New Bingo Billy Review

Dec 06, 2011

Some members have mentioned New Bingo Billy on the forum and they were once site of the month on It had been months since I played there and it was time I went back.

I jumped into the Crazy Quarters room. The Coverall prize was $500. I could only hope to get my hands on it but my bingo bucks were not cashable. The prize dropped all the way down to $75 as more and more numbers were called. Let me back up. I bought the max cards and waited for the game to begin. I didn’t play any slots or side games. I never thought I’d say it but I just wasn’t in the mood.

Coveralls take a while to play. I was starting get antsy when I noticed that I still had 12 to go. 75 ball bingo can be slow anyway but I wanted that $500 bucks. All of a sudden I saw the prize dropping and dropping. We get down to $75 and I’ve got two number to go, 7 and 49. I had a feeling that someone was going to pull the rug out from under me.

Come on 7. Come on 49. 7 was finally called and in that moment someone won the Coverall prize. I felt the butterflies and everything but then I remembered that my bingo bucks and any winnings weren’t cashable anyway.

All I can say is that I’ve got to get back there with real cash and win that $500.



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