Bingo Empire Review

Finally, it was a bit cooler today and I could enjoy the weather more than usual. Before I made any plans for the day I decided to play some bingo. I couldn’t really make up my mind about should I try a new one or visit a familiar bingo site. I’d never had a chance to play at Bingo Empire before so I gladly went there, made a $25 deposit hoping for at least a couple of good games. Then, after I took some time to deliberate I entered Club 90 hall where the ticket prices were €0.06.

The game was in progress so I started playing a 4-reel mini slot; it was a very bad start of my gaming day, since I lost a few Euros in several spins. Luckily, the bingo game was about to start so I stopped playing the slot and I bought 48 tickets. I like playing in these rooms because I have three chances to win in one game. In the first game, the closest I got to a win that required covering two lines was when I had 2 cards with one number to go. It didn’t look good but I kept playing. In one of the games even though I had 7 cards with one number to cover one line, I couldn’t win it.

The worst happened in what turned out to be my last game, when I played with 96 cards; I had 11 cards with one number to go for covering one line and still nothing good happened. For two and three lines I wasn’t even close to winning with just a couple of cards with two numbers to go.

I felt so exhausted afterwards and I needed to stop and go out for a while. Still, even after this disastrous experience, I was pretty sure I’ll keep playing bingo. And I did - as soon as I got home!


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