123Bingo Blog Review

123Bingo Blog Review
I logged in today, to get the exclusive $10, but I had a message stating to verify my email and I would get $10 free. (I am going to save the exclusive code WB123 for another day, hehe) I love this site because you can also play slots with the no deposit bonuses and they have a new 90 ball room starting Monday! Woooo Hoooo!! I wasn't doing too good, I about 5 games of bingo, WITHOUT even 1tg. The closest I got to seeing RED was 2tg. sigh. So I decided to give some slots a try. I really like "Get Cracking" but with that slot you need more than 50 or so nickels. When I am low on money, I like to play "Three Times The Riches". I can usually at least double my money. I had just about doubled up to $5 bucks when, Wooo Hooo I hit for 450 nickels or $22.50!! This site is great and LBB has some great exclusives from them too.

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