“Mukungu was working there as a security guard and the insider who provided the actual robbers with the vital knowhow about the hall security procedures and allowed the robbers in to hide overnight so they could commit the robbery at the most opportune moment the next morning”, said prosecutor, Tom Wilkins.
Two armed gunmen remained in the bingo club waiting for their opportunity when Treasurer, Carol Bryce, arrived at work.
Wilkins told the court, “They wore scarves and gloves so there was no forensic evidence and their faces were covered.
“One had something that to her looked like a gun and the other had a crowbar. Her mobile phone was taken. They then tied her with cable ties to furniture in the staff room.”
“That is where she was found when a security guard arrived at 8am.”
“The Crown says that the evidence that came to light, particularly phone evidence, shows that Mr. Mukungu used his privileged position and his knowledge of the building to let the robbers in the rear of the premises and into a room at the rear, probably on the first floor.”
Calls between Mukungu's phone and an unregistered pay-as-you-go phone were tracked within the areas of the bingo hall all night long. This caused good reason for suspicion and launched a police investigation.
The trial lasted 8 days and Mukungu was convicted on a conspiracy charge along getaway driver, 27 year old Damien Latchman. The identities of the robbers remain unknown and they have yet to be caught.
Latchman received a sentence of 9 years. The judge said both men were tempted by “very easy money”.
He also told Mukungu, “Without your inside information and help, this crime would not have been possible. This was, and is, a gross breach of trust. This was a deliberate and calculating crime, and must be punished severely.”
The judge also made them aware of the damaging effects on the Treasurer, Ms. Bryce. He said, “The consequences have been overwhelming and her life has been turned upside down. I can only hope that the psychological aspect will diminish, although it will take a long time to do so.”
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