices you make today are less than favorable. Take a step back and evaluate. The choices you have may be wider than you think.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    13 18 28



  • August 10, 2010




    The battle of the sexes is over. It's hot and happy lovemaking time. There is just nothing like making up is there? You and your partner are back on the same page. If you are single, get out some place like one of those super bookstores where you can chat and read. You won't stay alone for long.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    11 33 36




    A breakthrough in your workplace or working conditions is coming. Someone higher up has decided that they have had enough of the shenanigans that has, coincidentally, been driving you batty for the past few months. The changes will bring opportunities as well as some stress.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 13 25




    Definitely more play time coming your way, whether you have kids or not. Even if you are only indulging your neglected inner child, there are lots of places you can go to cut loose. A sport, hobby, or a trip to the local indoor amusement centre could perk up your love life if you are single.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    10 15 36




    You will be considering a dramatic new renovation or home improvement, and some unexpected good luck in your investment sector is a big boost to those desires. You may be tempted to get overly carried away on building your love nest right now as passions are high.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2      20    50




    Your blarney is back, and your charm knows no boundaries right now. You can win arguments, influence people, make new friends, and your romantic powers are pretty persuasive too! Just don't get into any online arguments over academic matters.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 8 23




    Some unexpectedly good financial news could come about as a result of a friendship in the workplace. Cultivate relationships with VIPs, especially those of the opposite sex, and people who have innovative, unusual and expressive ways of thinking.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 8 18




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role among your friends and companions today. You could be the lucky star for a charity, group or club who need someone to inspire or motivate their membership. It may also be lucky for your future.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    21 27    38




    You can now see the "better conditions" that have been promised. Your finances will be much improved in the next little while. You will have a dream, insight or intuition that will prepare you for dramatic improvements in your bottom line. Keeping a "mind journal" could be valuable now.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 13 23




    A friend could pooh-pooh or put down your plans for a home move or home-based business, but it is beginning to look more strongly like the gamble you are making is actually about to pay off. You will be over-extended, though, and they are right that there are risks.


    Your Lucky Numbers:

    2 33 37




    You are eager to get to work today on some wild new idea you came up with recently. One problem is that not everyone agrees on the merits or on how the project should be implemented. There needs to be more talk and you are all too eager to take action.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 16 38




    You are having a touch of the wanderlust right now, but other commitments are likely to keep you rooted firmly at home. You may have investments or responsibilities that get in the way of getting away. Paperwork does go smoothly and a business trip will be challenging but successful.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    19 27    51




    A financial authority figure can help you sort out some issues surrounding your house, home, mortgage or rental payments. You may find that you are not moving ahead as fast as you hoped, but things are about to turn out better than you think.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    9 11 23


    Have a great day!

  • August 11, 2010




    You must make certain to balance your needs with the needs of loved ones that count on you for emotional, physical, or financial support. You will tend to get too carried away taking care of them, to the point you neglect yourself. It is vitally important to your well being that you book yourself as much fun and recreational time as possible.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    21 22 25




    You may be worried whether or not a good thing will last. The more worrying you do the more you are likely to draw out the kinds of experiences you fear. Tell your partner about your insecurities, share them, then let them go. You may be able to turn worries into one more way you are getting closer and more intimate.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    21 25 38




    You must make certain to balance your needs with the needs of loved ones that count on you for emotional, physical, or financial support. You will tend to get too carried away taking care of them, to the point you neglect yourself. It is vitally important to your well being that you book yourself as much fun and recreational time as possible.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    19 20 38




    The day was made for fun and distraction. Unfortunately you are getting more distractions than fun right now. To top it off, everything seems to cost more than you expected. If you want to have a good time, do it in a place that won't cost an arm and a leg.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 19 37




    You could have disagreements with friends or companions today about "values". You may be asked to join some kind of investment club or group where resources are shared, but there is no organization in the organized chaos there. They need a leader but are not quite ready to be led.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    22 27 39




    You are going to find it difficult to communicate, because your mouth wants to run a mile a minute, and your mind says "Hey, hang on, wait for me!" You will come across as serious and studious today, even though in your head it's Mardi Gras time.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 17 51




    A dispute over family finances could be resolved in your favor if you keep the lines of communication open. Don't let your frustration with one relative's lack of ambition get in the way of your own plans or ideals. Get out in front and take charge.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 17 18




    You are the boss today, but only you know it. You may be getting tired of throwing your weight around, and when you do, suddenly those cranky and unreasonable people develop an appreciation for your ideas and point of view. Don't try so hard, people will see the light.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 17 30




    Communication with your loved ones is difficult, especially where it comes to siblings. But if you keep at it, you will find that you are able to break through the barriers together and rebuild a much closer and more loving relationship.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2 21 52




    A friend may interrupt an argument or drama between yourself and a family member, and if they do, pay attention to what they have to say. There may be rare wisdom in their words today, even if none of you realize it at the moment.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 19 29




    Stay focused on the hard choices and career changes you have wanted to make - playing the "nice guy" may only backfire on you anyway. So it is time to take out the tighter belt, and the cost-cutting shears and get to work. It is likely someone else's budget you are trimming.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    2 20 31




    You may be considering going back to school, and if you are taking up healthcare or alternative health care, chances are you will do extremely well. You would also do well as a teacher right now. Where you might face some challenges is in deciding if this is really the right path.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 13 15


    Have a wonderful day!

  • August 12, 2010




    It is an extremely good idea to be circumspect today, especially when you are asked to share your thoughts and ideas about religion, spirituality, family values, or politics. It is very easy to push other people's buttons today with even mild opinions.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    1 31 37




    You and your significant other need to get together today, but it may not be the best day to work on those overdue chores. This is one day where procrastinating could be a good thing. You both need a break. If you are single, you may find yourself driving just for the fun of it today.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    6 15      53




    You may be considering joining a union, changing jobs, or leaving the workplace for a home-based business. You are simply tired of the status quo, of being taken for granted as the "Nurturer in Chief". You want to be recognized for more than patting others on the back.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 50 52




    You are not being realistic about your budget right now. You are being impulsive, and could find yourself buying into entertainment distractions that are far more expensive than you bargained for. If you buy any electronic devices, make sure you have a good warrantee.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    8 20 25




    There are some frustrations coming at you from family - someone is playing Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with you right now. You need to listen and pay attention, but try to keep a firm rein on your temper. You might not find it worth it to express your true feelings right now.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    31 35 51




    It's going to be a challenging day and you'll feel like people are "ganging up" on you. At the same time, you have an ability to communicate and share feelings in an intuitive and healing way. You'll need to know when to stop "taking on" someone else's stuff.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 9 20




    You will be spending a lot of money today, money you likely can't afford to be spending so freely. The most dangerous culprits for taking money from your wallet are travel agents, educators, booksellers and anyone who makes a living at PR, politics, communication or information.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    7 12 35




    You may be the center of attention today, because everyone around you is in a panic and they don't seem to know where else to turn. This is not the best day to step into a leadership position though, especially among your family members or in your career.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    3 9 33




    It will be a day of great personal insights. Some of the best times of personal growth come during challenges. If you find yourself facing a difficult decision today, rejoice! You are being given a special opportunity to make a huge leap forward.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    5 9 23




    Your friends seem to have split off into two camps, the "thinkers" and the "feelers". Your emotional friends will seem to be tweaked by any small challenge today, and you'll be a lot more productive if you stay focused on those with sharp ideas today.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    6 15 20




    You have social commitments that you can't put off, but you really don't feel like going to some fancy party where you have to pretend to be someone you are not. Unfortunately, you may feel you have no choice but to attend, despite your misgivings.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    21 36 38




    Work-related travel and paperwork tends to be pretty challenging today, particularly if you have to car-pool with members of the opposite sex. People are flighty and unreliable to work with right now. Their reactions are all over the map.


    Your Lucky Numbers:


    9 17 29


    Stay cool... ;)

  • August 13, 2010




    You may find it challenging to concentrate at times today, because your head is more in the "play-space" than in the "workplace". Once you settle down to knock the more challenging paperwork off your desk, you may find a project that you can sink your teeth into.




    Avoid any impromptu social meetings or business gatherings where money or career issues are also part of the picture. If you are working on investments keep in mind that any agreements you make today are not likely to have staying power. Plan for the contingencies.




    The only thing that can derail the love-train for you right now are serious talks about the future, about commitment, about children, and about sharing expenses. Avoid these topics later in the day especially, as they can pull you down to the "real world" and you definitely would be happier in outer space right now.




    The people you work with have not gone mad. They are just incredibly eager to get to the weekend. You will notice that it is hard to get much of anything done because everyone will seem so scatterbrained. You may find it is hard to focus on your own workload.




    A child or young person is going to hit you with an idea that dramatically changes your outlook on life. You may be asked to join some kind of charity or organization involving children or natural disasters. You need to find a way to express your desire to help others.




    Family members will bring joy or happiness into your life. You may discover you have spiritual interests in common that bring you closer together. There may, in some cases, be financial opportunities with family members, or gifts of value coming from family members.




    Watch your words and thoughts carefully today. Other people may not appreciate the direction of your thinking, and you may find that there are greater than normal challenges in getting your feelings and ideas into the minds of the people you care about.




    You should watch your pocket book very carefully today. You are vulnerable to a slick sales pitch, and could end up buying something on impulse that proves to be a bad investment. You may get unexpected bills or face unexpected expenses.




    You may be feeling a bit down because of a minor faux pas or a let-down at work, but the truth is that things are not going as badly as you fear. In fact, someone may be considering you for a promotion or a new leadership role because of the way you handle a crisis.




    Some challenging personal insights could function to bring you closer to a relative or loved one. It is not always easy to hear "I told you so", but sometimes it can turn into a moment that brings you closer and builds special understanding.




    You could have a falling out with a friend today, but don't fret. Their fit of pique will have something to do with jealousy or surprise over some changes to your physical appearance or wardrobe. After they have a chance to think things through, they are likely to return to you with sheepish apologies.




    If you are frustrated with your career right now it is because you feel you have more to give than is being exploited. You want to teach someone something, but they seem determined to do things the hard way. Let them! You'll both come out better for it in the end.


    Happy Friday 13th!!!

  • August 14, 2010




    If you are a parent you may get both good and bad news about your child's education today. You may find that one of your children is having problems getting along with a teacher. You are looking for more spare time to dedicate to your own education right now.




    You may find that you have a lot of contradictory and confusing ideas floating around in your mind today. Listen to your intuition, to your inner voice. Don't throw ideas away just because they seem a little odd or out of harmony with your normal ideas.




    You are still tripping over your words today, but it is in the area of love life and committed partnerships that you make your biggest errors of judgement. Don't pop the question today, whatever you do. Wait for more favorable conditions or a more romantic atmosphere before asking for any promises or commitments.




    You have a challenging time today getting your chores done. You may find that there are a lot of unexpected challenges, delays and changes to your schedule at the last minute. Keep your cool. The problems are actually a sign that you are getting somewhere.




    You are still looking for creative ways to entertain yourself. If you are not a parent, you soon could be. If you are not looking for that kind of responsibility, well, you know what not to do this evening. If you are, enjoy yourself! This could be a lucky night.




    You'll be frustrated with a family member who will try to excuse their behavior or actions with "But it was for your own good!" Well, give them the benefit of the doubt. They may honestly believe it, even if it's not working out in your favor right now.




    You will be speaking out on an important issue today. The key phrase is "dysfunctional relationships". Whether you are personally involved or not, you will have a clear moment of insight into what makes relationships work, or fall apart.




    You might be impulsively spending money today, and if you want to make them worthy investments, focus on "comfort furniture", healthcare, and other purchases that boost your body, soul and spirit. Avoid frivolous entertainment or heavy items.




    You can't make up your mind what to wear today, where to go, or what to do, and it will only get worse if you have a partner in the picture. You won't agree on much of anything, which may be just as well. If you do stay at home and relax you will likely have a better time anyway.




    You are not thinking clearly today, as your mind is all over the map. You have some innovative ideas, but there is something that is not quite clicking. After a stimulating challenge from a partner, you may come across the solution that seems obvious in retrospect.




    This is not a good time to get into distracting arguments with friends or companions, especially when the topic surrounds money or values. If the subject comes up, change the subject as fast as you can. Don't loan any money unless you are prepared to write it off.




    You are pondering making a considerable change to the direction of your career or social plans because there is a promising financial opportunity. The challenge is in the changes this will also bring to your lifestyle and the way you are perceived by others.


  • Thanks Nan, I love it!


    Keep up the good work ;)





  • I agree with you Mommy.  I love the Chinese horoscope so a huge thank you Nan from me too.



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