On Monday, police told the media that the man was playing at Mary Mother of Hope parish. He called bingo and one of the workers came over and paid him the jackpot prize before validating the win. The worker realized that he hadn't won but it was too late. The man had his cash and he was out of there.
A woman called police to report the incident. Police arrived at the bingo jackpot thief's home a short time later. Luckily they were easy on him and gave him the opportunity to return the money to the church. He was told that he could avoid a theft charge against him if he paid back the cash and he agreed.
Police aren't releasing the identity of the man because he was cooperative. Folks in areas surrounding Pittsburg should keep a look out for false claims in their local bingo halls. What we're wondering is why the claim wasn't validated prior to payout. It was in the name of charity and it probably never crossed the workers mind that someone would falsely call bingo.
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