2 4 1 Bingo Review

Aug 07, 2012

I feel really lucky when I find something I like so as a result, I hold on for dear life. 2 4 1 Bingo is a perfect example. After playing their last week I had to return for a few quick games of 75 ball bingo.

I entered the August Contest Room. Cards were going for $0.25 each so I bought the max. I had to wait a bit for the game to begin so I looked around the room. There never seems to be much time to smell the roses when you’re in the midst of bingo action. Anyway, the pattern was “Bar” with a jackpot of $776.39. The standard prize was up over $100 and climbing. The last call for bingo cards was made, ticket sales closed and the count down to the game began.

I thought the pattern was so boring compared to some of the others out there. I got down to 2tg and got a little excited until bingo was called and it wasn’t by me. I played several more games and got down to my last few bucks.

Now on my last game I really wanted to win. The pattern was pretty cool as “Crazy Airplane”. It took a while but I got down to 3tg. I had fewer cards this time so I just knew someone was going to call before me.

Why is it that I’m always right when it comes to things going wrong?


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