Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 3 months ago by drtheolen
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  • August 18, 2010




    If you are single, groups or clubs that focus on your shared interests will be a good place to meet like-minded singles. You may have to watch your words carefully today, though. People are likely to mistake enthusiasm for aggression and you won't be your most tactful.




    You will be getting some good news about some lifestyle changes you have been making. You could be losing weight or getting in better shape, and this is making you extremely attractive. You may get a special invitation to a dance or dinner party.




    An invitation from your partner or one of their friends to go out on an unscheduled trip may take you where none of you have been before. Enjoy your unusual adventures. You will meet new people and be exposed to new ideas, and could pick up a new hobby.




    There may be a new innovation or invention, or a development in the online portion of your career and business that has you scrambling for information today. You may be hearing about unexpected new financial opportunities right now.




    Your love life is hotter than ever. Maybe a little too hot to handle right now if you are already married. The tempting offers fly fast and furious. If you are single, you will be like a bee among the flowers, but you should choose carefully.




    You might have a sudden urge to visit a health-spa today. If not, maybe your horoscope will give you some ideas about the best way to take the "edge" off your feelings right now. You'll be tense and wound up, and may not know why. It doesn't matter why. Just find a way to relax.




    You have a great degree of creative energy today, but you may find that there are challenges that could force you to come up with a wild new way to express yourself. If you are an artist or creative professional don't be afraid to experiment today.




    The best way to improve your personal worth right now is to focus on the value of your home. You have an opportunity to build a home-based business, check out some home equity, or invest in real estate. The moneymaking potential is excellent, use your creativity.




    If there was a one-word horoscope, your word would be "communications". You may only be calling across town, or across the country, but your heart is flying around the world. You are likely to be making plans for connecting with your loved ones soon.




    Do you know what "prosperity consciousness" is? If not, look for an old copy of Napoleon Hill's "Think and grow rich" or Stuart Wilde's "The trick to money is having some". You have a lot of good energy for making money today, and insights will come into how you can make even more.




    Ooh la la! You are hot stuff today and you can't resist showing off. If you are single, get out and spend some money today. Book stores, libraries and coffee houses offer wonderful opportunities to meet other people and make new connections.




    Your subconscious mind is very fertile and creative right now and you will find yourself almost exploding with ideas. You could find yourself making secret or serendipitous connections with people who share your interests. Romance is possible.


    Have a good day everyone!!!

  • August 19, 2010




    You have an opportunity to switch your attention from a friend or companion who is using you to someone who loves and supports you, so why are you still bothering with the old turkey? Maybe you feel sorry for someone who has a mixed up sense of values and priorities.




    Your mind is still on career and financial issues. You have an opportunity for a raise or a promotion, but there could be some strings attached. You may have to spend extra time in a stuffy suit entertaining some equally stuffy people at a big party soon.




    You may be considering taking up music lessons, or buying some new CDs for your collection today. You can get paperwork done if there is a creative component to it, but if you have to cope with a mountain of boring accounting you may find yourself zoning out.




    Financial planning has always been one of your biggest hobbies, and a class, course or seminar could put you in seventh heaven today. Just be sure you budget some time for your loved ones. Someone is pouting because you never pay them enough attention.




    Your love life is back on the "up" swing again. Your love life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately, so take advantage of the ride. A romantic trip can help cement the positive feelings you establish today. If you can get out together even for a brief time it could work wonders.




    You have a possible breakthrough today involving a family member and their health or wellness issues. Keep up your strong and energetic support. They may not react positively in every case, but whether they show it or not, they need you right now.




    It's a perfect day for kicking back at home and doing absolutely nothing. Everyone should try it at least once a month. Just find a comfortable spot and park yourself there with some snacks and a good book or the remote control. You deserve a break, so indulge yourself.




    You will get some unexpected help with your household chores today. A family member or loved one has decided you have carried a lot of the load, and it is their turn to throw in some effort. It is okay to be on the receiving end for a change.




    There is a family celebration coming soon. You are likely to be drafted into the planning committee. Someone has something to celebrate and you may have to find a way to set this up without their getting wind of it. That may be hard because the gossip lines are hot.




    You have been looking into ideas involving money and spirituality, and may have discovered an idea that could dramatically improve your financial situation. You may be spending some time today thinking about what you really want to do with your life.




    You will be the centre of attention in your family. Someone is finally going to notice that you have some pretty spiffy talents, and you will enjoy hearing their praise and admiration. You may receive a gift of artwork, music, or positive reinforcement.




    Listen to your intuition today. While the ideas you get may seem radical and they do pose challenges, there are some terrifically positive contributions you can make if you'll stick your neck out. Trust and believe in your own ideas right now.

  • August 21, 2010




    You will find that there are both blessings and challenges in your spiritual path today. Be aware that you may fall prey to the lure of ego gratification. If you are taking on the teacher's role, remember that you will always learn as much as you share.




    Agree to look into it if you are tempted - but check out all the facts before making any commitments. Don't get into a disagreement with a friend today. The issues will be shallow and the argument may seem pointless later on. You will be able to save face by retreating with grace and good humor.




    You are dragging the office into your home, and family issues back to work. It seems when you are in one place, you want to be at the other and vice versa. The solution is to focus your energies on the here and now. Let other worries go, until you absolutely have to deal with them, and you'll get more done.




    The concept of the "family vacation" is enough to provoke a heavy sigh from you, most of the time. Today, it can provoke growls. You may have to put your foot down if you are to get to go where you want to go this summer, especially if you pick today to work out the plans.




    Your feelings run deeply today and you may lack patience for what you see as a shallow or critical reaction to an important issue. Men and women in your life seem to be at odds with one another today and it may be hard to keep yourself out of a pointless argument.




    You will be able to come to a compromise with your partner over recent disagreements. There will be a real healing moment after some tension is released. Once you see you are both aiming for the same goal, you will feel yourselves reconnecting in a closer way.




    Watch your words today, particularly when discussing challenging political topics, or when talking "office politics". People will be particularly sensitive and your insight will be a little too close to the mark for comfort in some cases.




    You may find yourself taking on some extra responsibility for children in and around your family circle right now. Your sensitivity and compassion are needed to get through to a younger person who seems to be determined to get themselves into trouble.




    You'll feel like you need a bit of a booster shot financially, and a family member might help out by suggesting you read or re-read "How to make friends and influence people". You may find yourself getting into arguments or disagreements with friends about art or decorating choice.




    There could be communications challenges in the workplace. Someone may have made some cosmetic changes that lead to confusion in the way you use telephones or computers. Do paperwork carefully right now, because you are prone to rush over things.




    You are feeling down because of money worries. Someone may be bringing the hammer down on you hard over a debt or delay in payment. You are not entirely helpless. You will be able to figure out some way of keeping the dogs at bay. You may soon be hearing good career news that will turn things around.




    You may find that old issues or memories from childhood arise in a challenging manner today. Don't react to your fears and emotional reactions right now - this can be an incredibly healing and empowering moment if you have the strength to face it directly.


  • August 22, 2010




    You will have strange and unusual ideas that seem to come from a higher source today. You may be impulsive on the road right now, and may not be the safest driver, because you keep having ideas as you whip from place to place. Keep your eye on the speedometer!




    Friends and companions are the ones most likely to drop bombshells on you today. Someone is taking a big step in a personal relationship, and they want your opinion. Be careful to be extra tactful if you offer any criticism, because your motives could be misunderstood.




    Would you relax? Yes, you want to climb to the top of the corporate ladder in record time - who doesn't? But this is not the best day for pushing things. No-one is paying attention today anyway. They all have their minds on home, family or the big game ... and so should you.




    If you are thinking of going back to school, ask a friend to come along with you. It could make the experience much richer and significantly more rewarding for you both. You will learn as much about each other as you do from the courses you take.




    You get some interesting thoughts and ideas about investments today, but it is highly unlikely that you will ever act on them. Write them down, store them away for a time when your thoughts are clearer and your motivation is higher. Avoid signing paperwork related to finances today if you can.




    Your love life is heading for a welcome boost. There is a sudden and unexpected interest in a more secure, stable and committed relationship being expressed in your chart right now. If single, you may be attracted to someone older and more socially established.




    Follow your instincts today. Your energy is high, ideas are good, and people are not only willing but eager to follow your lead. You can get a lot of paperwork cleared off your desk, but it is the "action items" you need to spend the most time chasing.




    There are strange energies in the air today. You may feel confused or distracted, yet you know there is great potential for change, especially where it comes to your friends, family life, children, hobbies and romances. Go with the flow of life, it could take you unusual places.




    You will get good news and bad news from your family today. The good news is that someone is experiencing a miraculous and positive change to their wellness or health. The bad news is that someone else has hit a snag in their romance of the week.




    Avoid the telephone in the morning if possible. Wait until the evening if you have important calls to make. People who want to avoid you in the morning are eager to get in touch this evening. That "call-waiting" feature may come in handy tonight.




    You may find that you have better luck bargain hunting today. You may have some interesting opportunities where you make unusual connections that lead you to people who have the kind of resources or information that you are needing right now.




    You will likely be the centre of attention amid a large group of people today. You may be tempted to blow your own horn just a little too much. A true leader does not have to broadcast their presence, they simply inspire followers. You will find that if you are more subtle today, you'll be more effective.

  • August 24, 2010




    You may be the leader or authority figure other people seek out today for resolving a conflict. If you agree to take on the task, you must try very hard to reach a compromise or consensus, but that could be a challenging task right now.




    They say that prayer heals all ills. That may or may not be your personal experience, but it can't hurt, can it? A little time alone communing with your Divine Source is probably amongst the best medicine right now. You'll find hope and inspiration in spiritual development.




    If you feel cranky, tired and uncertain today, try to book some time with an upbeat older friend whose sense of humor and practical outlook brings you back to feeling balanced again. A friend or associate will help you clear up a legal matter or some old paperwork you have been putting off.




    When you are at home there are sudden and unexpected interruptions from work. And when you are at work there are sudden and unexpected interruptions from home. You need to stay focused where you are, but that may be a big challenge today.




    Open mouth, insert foot. You will be in the most danger of unfortunate faux pas at the office, where your temper is on a very short fuse. Someone seems to have replaced your coworkers with Stepford employees - vapid, vain and empty of all intelligence.




    You may have an interesting spiritual challenge today, something of a crisis of faith that forces you to have another look at some of your dearest values and traditions. Someone in your family may be pushing you towards a religion of their choice, not yours.




    A long talk with your partner about your finances is overdue. You need to make them see that you cannot make them happy if you are miserable yourself. If they have issues with the budget, they might have to pitch in themselves to take up the slack.






    If you have children you may find their behavior today to be erratic and stubborn at the same time. If you are not a parent, the same behavior could manifest in other people's children, or from your own inner child throwing a tantrum. Playful acceptance is the key.




    A friend or family member will be the centre of a controversy, and there could be a lot of hurt feelings on all sides. Do your best to keep a low profile if you don't want to add to the drama. Agree to chill out before it gets personal.




    Gossip has been the ruin of many a poor boy and girl, and right now you are not only vulnerable as a victim, you could be tempted to be a perpetrator. A story that is floating around your circle of family and friends may be true, but spreading it could be hurtful.




    You are best advised today to leave your cash and credit cards at home. Every shiny, pretty thing with a huge price tag is going to catch your eye. If you buy creative products or supplies today you may find they sit in the closet a long time before you actually use them.

  • August 25, 2010




    You may be accused of being selfish today, and you'll probably bristle at that assessment. After all, you are usually the first one to jump in when others need help - don't you deserve a little fun and joy? You don't have to justify treating yourself well.




    You may feel like you stumbled into a barrel of Freudian Slips today. It seems no matter what secret you try to lock up, it sneaks out through your subconscious. Any boo-boos you make are recoverable, though. A friend of yours is going to find great humor in your discomfiture.




    You are not the one who needs to come to the rescue of a friend whose hobby might be called "serial professional victim". You have to learn to say no, while giving no reasons or excuses. Give them what they need most - a little tough love.




    You have an unexpected opportunity to take on a new leadership role in your career or social circle today. Other people see you as interesting, exciting and attractive, but they may have unrealistic expectations. Be sure you know what you are getting yourself into before you accept.




    You might better spend the day writing poetry or the great historical novel you keep putting off, rather than putting your wildly creative ideas into any work-related writing today. Someone could come back and ask you where your head was at.




    You may want to offer a friend or companion some advice or suggestions today, but hold your tongue until you are asked, especially if the topic under consideration involves their children or finances. You may get a lot of resistance otherwise.




    You are having second thoughts about a romantic relationship today, but your fears may be somewhat exaggerated. Give things time to settle down, and if you don't know a thing for sure, for goodness sakes, ask. Don't assume you know what is going on.




    There is some confusion or instability in the workplace today. You have a strong feeling that one of the "higher-ups" is not being completely forthright with you, and fear what that may mean. It may be that they have been hiding a health problem, not the financial issues you feared.




    If you are a parent you will find yourself wondering if your kids have mood swing problems today, but the insanity is temporary. They are just working off some steam, in most cases. Someone may have a sugar or food intolerance though. Watch to see if there is a pattern to the madness.




    You might want to get out of the house alone today. It seems that home or family is a bone of contention with your partner or loved ones, and you are likely to hear about a lot of past sins. You might want to avoid unsolicited advice, especially where it comes to investments.




    Your mouth is going a mile a minute today. Your energy is high - too high, and you may find yourself tripping over your own words as you struggle to get your thoughts and feelings out and across to others. Your intuition is off today, double-check your paperwork.




    Definitely leave your cash and credit cards at home again today. It's high-priced home electronics, computers and electrical appliances that are the bane of your bank balance right now. They could be faulty or have hidden "features" you don't like.


    Have a wonderful day,everyone!!!

  • You may be accused of being selfish today, and you'll probably bristle at that assessment. After all, you are usually the first one to jump in when others need help - don't you deserve a little fun and joy? You don't have to justify treating yourself well.


    ??? Wow...what a reading! don't know if I should worry or happy...hah!

  • Be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I agree.. BE HAPPY!!!!

  • August 27, 2010




    You are going to get your financial issues sorted out today with some help from the Gods of Fortune, and an expert who knows how to spin gold out of flax. In your case, the solution may turn out to be a home-based business opportunity doing something creative.




    You may have a sudden insight that leads you to take revolutionary changes in your personal appearance and lifestyle, but anything too drastic right now is likely to shock and surprise your loved ones. Remember to include them in your planning.




    A wonderfully lucky intuition or fortunate insight will help you turn around a financial or investment struggle. You may encounter "found money" or some kind, or be treated to a special perk or bonus in the workplace. Ignore coworker jealousy, they will get over it.




    Friends and companions can offer you hope, comfort or introductions that will make your love life much more appealing. All you have to do is show up, and be your charming self. If you are already married, what you both need is to get out with another couple for some fun and recreation.




    You have impressed someone in the workplace and that could lead to improvements in your career prospects or working conditions. You may have to put on a song and dance though for other decision-makers who have not yet signed off on your next step up the ladder.




    Travel or educational plans should go smoothly, at least on their own merits. A sudden workplace problem could throw a monkey wrench into your plans, but that could rebound in your favor. If you are going away soon, ensure that a trusted coworker is there to pick up the slack.




    Money, investments, debt reduction and savings all take your attention today. You'll come up with a creative way to make some money, and that will brighten both the financial picture and your overall mood. You may feel strongly sensual and emotional this evening.




    You may be looking at a promotion or a job offer that will significantly improve your social status and overall happiness. You will want to spend a lot of money to celebrate your good fortune but it is a good idea to put some aside for your future first.




    If you are long overdue for a raise, today would be a good day to approach your employer for an appointment to discuss your financial future. In some cases, they could be coming to you - you should try to wheedle the best deal you can - cash should be part of the improving picture.




    It will be an excellent day for partying, socializing and getting together with friends. Art, music, drama and dance are all good distractions. If you are single, it would be a major crime to sit in the house alone today. You could be missing a wonderful opportunity.




    If you have been trying to get the family together, you may find that is a challenging chore this afternoon. So give up and wait until the evening. Chances are that the people who seemed to want to avoid you in the morning are eager to get in touch this evening.




    You'll be hot, passionate and excitable today, but it may be difficult for you to make up your mind. You will be overly chatty at times, running off at the mouth, and while that will annoy some selfish sorts, those who listen will learn some interesting things.


    Have a great day!

  • August 29, 2010




    Arguments, disagreements and misunderstandings, oh my! You might be forgiven for considering duct-taping your mouth shut before you leave home today, because people are so apt to misunderstand your intentions, but don't worry! At least one faux pas will rebound in your favor.




    Financial changes are coming your way. You may be waiting for an overdue cheque, or dealing with unexpected bills when you come across a tempting bargain. Antiques are good deals today but new and exotic electronics are likely to be troublesome.




    The most ineffective response to criticism is to become angry, insulted and defensive. When you do that, you actually give a lot more power and credibility to that criticism. Today, focus on what you can do to change for the better, not on what others say about you.




    Your intuition is telling you that the social invitation you have received recently carries some strings attached. You may be expected to deliver something that you don't have full control over. If you suspect you are being bought or manipulated, back out while you still can.




    If it comes between trusting friends or intimates today, the latter are your best hope for sane and lucid advice. Friends are likely to have their own agenda - something involving the bottom line - and they may not be all that grounded in their expectations. You may have to pull someone back down to earth.




    The workload looks pretty brutal right now. You have responsibilities that are taking you away from the attention you need to pay to your love life. If you are single, you need more time out. If you are married, you need to spend more quality time with your partner.




    It looks like the old wanderlust has returned, but your budget just does not support a long trip right now. There are other ways to salve the itchy feet you are suffering from - get online, find lower-cost alternatives, or dream-browse the travel magazines for now.




    If you are invited to a party or gathering, make sure you keep a firm grip on your pocketbook. Someone has their eye on your little nest egg, and indications are you will be very tempted to take on a risky bet. Your intuition is a bit off the mark though, so be extra careful.




    Relationships come through as complicated and challenging right now. You need to get your focus back onto the blessings that your loved ones have brought you. They may be acting strangely or erratically right now, but it won't last too long.




    You might want to rebook that doctor's appointment you scheduled for another day. Your chart speaks of challenges with medical authority figures. That could make for a misdiagnosis or misunderstanding. If you are taking a new drug, follow the instructions with extra care and attention.




    There might be arguments about which movie to watch, where or whether to go out, and what to do this evening. It's not the end of the world if you don't go together, if the schedules are not compatible. You can catch up on your quality time soon enough.




    The family member who is in need of emotional support today is you. You cannot rescue everyone else, when you are dealing with emotional issues of your own. Right now, the best way to deal with your feelings is to confront them, and that may mean "telling it like it is" to someone who has not been paying attention.


    Have a great day!

  • August 30, 2010




    You have an opportunity to direct your high energy into some major home renovation or redecoration project, but watch your impulses today - you could end up regretting your choices if they are a little too dramatic. You need to make sure everyone living in the space has a say.




    You'll definitely be considering a trip of some kind. A lucky break could facilitate the trip, but make sure that you plan things carefully. Other people in your life may get in the way with unreasonable demands. They may be feeling stress because of power struggles in the workplace.




    There may be disputes about where you are going and how fast to get there, but any arguments will be short-term and soon forgotten. There are possible bargains at a local shopping haunt. You took some action that made a big difference to your budget, and will soon be reaping the benefits.




    Wonderfully romantic aspects turn up in your chart today. You are attractive, dynamic and sexy. People will make comments on your appearance. You have opportunities to make new friends, and your love life is heating up nicely. Get out tonight and shake your bootie.




    An intuition that seems to come from your deep subconscious will help you make some positive changes to your home or family, or to prepare for some much-appreciated home improvements. You may be seeking out information online on the Internet today.




    You have a wonderful opportunity to make friends, influence people and generally be the life of the party today. If you are single, you are likely to meet someone new in your circle of friends or acquaintances. Get out into crowds of people for the best luck today.




    You may be suffering from self-doubts where it comes to career and social status today, but some good fortune, an upcoming trip, or a lucky find will distract you and have your mood heading back towards "happy" territory. Be a little self-indulgent, at least up to the level you can afford.




    You could have some pretty strange insights today, but though they seem profound and meaningful right now, very little is likely to come of them. You may be wrapped up in serious travel planning when it dawns on you that cancellation insurance is an excellent idea.




    Work-related travel is a hassle today and you'll be a bit sensitive where it comes to boorish, stupid drivers who cut you off. There are opportunities though, and you'll be eager to make some changes to your savings, debt load or investments.




    If you are single, an unexpected, unusual and exciting new romance will bring out your wild, passionate side, but you may find that it lacks "staying power". So what? Let your hair down and enjoy the fun. Just don't try to tie down a free spirit.




    You can marshal and rally the troops like a 5-star general today. Get the family together to clean up the homestead, push yourself a little harder on the chores. You will find that you are capable of turning a mountain back into a molehill overnight.




    If you are a parent you can expect to get a lot of good news from your kids. If you are not a parent, you could be bringing home "good marks" on your own report cards, especially those involving your hobbies, sports, and entertainment pass-times.


    Happy day!!!

  • August 31, 2010




    A family business, home equity or unexpected tax benefits could brighten the coming weekend. You will be looking at new income as a result of your taking action together with your family members or through a real-estate investment. If you are looking for a new home this is a good day to seek open houses.




    Someone is calling with extra special good news today. There is a new club opening up, they have joined a gym, or they just want to gossip. Either way, you are going to enjoy some unexpected company or good news from far away. People will seem energetic and talkative today.




    You may have interesting and unusual opportunities, to make money today especially if you are involved in a home-based business of some kind. If you are self-employed, expect better than normal sales today. If you are employed, there could be an unexpected holiday bonus coming.




    You have strong leadership skills right now and people are eager to hear what you have to say. Mostly you'll be talking about tearing down old structures. Make sure you have a plan to replace them with something new! You could be looking at making financial adjustments so you can better help others.




    If you are confused about your place in the universe, about your religion, or your personal values, seek out a family elder and sit down for a good listen. There is wisdom closer than you think possible. There are opportunities for learning a whole mew value system.




    If you are a parent and are looking to expand your circle of friends, look around your children's lives for people who share your interests, hobbies or values. If you are not yet a parent, you could meet people in a group of people who share a hobby or interest.




    Your social connections could provide you with a career boost if you play your cards right. Someone will call seeking information or sharing news, and this person could be a key to your own personal success. This may not be the only opportunity you are given today. Be prepared to act quickly.




    You are seeking important answers today and will likely be spending a lot of time researching, studying and surfing the Internet. You could find the answer to a long-held secret that makes a profound and important impact on your lifestyle and beliefs.




    You are suddenly filled with spiritual energy and psychic potential, and may find it a little challenging to sort out fantasy from reality right now. Go with the flow. Keep notes of the strange ideas and thoughts that come to you right now, even if they don't immediately make sense.




    If you are single, you may be lamenting the lack of action in your love life this morning, but by late afternoon a pair of bedroom eyes could catch your attention! If you are married, don't let an early-day lack of energy get you down, your libido will pick up again this evening.




    You need to love your work. That's the bottom line. You will either find your "zone" in your current job, find a new job, or start off on a new path, because you will decide that "success" is measured not in dollars, but in the amount of satisfaction you get from a good day's work.




    You may be considering an impromptu trip or a short weekend holiday soon. You will have a lot of personal energy this evening, maybe even enough to take in dinner and a movie. If you have kids, find something "G" rated and bring them along - it will be a lot of fun.


    Happy last day of August... ;)

  • September 1, 2010    Daily Horoscope




    If you are thinking of buying or selling your home, you could have a string of luck today. You may find money around your home, find out that you are due for a tax refund, or get other financial benefits as a result of your home, family or real estate investments.




    A major transformation is coming in an important relationship. You and your partner are discovering that the answer to recent communications problems is obvious. You simply need to communicate more. Sounds obvious. But the two of you have been dancing around the obvious for days.




    You may have a sudden moment of insight about your financial future today. You may learn something that is secret that helps you boost your income. Listen to your intuition, it can help bring in an opportunity that could bring in a lot of money.




    You will be highly popular, attractive and interesting to others today. You are the centre of attention, and will likely get a lot of phone calls, letters and emails from people who want to get together with you. There is good news coming from your loved ones.




    You will have a strong feeling something good is about to happen. You may be gambling on a dramatic change in the stock markets, or following another investment hunch that pays off. Listen to your instincts, but do not bet more than you can afford to risk.




    There are big changes coming in your social circle. You are meeting a lot of interesting and innovative new people, and your new companions don't quite fit in with the old ones. The solution may be to create two different circles of friends who don't intersect too much.




    If you want to make an impression on a boss or authority figure avoid topics including, but not limited to, politics, culture, religion, faith, sex and spirituality. That is quite a spectrum, but getting into the mysteries of life is likely to lead you down a giant path to nowhere today.




    Learning, studying and teaching others can bring you great joy and a sense of personal satisfaction. You need to be among other people, sharing ideas and getting your mental machine challenged by them. There could be political arguments, but you'll enjoy them.




    There are more varied and deeper sides to your own nature than you think possible. An emotional encounter or psychic impression will show you that you can reach the deeper spiritual levels. You may get psychic or spiritual advice from someone via a long-distance phone call today.




    Your love life heats up all of a sudden, with unexpected romantic opportunities flying fast and furious. You and your partner are filled with energy and enthusiasm right now. You may be thinking about a more formal or secure relationship soon.




    You're the leader today, both at home and at work. You can push strongly for that perk or pet project. There are likely to be unexpected gains or wins in the battles you normally fight with or on behalf of coworkers, clients or management staff.




    You will be asked to take on a leadership role in setting up some kind of gathering or get-together that involves everyone's favorite entertainment. Be sure that you think of all the people now, especially the little ones - will there be enough toys, Kool-Aid and snacks appropriate for them?

  • September 2, 2010---------Daily Horoscope




    There are going to be changes in your home and family as a result of changes in attitudes. Someone close to you - friend or family members, most likely - will come to you seeking advice about travel, education, and friendships or associations. Try to put your personal feelings aside for the time being.




    If you are bored today, pick up the phone and call someone that you have not spoken to in a while - an old friend or sibling. You can catch up on some gossip and learn something new is going on in their life. You may visit a bookstore today to pick up some new reading material.




    You may get a gift of money, or a valuable gift that you did not expect today, or are about to get a bargain on that dream gift you wanted to get for someone else, the one you could not afford. Keep your eyes open for last-minute shopping deals.




    You will be going through some dynamic personal changes right now, and your loved ones and relatives, especially siblings, will want to talk with you about the personal growth spurt that you have been through. Share as freely as you can - you may teach them something important.




    You are heading for some positive experiences with your religious or spiritual growth. Normally, you like to keep things on the "practical" level, but you have witnessed some kind of profound healing and are now eager to experience this yourself.




    You will make new friends soon as a result of a situation that seems challenging at first, but that turns out to be a blessing in disguise. You may find someone comes into your life who is wise and may have spiritual healing abilities, even if their ideas challenge your beliefs.




    You will be solidifying financial and career gains today when it dawns on you that you had better make some time for your neglected love life. You will find luck in matters of money, but may have to work at love. There may be travel delays getting from your workplace to your love nest.




    You won't feel much like working today unless you operate a home-based business that normally involves some form of recreation, travel or study. A strong urge to travel and expand your mind will be present today, and you may get good news about an upcoming trip.




    Money makes the world go around, and your world is flying in circles. If the money is not immediately coming in today, the payments will at least be in the mail, and you will soon be hearing very good news about debts repayment or investments.




    Relationships are important today and the keywords are communication and compromise. You will only damage your own interests if you let yourself get wrapped up in a power struggle with your mate and partner. Be an "active listener" - mirror back anything you don't understand.




    You can get a great deal of work done today. People are open to your ideas and concerns, and are eager to help you scale walls and overcome mutual challenges. You may be looking at a big new assignment with some concern but if you believe in yourself you do have the ability to make a go of it.




    If you are looking to expand your family right now is the best time to get to work! If not, get out there and get creative, start up a new hobby or craft or distract yourself with playful entertainment. If you are not a parent, you may find yourself entertaining someone else's kids.

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