Landmark Bingo Review

Dec 28, 2011

Over the holiday season I spent quite a bit of time at my local bingo club. There were fun games and extra goodies to be won. I got to thinking about some of my favorite online bingo sites. Landmark Bingo was an old friend that I hadn’t visited in a while. It was time to break the silence and visit London Hall.

I bought 25 cards and sat back and waited. A game was in progress then I had to wait just over a minute or so before the next game. The card special was buy 5 cards, get 2 free. I noticed the Grand PJP of £2,500 if the house was called within 25 calls. The Snowball was £1,000 if the house was called in 34 calls. I’ve never won a progressive jackpot while playing online bingo. It would be a great day for a first!

As the game began I was ready with 35 cards. There were 22 players fighting for a line prize of just over four pounds. It was gone in an instant and we were off playing for two lines. I still had two to go when someone snatched that prize too. Now on to three lines. By the way, this was 80 ball bingo and not my day. Before I could even get excited someone won the three line prize. I was still four away when someone won the house. It was one of the fastest games I’ve played in a while.

I hung around for another game and was waiting for one number on two cards for the line prize. That was the end of my close calls. Another speedy game came and went.

My visit was shot lived but it was good to catch up with an old friend in London Hall.



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