And the question at hand is why should online Bingo commercials be placed under such debate and no other types of advertising?
Alright we all know the reason given; exposure to underage gamblers and encourages gambling addiction.
But what about the beer advertising and why is that not scrutinized and debated to death that it causes more alcoholics and encourages minors to drink.
Admittedly so the number of online Bingo adverts is, well to put it mildly, over the top. Sometimes we can see the same commercial 10 times in a single evening in between our favorite programs.
On the other hand some are quite clever and have an edgy appeal let's admit it! A couple 2014 online bingo adverts worth mentioning are:
Diva Bingo – The sexy, rich pleasantly plump lady getting pampered by her boy toy!
Costa Bingo – Former Spice girl bigger than life trampling her way through town to stop and play bingo with Jackpots bigger than her!
Then there the all-time favorite bingo adverts:
Wink Bingo – The dancing lady with her dance partner dog in the living room!
Winner Bingo – The hip dancing chick waiting at the bus stop!
888 Ladies – Men dressing up in drag to the tune Ladies Night!
Bingo adverts if done cleverly can be fun to view. But after watching the same one over and over again it certainly gets old.
There are much more serious issues to argue and worry about than bingo ads! Once we have conquered world peace, global warming and the slumping economy than we can attack online bingo marketing.
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