Bingo Flash Review

Oct 09, 2012

Have you ever had rivalry with a particular slot or even better with its mascot? I know it’s a bit crazy but I want to squeeze the little eyeballs out of the pudgy devil on Parlay’s Double Scoop Delight. I’ve played this slot and never and I mean never had an ounce of luck. He stands there and watches with that grin on his face. I don’t know why but I went back for more torture to try to get one over on the devil.

Double Scoop Delight has a five line or one line version. I went with one line because I figured I couldn’t wager as much. I had a strong feeling I would walk away a loser and I didn’t want to take a big hit to the bankroll. I almost wonder if it would have been a better option to play the five line slot. Hitting on a one liner is pretty difficult.

Anyway my first few spins were total duds. I swear I saw the little devil laughing at me. I was down to a few cents when I hit three ice cream cones and won $18.75. On a $0.75 wager, that was awesome!

I think he took mercy on me and gave me a few decent wins. I hit $3.75 and some smaller wins and my balance was slowly climbing. It wasn’t long before I took my $15 profit and said goodbye.

This one goes to me. I need to bask in this success for a while. Small as it may be, a win is a win and I did it fair and square!


Bingo Flash
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