Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

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  • September 3, 2010-----------Daily Horoscope




    Looks like you have managed to resolve most of the family troubles that have been dogging you the past few days. You will find that relatives and loved ones are a lot more supportive and understanding today. One could even come bearing a pricey gift!




    There will be wonderful news and exciting possibilities coming your way through different forms of communication. You could be getting a lot of phone calls, emails or letters that contain information about the past that will be a benefit to your future.




    If you have been putting off that home-based business you have been considering, today is the day you may find a new technological toy that makes the concept more practical or workable. You may be considering adding a web site to your list of "must haves".




    You may be the center of attention today, especially around your family and friends. Someone may be concerned about your health or lifestyle and may work a little too hard to convince you to make some lifestyle changes. Remember, they are saying they love you!




    Your intuition will be sharp today. You have a lot of hot, exciting and interesting ideas to share. You may be considering taking a more active role in investing, but be aware that this sudden burst of interest may not last too long.




    There will be some profound changes in a relationship as a result of some impulsive behavior right now. You may get into an argument with an acquaintance that brings in another friend to defend you or your ideas in a way you did not expect.




    Career changes hit suddenly and you have an opportunity to use a connection to an authority figure, or someone employed by the government, to enhance your cause. Paperwork related to rules, regulations, taxes and legal matters is likely to go in your favor.




    If there was a one-word horoscope, your word would be "travel". You may only be going across town, but your mind will be across the country, and your heart is flying around the world. You are likely to be making plans for travel even if you are not traveling right now.




    You have a startling idea that can help you boost shared income, investments, or pay down debts. A male partner or associate could help you turn this idea into tangible assets that you can use to build a tidy nest egg for the future. Don't go shopping unless you are buying for the future.




    The people calling you today really aren't interested in you just for your mind. You have other ample assets to put into play. You may be able to wheedle some extra free time out of your boss - do so, especially if you are single. Sports events are great places to meet new people.




    You have the ability to take action and dramatically improve your life, heath, or working conditions. You may not be able to take immediate action if the issue is the office, but you can at least start working on your battle plan. You are the vision of the Sacred Warrior today.




    You'll have a lot more energy today, likely as a result of some good friends and fun you have planned. There is an opportunity for you to improve your personal status as a result of the people you know. Keep an open mind when invited to support a new charity.


    Have a great day!

  • September 5, 2010---------Daily Horoscope




    If there is a disagreement about a child's education or extracurricular activities today, you may come out the "winner" if you stick to your guns. But that could cause problems in other areas of your family life. Compromise and you can prevent resentment from developing.




    Your family members, loved ones or relatives may gripe about the amount of time you spend working, but they have no complaints about spending the proceeds. You just may have to point that out to them today. You may be surprised and gratified when the response is one of sheepish apology.




    A lover or partner will help you come to terms with some changes in your life involving communication, study, documents, legal matters or education. A short trip could be much more challenging than you counted on, though. Plan ahead for possible detours.




    You are working on some financial issues today when a sudden idea that changes things dramatically. You have a psychic or intuitive flash that brings in a wild idea to your mind, and may have to take action at the last minute to take full advantage of it.




    You may be overly focused on the way other people react to you today. Don't forget that other people may not be thinking about you when they make their judgments or reactions, they are reacting from their own background, childhood or experiences.




    Your instincts are not good today, and you are off your game where it comes to communicating your ideas. Better if possible to allow another member of your team to speak, especially where it comes to creative projects or new and radical ideas.




    You may have to help a friend overcome feelings of depression or sadness today. The best advice is to help them find some way to give to others. By sharing giving, they will get their mind of their problem, and you will both feel better about yourselves.




    Career challenges are the focus right now. Your responsibilities keep piling up, and all you can think about right now is getting away from it all. Keep in mind that this is likely to be a temporary state of affairs. Don't make any hasty decisions today.




    This is a great day to explore new ideas. If you are not already reading one of those wordy self-help hardback tomes, drop by the library and check out the self-improvement section. Pick a wild topic that doesn't really apply to you - you may learn something unexpected.




    You may find that you have a difficult time focusing or concentrating on any issue involving healthcare or daily chores. Investments, shared resources and disputes surrounding religious differences are possible. Your family members will have answers.




    Your love life could be a little complicated today. Your family or in-laws seem to have this idea that they run your life, and you are just along for the ride. You can deflect this idea with a little good-natured humor, patience, and some determination to make your own way.




    The office politics will be interesting today, but the battle could get deadly if the territory turns to the gender wars. It is a good idea to stay focused strictly on business. A friend may call up with some exciting news that proves soothing.




  • September 6, 2010




    A friend of yours has a serious authority figure complex and you may have to give them some tough love to snap them out of some serious self-pity. Trust your intuition if you are not sure what to say. Even if they resist your advice, they are listening.




    There is a sudden interest in health care or wellness treatments indicated in your chart today. A family member could come to you for help or advice, or vice versa. You will benefit from the wisdom of the older people in your family right now.




    This may be a day of mixed messages. You need to be careful what you say to others because you may accidentally end up telling the wrong person the truth of what you think about them, then come to regret your honesty when you see their reaction.




    The money seems to be coming in and going out equally fast today. While you find yourself at odds with friends, companions and associates, you also find that there are some people who are interested in your ideas. You have some challenges that bring opportunities.




    Would you treat others the way you are treating yourself today? Would you call them down the same way you do yourself? If you think you need this kind of self-talk to motivate yourself, ask yourself how well it works on others. Cut yourself some slack, give yourself credit for your accomplishments.




    You need to walk your own path today. You are still down in the dumps about someone else's worries. A sudden flash of insight may help you cope with your knowledge of their trouble, but they are still going to have to dig out of their troubles on their own.




    It might be best if you avoided friends and stuck to family today. A dramatic and tense situation in your career is really a huge opportunity for you to show your leadership skills. You will be called upon to resolve a disagreement where you yourself feel conflicted and uncertain of what is right.




    You have a problem with a coworker that can be resolved today with a little creativity, patience and charm. Avoid any political or social topics over the lunch table. If you want to keep the peace, stay to the topics you know are safe - like the schedule for the latest project.




    You have so many thoughts running through your mind today that you are hard pressed to tell anyone which is your first priority. You are also acting and thinking impulsively. So if a friend or companion gets on your nerves right now, count to ten before you say anything.




    You may be facing something of a spiritual crisis at times today, but take heart. The challenges you face in dealing with a new world view are preparing you for a much more rewarding understanding, a better connection with your spiritual source.




    Your relationships to loved ones are under some challenging aspects today. You won't be at your most patient, and you need to remember that others may be feeling the same way. Take a deep breath, count to ten, get some chamomile tea and keep your sense of humor handy.




    That new hobby or pass time that you are interested in should not be fodder for discussion at the watercooler for some reason. Someone may feel that a person in your position should have more "corporate" interests. They are dead wrong, but you have a reputation to consider.

  • September 7, 2010




    If you have been waiting for a good day to ask for a raise, this is the day you are most likely to get up the courage. The outcome is not guaranteed, but you can get a lot farther than you may think if you focus on how much you have accomplished.




    The day for playing is today, but you will be best to focus on "edu-tainment" rather than pure diversions. If you go for a movie, make it one that is more of a documentary than a drama. Find ways to challenge your mind in enjoyable settings. You could be buying up a storm at the local bookstore.




    Your family is about to surprise you in some way today. An unexpected financial or investment opportunity could open the door to home ownership for someone who had thought this was an impossible dream. You may be celebrating mutual good fortune this evening.




    You may have an opportunity to be published today. Whether you are writing the next "War and Peace" or a simple letter to the editor, people are interested in what you have to say. You may spend too much time double-checking your thoughts and over-editing yourself, though.




    Good financial news will boost your spirits. If you are employed in the arts, you may hear of a new financial opportunity that gives you a chance to showcase your talents. You are likely to have good luck finding bargains while shopping today.




    You are the center of attention today, people will be extremely interested in hearing what you think or have to say. You have an opportunity to make new friends, to expand your social circle, and to reconnect with friends and family far away.




    Your intuition will provide you with the solution to a loved one's medical or emotional troubles. You have wonderful warm energy and terrific ideas, don't be afraid to share them - even if you have to force some unsolicited advice on a reluctant "patient".




    You are drawn to interesting and unusual new people right now. You may make friends with others who have musical or creative talents, or who show a high degree of interest in the spiritual arts and meditation. An old friend may confess a drug problem, though.




    You may have an interesting opportunity to make more money or to boost yourself up a rung or two on the ladder of success. You may discover some new idea or concept that has you hunting for more information on the Internet or at a local bookstore.




    A friend or companion may inspire you to consider taking that trip you have always wanted. The money may not be there yet, but you can start dreaming an planning now, and the departure date could end up coming around sooner than you think.




    You have a spiritual epiphany that could lead you to a new understanding of your traditional family religion or spiritual beliefs. You may find that a sudden opportunity unfolds in the workplace that brings in a new or better source of income.




    Your attention will turn from the workplace to your own social life. It's been a bit Spartan lately and your partner - if you still have one - will have to practically kidnap you out of the office. You'll thank them for it though, because you really do need some time off.

  • September 8, 2010




    You will want to reinvent the workplace. Your natural leadership skills will be put to the test though, as you encounter more resistance than you anticipated. You will have to build a consensus but you are impatient for immediate progress. Aggressive driving could bring disaster today, drive with extra care.




    You need some fun and you need to get out of the house - alone. By yourself. Without your big crowd of friends. Because today, they will all be acting like over-developed children, seeking your approval and guidance as the one "acting adult" in the party.




    This is not an auspicious time to start a new home-based business. You will find that zoning or other regulations could prove to be a hassle if not a nightmare. You have other financial opportunities, related to your work, most likely, that are much better in the short run.




    You may be disturbed by new or unusual elements entering your home community. Keep an open mind. New people do mean challenges sometimes, but there could be blessings in the lessons they can teach you. You may be pounding on the wall of a noisy neighbor if you live in an apartment today.




    Your finances could be a bit tight today and a friend who wants to go out and have some fun may not understand the limits of your pocketbook. You may not be able to explain the practical realities to them because they are so wrapped up in their own headspace.




    You may be in the mood for a total makeover, but it would be a good idea to talk it over with your partner if you are married. If you are single, it's possible you could meet someone new and unusual in a hair salon or at the mall while shopping for a new wardrobe.




    You will find that your intuition brings mixed results right now. You are going through a period of changing attitudes about spiritual beliefs and concepts are not fully formed in your mind. For now, keep an open mind, and don't expect others to "get it" right away.




    A friend wants to drag you out for a little playtime, and you don't want to go. You'd rather stay at home and pound away at your world domination plans, thinly disguised as a resume or business plan. But if you are single, giving in and getting out could have side benefits you had not expected.




    You have an opportunity to turn a challenging moment at work into an opportunity for financial gain. You will not be able to rely on your usual working partners for help today - stick to your own plans and have backup plans in place in case you have to count on someone who doesn't show for an important meeting.




    If you are not traveling soon, it may be time to head back to school. You are thinking about a major long-term commitment to improve your education and expand your horizons, whether that is something formal, or something you do at home in your spare time.




    You may be facing something of a spiritual crisis at times today, but take heart. The challenges you face in dealing with a new world view are preparing you for a much more rewarding understanding, a better connection with your spiritual source.




    You and your significant other need to have a talk, but today may not be the best day for it, especially if the theme is "You have to make some changes!" You may be prone to making ultimatums and demands that prove impossible for you to keep.

  • September 9, 2010




    There are dramatic and sudden attractions today, but they lack any staying power. Frankly, it's all about sex and physical attraction, and both parties will come across as hot and sexy but a little self-centred. That may be all well and good if all you are interested in is a one-night stand, but that's not usually your style.




    The solution to a problem in the workplace relies either on additional education, or on a holistic approach that gets all the departments working together. And guess who everyone will want to take responsibility for herding all those cats in the same direction?




    If you are a parent the best thing you can do today is to take the kids swimming or to the beach for a nice long day of relaxation and recreation. You have all earned it. Don't try anything sporty or dangerous, though, someone in your family may be accident-prone today.




    If you want to smooth over a rough patch with your parents, or your partner's parents, the best way to do that is to find some gift or information related to the real problem - that long-standing medical or emotional problem of theirs. A treat of a day at a spa could work wonders on a cranky in-law.




    It's not the best day to work on legal or complicated matters involving paperwork or publishing. If you must attend to such issues make sure you double or even triple-check your work and all the fine print. There will be a lot of fine print to go through.




    You could have some money coming in soon, but it may be a good idea to keep that little bit of news to yourself right now. If someone calls you sniffing around for information about your finances you may find it prudent to have a handy way to change the subject.




    If someone in your family challenges your choices or motivations today, it is likely because they believe that you have been spending too much time in self-indulgent pursuits lately. Well, you do deserve a few treats now and then. Do not let any criticism get to you right now.




    You might want to consider having one of those "quiet days" where you talk only when necessary. Because you will have this incredible tendency today to say exactly what you think, and that may not go over too well, particularly with siblings and close friends.




    Friends and family may be at odds with each other. Both want into your pocket, and both think the "other side" is getting too much. Maybe they are all getting too much, eh? Take yourself out for a treat - alone - and let them all stew a little.




    You really want to sneak out of the office early today and you could have an unlikely co-conspirator - an older coworker, or even your boss. You are both fed up with office politics and splitting early, if you can manage it, might be a good idea.




    Older drivers may be a challenge to your patience today. Pay attention if you start to feel that road rage coming on. You can't afford to annoy someone on the road - you may give the finger to someone you later find out you know, and you'll never hear the end of it.




    You want to take immediate action on a savings or investment plan right now, but your ideas may not be fully formed. Make sure that you know where you are, and where you want to go, before you charge off into a battle plan that may not completely suit your goals.

  • September 11, 2010




    A social opportunity may also provide you with a chance to make some extra money today. You could find a way to make extra money from art, crafts, or music, or get together with others from your workplace who share your interests or hobbies.




    You could be turned down rather bluntly today if you make your interest too obvious. If you are strongly attracted to someone new, wait a while, or express yourself with some tact or subtlety, or you could find yourself being rejected. Find a way to engage your object of passion in an educational endeavor instead.




    This would be a poor day to re-install the phone system or upgrade the computer network in the office. Connections just seem to be wonky, wires get crossed, and the techies you normally count on as cool and collected are running around like maniacs.




    You are looking for some fun but your responsibilities could get in the way. You will find it easy to focus on things like paperwork, research, and communications, but hard to focus on financial concerns and issues. You are an impulsive spender today.




    Whatever it takes, get away from the extended family. Take your own brood to the theme park or movie house, but leave the in-laws and parents back at home. You can enjoy yourself on your own, or with your partner and kids, but a big family get-together today is likely to be a disaster.




    It's another day where words seem to desert you when you need them most. Just as well, because there are strong indications that you need a mental vacation if not a literal one. Spend some time in meditation or restful contemplation, it can help a great deal.




    You are likely to get into a dispute about money today. Someone may be pushing some strange or risky investment on you, and you feel the need to find safer projects, even though it looks like your workplace and career prospects are improving dramatically.




    Sudden changes or a crisis in your workplace could throw you into the spotlight, or into an unexpected leadership role with tremendous potential for advancement. But you may be your own worst enemy right now. You need to have the kind of faith in yourself that others have in you.




    You swing from one end of the mood spectrum to the other today. The reason for your changing emotions may not be outer events, but subconscious emotions triggered by past memories, smells or experiences. You can stay up if you have a creative outlet or hobby.




    You don't much feel like going out today. It is a day when you are strongly drawn to prayer, meditation or simple rest, but you may find that erratic energies make this impossible. You'll get a lot of phone calls from friends and companions who are seeking attention or time to gossip.




    You will be looking at ways to improve your career prospects, but a possible partnership could pose challenges you do not expect. Before you make any new agreements, be sure that you are certain any other parties are able to hold their own end of the deal.




    One of your favorite things is to curl up with a good book, close your doors and lock out the world for a while, and this would be a good day to do that if it's possible. For a good many members of your sign it will be. For the others, you may have to sneak in a few book moments between the chores.


  • September 13, 2010




    Serious conversations or discussions may lead you to reconsider some of your personal and political attitudes. You could end up in an argument with someone from another culture when it dawns on you that you really have to learn more about the outside world.




    A friend or companion will provide you with financial or investing opportunities but there could be strings attached. You will need to be patient if you are to learn the ways to make your money work for you so you don't need to work for your money anymore.




    Relationships are challenging today. An argument you have could be hurtful if you are not careful with your language. Try to avoid "you" - say "I feel" or "I think" instead. If you own your feelings your partner will have less to feel defensive about.




    You'll have no luck forcing your way out of a tricky work situation with an uncooperative employer or other authority figure. You'll have to come to some other solution - "Plan A" is not going to work. Ask everyone to help you brainstorm on Plan "B".




    You may be asked to lead or teach a bunch of children today. You have a life experience that their parents find valuable, or a spiritual presence they find comforting. Your own inner child is crying out for the company of young people right now.




    There are better aspects relating to home and family today. You may be considering renovations or improvements. At the same time, though, there are challenges. It could turn out that the clean-up exposes something unhealthy in your home that has to be fixed, pronto!




    It would be a good day to practice the virtue of being a good listener, because your words and ideas are apt to get you in a heap of trouble - especially with older family members. They already think they know everything, you'd only confuse them with the facts.




    Financial energies are a little weird and scattered today. You could find yourself out at the mall buying all kinds of strange tchotchkes that you later find don't go with your home decoration plans. It may be best to avoid any unnecessary expense today.




    You will need to watch your words carefully today. Someone may be jealous of your success, or has an emotional reaction with you over your values or social life. You have every right to put your foot down, but try to be diplomatic when you tell them to mind their own business.




    Flashes of insight and inspiration may not be as reliable today. Avoid acting on impulse right now. Hold back until you are sure that your actions will have the desired effect. You may have sudden insights about your spiritual beliefs or religious background today.




    This is not the best day for a big get-together with a large group of friends. Someone is apt to have something that can only be described as an emotional meltdown. Be extremely careful when offering advice and support to someone who strikes you as fragile.




    You have the potential to be a leader in the workplace, but you may have been hiding that potential because you have feared the responsibility up until now. Sudden and unexpected changes in the workplace could lead to dramatic changes in your position.

  • September 15, 2010




    You will likely be thinking about new concepts and ideas today, and may find yourself doing a lot of reading or surfing on the Internet. Be wary of an idea that seems just a little too good or too odd to be true. Remember, there are no editorial boards on discussion groups.




    Keep your hands on your pocketbook today, and if there are any last-minute sales pitches, or a bargain that has to be had "now or never", go for "never". It won't be the deal that it seems to be, especially if the sales pitch comes from someone you know.




    Your partner is not telling you the whole truth about something today. When you press them for details they get vague and uncertain. Insist on hearing the whole story. If you are going to be asked to sacrifice it is only fair you know it all.




    Now you are finding out the meaning of the phrase "Be careful what you wish for". You wanted greater structure, stability and responsibility, and now are finding out that means a lot of extra work. People may come across as confused or hyper-sensitive today.




    You are still thinking about buying that home entertainment centre aren't you? Tell you what, give it a few days and if it still makes sense then go back and have another look. Check around for better deals. You could miss a bargain if you don't look around.




    A friend may help you adjust to some challenging changes in your family. You may not like everything you have to do, but once the chores are over, you may find "it" wasn't as bad as you thought. Your friend may well point out that some things are worth compromising or sacrificing for.




    You may be tempted to take the phone off the hook today. It seems to bring in more work and challenges than you really want to deal with. Paperwork may be challenging, and the commute is likely to be a pain. Leave home early in the morning so you get where you are going on time.




    You may have to dip into your emergency fund to help someone out. There could be problems with a child's health, well-being or with a friend who has just been foolish with their money one more time. If it is the latter you may be sorely tempted to write them off.




    You have to make an important decision that can affect your most important relationships right now. Will you press forward with your own needs or make a challenging compromise? There is no right or wrong decision. If you can't decide, do what seems the hardest or more challening option.




    You are not on the planet today. You are somewhere waaaaaaaay off in outer space. You need a mental break, true, but if you don't get focused you may bounce rudely back to earth. Lucky for you a loved one is waiting back home to catch you.




    Helping a friend re-arrange, clean up or renovate their home might not be the chore you first expected. If fact, it could be not only an excellent learning experience, it could turn out to be a heck of a lot of fun! You may learn a decorating technique you can apply to your own home.




    You may have to take control or want to take control of a contentious situation today, but it will be hard to get all the participants marching in the same direction. You may be muttering epithets under your breath that contain the phrase "herding cats".


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    September 22, 2010




    Your intuition came to the rescue recently, and it's paying off in very real dividends today. You likely put a stop to someone's scam or scheme, and today you are the toast of the town. You may be able to parlay your popularity into financial opportunities.




    That "bad influence" proposes more fun today, and this time, you actually have the time, money, or energy to play along. You do deserve some playtime, and will find ways to get it without breaking the bank, or any promises to your significant other.




    You will learn of a really promising way to boost your career, make more money, or to get yourself into that promising new project you have had your eye on. You have a lot of positive energy today, don't be afraid to give your ideas a fighting chance.




    A life-altering trip is on the horizon. You may be overdue for a vacation, or have just got back from one, but your mind is going to be filled with thoughts and ideas of other cultures and peoples and this could be extremely beneficial to your well being.




    You have a chance to make some good money from an intuition, dream or premonition today. Someone could help you sort out an investment situation that has been something of a challenging puzzle. Pay attention to any sudden impulses you have - they could be lucky today.




    Relationships are changing, and that can be a challenge. Don't shy away from a confrontation with a loved one that might be upsetting at first. You could find yourself greatly enjoying the positive outcome that results from honesty and open communication.




    You may be heading for a raise or promotion. Your financial situation is improving, and your job situation is stable. That's good if you are already working - if not, you should focus your energies a bit higher up the pay scale. Don't sell yourself short.




    You could benefit from unexpected encounters with children today. They may help you get back in touch with your own inner child, or perhaps some child will say something incredibly funny, and you needed a belly-laugh. If you are a parent, expect joy and good experiences today.




    A financial issue or concerns could bring you closer together with family members. Learn to listen to the wisdom of the older women in your family or community. You may be surprised to discover how much they know.




    You may get some interesting advice or ideas about an alternative healthcare option from a friend. The two of you may be spending a lot of time together learning new things, reading books or attending lectures. Keep an open mind about a wild new idea.




    Good financial news will be seeking your attention today. You may hear of investments in your company, or a coming raise, bonus or promotion will perk up your spirits considerably. Your personal energy will be high, and you may feel anxious if you can't get some physical exercise today.




    You have to balance your need for stability with your need for excitement, and events today will give you a chance to take a leadership role in an innovative security effort. It may be nothing more than installing a home or car alarm, but it will be a noble and worthwhile goal.



  • September 23, 2010




    You have the air of the guru or creative genius about you today. You are coming across as someone who knows something dreamy, idealistic or creative. If you are employed in the arts or entertainment there could be an interesting and energetic meeting today.




    Sudden renewed interest in spiritual matters may have you heading off for a visit to your spiritual centre or bookstore. You will greatly benefit from the company even if the belief systems you are exposed to leave you a little dubious. Keep an open mind and you'll discover new horizons.




    You could make a big splash from public speaking, writing or publishing right now. Coworkers may be jealous of your success if you come across as bragging. When you announce your good news, new people suddenly find you very attractive, but old friends are likely to be jealous.




    You may be looking at a significant raise, bonus, promotion or job offer soon. Your leadership skills and ability to take on responsibility has been noticed by the boss or a significant business client, and you will be rewarded for your diligence as a result.




    Your career planning could go a lot better if you included some more education as part of your personal "business plan". Focus on boosting your knowledge of the things you love to do the most, not on the things you think you "should" be doing.




    You may find that there is a great amount of spiritual energy floating in the air today. You could experience unusual psychic or spiritual insights, or have a powerful healing encounter with a friend or loved one. Keep an open mind today, amazing things can happen.




    Are you looking for a way to impress your love partner? A sudden, spontaneous trip, a gift of a book or seminar they have wanted, anything that expands their mind or touches their soul. If you are single, you could meet someone when and where you least expect it.




    There is some truth in the notion that there are more important things in life than money. You are about to discover that in the workplace, money sometimes is just about the least important thing. There are spiritual and emotional rewards to work that may be worth more than you are being offered.




    It's a play day for you and your family. Get out into the world, get physically active, or take in a sporting event. You are likely to remember this day for a long time, so don't forget the camera. Do forget the office and your responsibilities. You deserve one day off.




    You will be strongly interested in a Summer "Tidy" today. That's sort of like a Spring Cleaning, but there are more likely to be gardens and outdoor chores in the mixture. You have an opportunity to make friends with a neighbor today. You share some similar interests.




    You may tend to be a bit of a blabbermouth today. Your mind is running on at a mile a minute and you have so much energy that it is a challenge for you to rein things in. You have wonderful ideas and terrific opportunities today but may have to slow things down a bit.




    You may have nagging doubts today, despite the energy or good financial news that permeates your chart. Put aside the doubts for the time being - they are mostly self-esteem or anxiety-caused, not based on reality. Small problems are easily overcome with patience.


  • Thank you Nan - I'm sure this takes you an age to do each day and I know I "thank you" each day but a verbal one is nice now and then.


    Thanks again.



  • September 24, 2010




    You may come across as stern, serious or depressed today. You may tend to be serious, and your partner could misinterpret this as judgement of them. Make sure you let your loved ones know how you feel. You may find out that they are far more understanding than you expected.




    You feel optimistic and pessimistic at the same time and are not sure why. People are likely to press your buttons at the strangest times right now, so it is a good idea to be as aware as possible of your own feelings and motivations. You can avoid a misunderstanding if you are patient and tolerant.




    Friends and companions could lead you into the great wilderness of temptation otherwise known as the "shopping mall" today. If you must go out together with others today, be sure to leave your credit cards at home and bring only the amount of cash you can afford to spend.




    Your energy is a little over the top today. You may feel anxious because you almost have too much physical energy. That's a good thing for your employer or clients because you can get a lot done - but be sure to slow down a little before you burn yourself out.




    Someone is going to push back if you try to share your spiritual or religious beliefs today. It is an excellent day to pursue your own spiritual goals, but not a good day to seek out fellowship, nor to share your beliefs with others. Preach only to the choir today.




    Some off the cuff comments about religion may raise some eyebrows today. Be careful how where and with whom you share such opinions. You are apt to reveal far more than what your words alone say. You may offend someone if you offer honest feedback on their parenting skills today.




    You may have some issues involving house, home or family. An adjustment to your family relationships could turn things back around in your favor. Explore your options. You may be able to make a significant difference in your love life through travel or a home move.




    This is not a good day to confront your boss about that raise you are overdue to receive. Instead, find some way to take on additional responsibilities, find a way to take care of problems that have been overlooked. You will get ahead with a more subtle approach.




    You are likely to be playing with children today, your own, or someone else's. If not, you should definitely give into the inner child screaming within you for some pure fun. Set aside whatever time you can afford for sports, movies, or time at the local park.




    This is not the best day to make big changes to your house or place of residence. If you are planning a home move, keep the boxes. Chances are good you'll be moving again soon, faster than your had planned. Buying or selling real estate could result in less financial gain than you hope.




    Those strange phone calls continue today. There is a lot of strange gossip flying around. Your social life could be a little confusing or complicated right now because everyone seems to be running around like children on an extended sugar high.




    Financial concerns could distract you. If there is nothing you can do about your money troubles or those of a friend, it may be best to think up ways to enjoy yourselves together in a place or activity where money is not required. You can go back to worrying later if you want.


  • Thank you Nan - I'm sure this takes you an age to do each day and I know I "thank you" each day but a verbal one is nice now and then.


    Thanks again.






    Thanks for your kind words and it mean a lot to me...

    as you already know how much I love this guy and his songs...

    and this one's for you!!! Someday, when we finally meet each other in person, I wish to sing this with ya...only hope we are not too old to sing...heh heh.


  • September 25, 2010




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role in your family, but the challenge will be to arrange it so that no feelings get hurt. Your relatives are likely to be a bit hypersensitive right now. The upside is they will at least be more willing to listen to your ideas.




    You may have strange and unusual psychic experiences or dreams today, but try not to read too much into them. They may not be the cosmic message they seem to be at first. In fact, they may merely distract you from more important issues at hand.




    Your friends and companions may be acting confused or uncertain today. You need to be the one to lead by example. When someone comes to you to vent or complain, just listen to what they have to say without judgement, and they will figure out the solution themselves.




    You have a sudden feeling that you must be cautious about your career or social life. Someone new has entered the scene who you have good reason to be concerned about, but you may be blowing the risks or trouble out of proportion. Be patient, things will resolve themselves.




    You may have to sacrifice financially in order to get education for yourself or for a loved one. Your mind may not be on the road today, so drive with extra caution. It may be a good idea to check the fluids and air in your vehicle, especially if you are heading into a long commute.




    You really don't want to be at work today. You'd rather be at home or out playing, or be just about anywhere else, quite frankly. You have zero patience for foolish behaviour and, unfortunately, it seems to be All Fool's Day at your office right now.




    A misunderstanding with your lover or partner could centre around your personal or sexual interests. You are a bit "out of phase" with each other today. It is not a good time to explore your deepest, darkest fantasies. Things may not go as you plan.





    You will hit something of a plateau at work today, and may find that it is difficult to get much done. This condition is very short term, and it would not hurt you to give yourself a bit of a break anyway. Don't try to push yourself too hard right now.




    A disagreement about a child today could be resolved by your charm and leadership skills. While everyone will seem tense and on edge, they really are all focused on the same positive goals. There may be chest-thumping but there is energy that can be harnessed for good.




    Don't count on family connections to bring you through any trials you encounter in personal relationships and partnerships today. In fact family connections might well be the source of your troubles. An intuitive flash will bring you just the solution you need, though.




    You may be looking into buying a new computer, cell or cordless phone today. You seem to have worn out the phone or Internet connection with many back and forth calls or emails the last little while. If you are buying a computer, get one that has a big hard drive!




    Money makes your head go round - but not the world. Not today. You may be rich or poor or somewhere in the middle, but it is your attitudes towards, and ideas about money that are being put to the test. Do your beliefs in this area really serve your best interests?

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