Busy Bingo Review

Multitasking became a standard term among busy people; you have a feeling like it’s a normal thing to do many different tasks at once. But the reality is that there’s no such thing as multitasking because it means doing two tasks simultaneously. The only way to be a multitasker is if one of the actions is automatic (like walking or eating), which means that no focus or thought is necessary or, they involve different types of brain processing. That means it’s possible to read and listen to instrumental music because they engage different parts of the brain. Most busy people are actually serial taskers; we shift from one task to another in rapid succession. We generally are able to conduct only one mental activity at a time. Even walking and talking doesn’t work very well; many studies showed that people talking on their cell phones while walking ran into people more often and didn’t notice what was going on around them.

I’ve never thought about it but I realized that it was true. When I went to Busy Bingo I decided to play in the 90, and 80-ball rooms simultaneously. I had both windows opened, but I couldn’t really follow the games simultaneously; I shifted from one to another in rapid successions. Perhaps because I chose to play two games at a time, so many things happened. That means that I was winning left and right, and I mean that literally. I played for quite a while and I had many winning cards. That’s was a nice change especially when I think about my recent bingo experiences. In an 80-ball room, there weren’t many players, but still, it was hard to believe that I won in all parts of a game twice. Those winnings weren’t big – around £3. In the 90-ball room I had bigger wins – up to £10. At the end, I raised my balance for £10 and I could finally say that I had a good day playing bingo. Who knows, maybe the next step is a jackpot win.


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