Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

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  • September 26, 2010




    Money, they say, makes the world go around. Today, it is mostly driving you around the bend. You are being forced to keep some good financial news secret while everyone is busy lamenting some perceived loss. You would dearly love to let everyone know the light is coming at the end of the tunnel.




    An opportunity to take a leadership role, be the boss, or control the direction of a large project is coming your way. Don't worry what others may think - if you are firm but fair, and are ready to take appropriate chances, you'll have all the support you'll need.




    Your intuition is back on target. You'll figure out what the problem was yesterday and a major blind-spot will be eliminated. You will be able to take a leadership role, and initiate action together with a family member to make an improvement in their life.




    You will share information and advice with friends today. The most likely topic of conversation will center around alternative health care, vitamins, and holistic lifestyle choices. You may be considering attending a lecture or seminar soon.




    There are some dramatic changes coming in your career plans. You will find that your daily schedule is really challenging. For some reason things seem to be changing from one day to the next, and you aren't really sure where you stand. Don't worry - there is opportunity in chaos.




    This is an excellent day for traveling, or for planning an upcoming vacation. If you can't get away for a long trip, you may be able to get away for a nice long drive into the country, or spend some time at home on the Internet or with a really good book.




    If you are looking for a way to spend time and make money consider a late-night investment class. You can make money by learning or from teaching right now so if you have a marketable skill, you might check out a local community college and see if they are looking for tutors.




    You may be tripping over your tongue today, especially when it comes to your "significant other" or a potential partner you encounter. Attractions and passions flare instantly, but beware, they may die just as quickly. Don't let yourself get too carried away, you'll want to move too fast.





    A friend or association could help you decide what to do in regards to a long-standing work-related health problem. They may merely offer assistance at home that helps you focus better on your chores or responsibilities, or take the form of a co-worker pushing for a stronger union or better contract.




    You'll have a wonderful idea for a "get away and play" event, and you could find, especially if you are single, that you are the centre of attraction all of a sudden. Your love life is heating up along with your libido. The timing is right - get out and show your stuff.




    You can take a leadership role in your family because all of a sudden, it is your contribution that is most critical to financial security. You may be considering, or have recently started a successful home-based business and juggling freedom versus security is an important consideration.




    You tend to be very slow and deliberate with your words right now. You will be extra cautious with your thinking, writing, studying, travel and driving. You may be a bit of a hazard on the road if you are overly cautious, because others may lack patience.


    Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

  • September 28, 2010




    You may find that it is a little challenging to communicate with others right now. Expect the unexpected, and keep your sense of humor handy. Those people that you can actually get a hold of will seem to be vacant, distant challenged by things outside of your control.




    It may seem you have as much money going out as coming in today. You may experience problems with communications equipment such as the Internet, telephones, fax machines and even postal communication. You may have to redo some of your daily paperwork today.




    You may be extremely impulsive, energetic and impulsive today. This is not the best day to spring for for a makeover, because you are likely to throw caution to the winds, and you could come to regret it. It's a better day to put your energies into sports or other outdoor physical activities.




    Family troubles erupt when the matriarch or patriarch figures out that you have not been following the family religious or spiritual teachings as closely as they would like. If you have slipped from "the faith" today is not a good idea to announce it to loved ones.




    Don't be afraid to speak out, even if you risk putting your foot in your mouth in front of your friends. Your insights may need to be spoken today. The status quo does need a kick in the caboose, and you are just the one to do the job. Don't be afraid of being called "old fashioned".




    Focus on having a good time today, but don't get too swept away by the celebrations. Take some time to spend with your significant other away from the extended family. There is only so much of you to go around. A creative compromise could help.




    Planning a personal get-away would go a lot more smoothly than working on a business trip right now. You may find that the roads are one gigantic mess as you make your way to and from the workplace today, but you have lucky breaks when trying to sneak away to a game or a movie.




    You have weird insights and intuitive flashes today, and your beliefs about the lifestyle or parenting choices of a friend or companion is way off the mark. Just hang onto your tongue today. You may get information tomorrow that dramatically changes your feelings.




    You and your partner both have some belt-tightening to do, but one or the other, most likely your significant other, seems determined to break the bank. You both need to sit down and hash out a working budget, before you get in over your heads.




    If there is a leadership struggle in the workplace today, be extra tactful and considerate. Don't take sides if there is a battle between the men and women, or between one male supervisor and a female supervisor. If you are one of the warring parties, listening pays.




    Someone with small, light and nimble fingers could try to pick your pocket today - literally or figuratively. If you are a parent, you are likely to get an annoying song and dance about how "everyone has one" and how life would not be complete without a some little bit of expensive fluff.




    A family dispute could leave you wondering whose bandwagon to jump on. The third option of course is to ride away on your own until the whole thing blows over. You are torn between passionate and strong feelings and complete indifference! Watch where the mood-shifts happen, they can be most instructive.

  • September 29, 2010




    You may find that you communicate with others just a little too well today. You are able to get them on the phone, and they are paying attention, but your grasp of the truth may be a little too sharp, and your delivery is a little too blunt. Be tactful even if you are asked to be frank.




    It would not be funny right now if I told you someone broke into your bank account and spent all your money on foolish presents that were not wanted by the recipients. It would be even less funny if it turned out it was you who did it! You need to keep your objectivity today.




    You have an opportunity to take on a eadership role, but there are a lot of unrevealed responsibilities or challenges that you have not been informed of. It may be prudent to take a slow approach to the offer. Spend a little more time reading or re-reading all of the fine print.




    Spirit joins body in sending you "SOS" signals today. You could have recently had a nightmare or be suffering from anxiety attacks - but it is all to wake you up and make you aware of the changes you must make to improve your life. Don't worry, you'll get the right message in time.




    Friends and companions are the pathway to new and interesting relationships, especially if you are single. You could be getting together to look into new ideas, philosophies or educational opportunities today. Alternative healthcare options could bring interesting results.




    If you have to work today you may find that people are acting a little oddly today, or that they are hard to get in touch with. You may soon have an opportunity to make extra money or to participate in some kind of investment plan.




    Disagreements and arguments over travel plans are possible today. There are potential delays along the roadway as you make your path from one place to another. You may be easily distracted or lead astray, especially if you spot a "for sale" sign.




    You have an opportunity to make money or to improve your financial future coming out of a situation that may be challenging for others. Don't spend any time wondering at the karma that put you where you are, just do your best to help and you will be rewarded.




    There are likely to be arguments about past wrongs today. Your partner and or loved ones will be feeling tense and unhappy. Remember that a lot of what they say and feel right now comes from old hurts that may have little to do with today's realities.




    You may feel that someone is challenging you based on your knowledge or skill-set today and you may be a little too sensitive. You'll come charging out like the proverbial bull in a china shop if someone suggests you don't know what you are doing.




    You could find yourself in a disagreement with a partner or close friend about their personal hobbies or upbringing of their children if you are not careful. You do have an opportunity to learn, and you might have to acknowledge that you may have been wrong about something.




    You may find yourself in the middle of a dispute between family members and other loved ones. Take out that handy mental duct tape, it's time to be silent again. It's tough for you to keep quiet in the face of raging stupidity, but you will accomplish nothing if you give into an urge to state the obvious.

  • September 30, 2010




    There are dramatic and unexpected changes to your home or family. Someone you love may be adding to or starting a new family. If you are a parent, you may hear unexpected good news about one of your children. They may have a talent for science.




    You will be learning, teaching or sharing with others today when you accidentally stumble into some profound thought. You may be able to help others by helping yourself in a lesson that involves deep compassion, forgiveness and understanding.




    You will learn interesting and helpful information that could help you improve your well being and physical appearance today. There will be phone calls and letters from loved ones, and there is likely to be a note of well-deserved praise or thanks.




    You have an opportunity to tell someone something that has been on your mind today. Your communications skills and leadership ability will put you in an enviable position. You can get a lot of paperwork cleared off your desk if you stay focused.




    Your intuition is powerful and dynamic today. You finally know just the right words or course of action, and it will be a challenge for anyone or anything that might be foolish enough to get in your way. You can get a lot accomplished right now.




    A friend or companion will bring great joy into your life. If you are single, they may choose to take you out or introduce you to someone who has strong potential to brighten your love life. If you are not single, you could have a wonderful gathering with friends soon.




    The office is tense and uncertain and for a change, you really long to escape it. You will have an opportunity to partake in some recreational activity, and you do need to get away from the rat race. An idea will come to you while you are relaxing or enjoying yourself that solves a major problem.




    It's all about learning, reading, studying and sharing today. If you really want to expand your horizons, find a way to share what you know with others through teaching, mentoring or even simply by sharing your knowledge on an online discussion group.




    You could have a major spiritual insight today that dramatically improves your life. You may have powerful dreams, prayers or visions. You will have a feeling that you know just what to do about a problem that has been troubling you for a while now.




    You have strongly romantic energies right now. If you are single, a friend may introduce you to someone, but they may just as easily suddenly confess a romantic interest in you themselves. There could be a profoundly healing and positive change in your love life.




    Your chart right now practically shouts that you need to exercise more, and you need to watch your diet. You have financial opportunities to celebrate, but if you do that with cookie dough ice cream, it will go straight to your waist line right now.




    You will really feel a strong need to take time off from personal chores and work duties to "recreate" yourself today. Plan for some time spent with sporting or playful physical activity that gets you out of the house and far away from the office.

  • October 1, 2010




    You may have job opportunities as a result of family connections. If you are looking to make a little extra money, consider a home-based business. You may arrive home this evening and find out your partner or one of the kids has committed a major neatness in the house. Not that you mind at all!




    This is the day you are finally able to justify the purchase of a technological toy or communications device, partly because of a change or update to a web site or service you have been using for some time. You may be calling others with news about shared good fortune today.




    Financial ideas that seem wild, out of place or innovative could bring you into an exciting series of opportunities. Some challenges are there to overcome, and there will have to be adjustments made in your lifestyle, but the goal could well be worth the sacrifices.




    You have big opportunities right now to broaden your personal and social horizons. You may be asked to donate your time and talents to a worthy cause that brings you into a wider circle of friends and companions. You might even bring in a buck or two!




    Your intuition is back on target. You'll figure out what the problem was yesterday and a major blind-spot will be eliminated. You will be able to take a leadership role, and initiate action together with a family member to make an improvement in their life.




    You will greatly benefit from the company of new companions, even if their strange belief systems leave you a little skeptical. Keep an open mind, explore something new and untested. It may turn out that they are not as odd as they seem to be at first.




    Daydreaming again, aren't we? That's one of your favorite pass times, but your daydreams are of epic proportions today. Put them to productive use. Dream up a way you can make a huge amount of money doing something you love and enjoy with great passion.




    You will very likely be heading out to the bookstore, shopping mall or movie theater today. You have a strong need to stretch both your physical and mental muscles. What you learn today could be extremely valuable and your high energy will be attractive.




    The real secret behind the Law of Attraction is in the power of gratitude for the here and now. Think of three things to be grateful for each day and watch your abundance grow!




    An authority figure could be lucky for you in some way. A police officer could pull you over, preventing you from a much worse delay, or a security guard stops you from entering a store just before a can of paint falls off a display. Regardless of what happens, be polite to anyone in uniform right now.




    Financial changes are coming your way as a result of positive changes in your workplace. The one challenge will be a superior's suggestion that you need to go back to school because of the new technological changes that your responsibilities will soon entail.




    You will be counting your blessings in the form of the many people who will add to the harmony and abundance in your life today. You will be in love with love, and so will everyone else. You may be overly indulgent when giving to children today.

  • October 2, 2010




    There is a family celebration coming and you are likely hearing about it or will be planning for it soon. Someone has won an award or there is a creative event coming up soon where they can showcase their special talents. If you want to have fun, take some kids outside to do some crafts.




    You will be learning, teaching or sharing some kind of musical talent or creative skill today. If you have to be on the road today, make sure to bring a lot of good music along. It can soothe your nerves, brighten your mood, and make the commute much more enjoyable.




    Financial opportunities are really good right now, so it is important to stay focused. That may be challenging right now because you are a bit mentally scattered, particularly where it comes to creative ways to make and spend your money.




    Unions, coworkers and groups of people you deal with in the workplace could bring disappointing financial news today, but you may be asked to take on a leadership role. That is good news, because while it means extra work, it also means you get to push the agenda.




    Your intuition is extremely sharp today. You have angels on conference call. Listen to the voices in the back of your mind that tell you to do small kindness for others. Something as simple as saying "thank you" to an over-worked retail clerk may work a miracle you will never know.




    You'll be getting a lot of exciting and interesting phone calls today, especially if you are interested in or involved in sports. If you are not already in some kind of team sport, someone close to you could invite you onto their team - go for it.




    A challenging, exciting, dramatic change in your career or social standing is coming, but you may have to keep it secret from family members for the time being. There may be a home move required, or there are other conditions that affect your family.




    That on again off again trip is on again, most likely due to the intervention of your significant other, who will find the means or the gumption to set things up on your behalf. If you are single, a trip, across the country, or to the local book store, could lead to a lucky moment in the history of your love life.




    You are getting incredible insights from prayer, meditation or reflection today. You are calm, insightful and have a lot of spectacular ideas. Take notes if you are not in a place where you can take action. One of these ideas is about a sure-fire winner investment.




    It's a good day to plan a future vacation together with your mate or partner. Look for opportunities that combine travel and learning. If single, you may just meet someone interesting on the daily commute, who presents a unique opportunity for your creative activities in life.




    Your workplace seems a bit dark or challenging right now, but the struggle to get changes happening is not the best battle to fight right now. Best to bide your time, to get organized, to structure your own cubicle for another time when you can reach people better.




    You'll feel playful, excited and motivated today, and can get a lot of work done. If you have children, you may hear of greatly positive changes in their lives or educational efforts. The ones you love have had some obstacles to overcome and this has made them stronger.


    Have a great Saturday everyone!

  • October 3, 2010




    You may find that there is more value in your home than you thought. It could be property values are rising, there is home equity, or, if you are renting, you may be able to negotiate a better deal in an upcoming lease renewal. There is good news from family members too, someone may be getting a new job.




    Your mind is like a sponge or the hard drive of a computer right now. You are sucking up information, and storing it away for future use. Positive changes are coming in a personal relationship. You may have to make some adjustments in how you communicate with your significant other.




    Positive but unexpected changes in your finances could come through job offers or promotions soon. You may get some extra money that will allow you to buy some pricey technological toy as a gift for your significant other, perhaps a new cell phone so you can keep in touch better?




    A massage or a day at a beauty salon may seem like an exorbitant treat, but you definitely deserve to pamper yourself a little. Take good care of your body, soul and spirit today. Be selfish. Let yourself have those little treats you have been denying yourself.




    Your intuition is telling you that it is time to take on a leadership role in your family. The theme in the zodiac for today is "creating structure and organization out of chaos". Your family will provide opportunity for chaos to manifest. It is up to you to create the order.




    You are making new friends, joining clubs, getting involved in sports, and changing your lifestyle in sudden and dramatic ways. You will find that you attract men into your life right now who have the potential to be long-term friends and associates.




    It's the house you want to escape today, especially if there are any members of the family who are a little too fond of the demon Rum. Overall though, it can be a very good day for you, because you will be offered better paying work or financial opportunities that you have long coveted.




    You will meet someone very important and interesting today. A teacher, lecturer, or expert of some kind could be lucky for you. Someone knows just what you are looking for, how to get the information you need to improve and "re-create" your lifestyle.




    You can get a lot of work done around your home today. You may be considering a new renovation or addition to your home that could add to its value. If you rent, you may be purchasing something for the home that could add to your lifestyle and personal enjoyment.




    Sudden and dramatic changes are coming in your love life. A friend or associate could introduce you to a stranger from a far-off place who either triggers renewed romance in an existing relationship, or proves to be a potential love-mate themselves.




    You can get a lot of work and chores completed today. You'll have an upbeat energy despite the fact there may be unexpected extra burdens in your way. You may hear good news concerning a medical condition. Focus on balancing the extremes in your lifestyle.




    Listen to that little voice of intuition that sends you off after an unexpected financial opportunity. Your creative skills may come to play in a project that has money-making potential. Let yourself be guided by your intuition. Dreams will be wild tonight.


    :D Have a great day everyone!!!  :)



  • I needed some good consultation today......thanks nan!!

  • October 4, 2010




    There is an amazingly good aspect in your "love and family" sectors right now - if you have been trying to start a family or add to one, now is the time to get busy with your, uhm, "expansion plans". One thing you may be overlooking is the cost, of course.




    You have an opportunity to change something about the home or workplace. Dramatic, sudden chances can actually work to your favor. The main roadblock will come in the form of a partner or an openly competitive coworker who decides their ideas are better.




    You could make new friends and meet new people today. You may be invited to join a group, club or charity. Your interest in computers or the Internet could come in handy for a group of people who get together for the primary purpose of helping others.




    Your intuition is much better today, especially where it comes to bargain-hunting and financial issues. You have profound insights about your religious or spiritual beliefs today that are making you reconsider your personal and social values.




    You've had a tense two or three days but the fog is lifting and you are able to see, think and communicate very clearly right now. The only area of stress hitting you may be some stress or work-related health issues. You can afford to pull back a bit and get some breathing room.




    Your intuition could help you resolve a sudden challenge in a way that improves your life and self-esteem. The challenge will be to accept new ideas that force you to confront some long-held anxieties or issues from your childhood or teenage years.




    You have friends or companions you could talk the night away with right now. If you are seeking to expand your circle of friends, now is an excellent time to do so. Look for people who share your religious, spiritual and personal values and interests.




    You have good energy for your career ambitions today. There are positive opportunities that you can take advantage of today. Your intuition may not always be on track though - take the time to carefully study a new proposal or job offer.




    You may find that a lecture or class is getting more interesting, especially if you are learning about alternative health care or holistic treatments. You have an opportunity to learn something that could dramatically improve your health or lifestyle.




    You're looking around for ideas for ways to make your home more livable, easily and affordably, when it occurs to you that you can upgrade some electronic toy for far less money than you first thought possible. A small investment could reap big rewards.




    Today your love aspects look a lot better, and it's likely on your own that you'll make the connections you need to. Not that meddling siblings and family members are fully happy with your choices, but they'll be happy you are at least getting out of the house.




    You may be spending some time working on resumes, paperwork or business plans that are important to your future today. You have an exciting new idea and a great deal of enthusiasm for a creative project that you want to pursue for both joy and profit.

  • October 5, 2010




    Focus your energies on chores or changes to your home today. If you spend too much time on playful entertainments or distractions, you could miss something that needs to be fixed. You might have a bigger problem later on. Don't procrastinate.




    Your family will seem wild, hyperactive, and overly dramatic today. It's a little too much like Monty Python's Flying Circus, only it's not really that funny. But it could be, and getting your sense of humor back is the key to saving your mood for the day.




    The phone, email and fax machines will be buzzing with energy today. You might find that you have unexpected interruptions, breakdowns of electronic equipment, but overall there is an upbeat, excited mood. You may find that the commute is a bit challenging, though.




    There may be financial challenges right now, but any difficulties you encounter should be seen as character-building life-lessons. You have the opportunity to take a leadership role in responding to a crisis. You have an idea for a way to make a lot of money in a big hurry, but the truth of the matter is that the project is going to be a lot harder than you think.




    You may be feeling a little tired or out of sorts today, mainly because you are in some kind of transition period. You have left one sphere of influence, but have not yet fully arrived at your destination. The best thing is to learn to accept uncertainty for the time being.




    Your intuition will help you sort out the fact from the fluff, but you will be rather frustrated with the depth and quality of the information you get right now. Half a truth is more dangerous than a lie. Be careful.




    An association, union, or perhaps even a friendly co-worker might prove to be a bit of a liability or challenge right now. It's not a good day to have confrontations in the office, but it is a good day to plan for long-term stable financial investments.




    There may be a disagreement today between you and your significant other about your career future and ambitions. You may be feeling a bit defensive, so remember to expect the unexpected, and keep your sense of humor, and an open mind.




    This is a particularly challenging day if you have to devote mental energies to study, or have to concentrate on the highway, so avoid any unnecessary travel, and put aside any intense paperwork for a day when you can stay focused on the task at hand.




    Don't let yourself get too wound up in financial or personal worries right now. You may feel you are being a little selfish being so worried about your investments when people are starving in the world, but the truth is you can't help others if you join them.




    Your relationship with friends and partners is going to be affected by old hurts or memories of childhood today. If you keep an open mind, and are willing to listen, you may find a way to turn a disappointment into a new opportunity for understanding.




    The old stick in the mud at work seems to be having something of a "bi-polar" shift at the moment. One minute they are all hot for your ideas, the next they are muttering something about the costs. What you have to show them is that the concept is practical and profitable.


    Have a fantastic day everyone!

  • October 6, 2010




    You may be frustrated today as your creative abilities are a little blocked. You might try thinking out your ideas on paper or set up brainstorming session so that you can break through. An intuition could lead you to a good shopping bargain or "found" money.




    Family members should not be sought out for support or assistance today, they will have concerns of their own, and you may interpret their busyness as rejection. You will have other sources of support and there are stellar opportunities out there for a creative project you are chasing.




    Not the best day to plan to sit behind a computer punching keys. The pesky device will seem to have a mind of its own. The rest of the scene at home is a lot more peaceful, but it might be a little dull. You may get a call from an older relative.




    Listen to your intuition, It is telling you that so-called "good deal" is really nothing but smoke and mirrors. You need to be very practical and hard-nosed with your spending decisions today, because any shiny, pretty and impractical toy can turn your head.




    That new leadership role you are thinking of assuming could turn out to have financial strings attached. You could get lucky and be voted treasurer of your favorite club, but you may also find out that the cupboard is bare, and you are the one in charge of the next fundraising drive.




    There are likely to be disappointments in some of the people you have counted on traditionally for spiritual guidance. While this may be hurtful, the ultimate outcome will be of increased wisdom and a closer connection with your Divine Source.




    You have an opportunity to turn a challenging moment between friends into a positive life-changing lesson for everyone concerned. You can show everyone an example of someone dealing with change and not just landing, but thinking on their feet.




    Today it is likely family members who are challenging you to justify your career future and ambitions. You may be tired of sticking up for your choices, so don't. Just listen. Even if they are wrong, the bottom line of the message is that they love you and want you to be happy.




    Be careful while you are out driving today, especially if you are taking your significant other along for the ride. You could be arguing or just animatedly discussing something you hear on the radio, but you may not be paying enough attention to the road.




    You may have to dip into your investment, savings or take out a credit card to cover unexpected costs related to travel, research, paperwork or education. It is not a good day to go shopping for travel books over the Internet! Avoid arguments if you can today.




    If you want to get along with your significant other today, keep the conversation away from debts, savings plans, and shared assets, especially the budget. You will both be highly sensitive on the topic of who is spending what and where.




    You may not feel you look or feel your best today, but the truth is you are just being too hard on yourself. Nothing is sexier than a smart cookie with lots of self-confidence, and if you stay focused, you'll soon be back in the swing of things.



  • I guess i better wear my seatbelt today!! Thanks Nan!

  • October 7, 2010




    There are some confusing and contradictory aspects in your workplace right now, and while you may have an occasional disagreement, it is most likely to be some kind of last-minute rush that has your coworkers in a tizzy. Treat it like an adventure, it could be fun.




    You have an opportunity to make money out of your home on some kind of craft, hobby or creative business. Your ideas to redecorate your home may be costly, but there could be long-term financial benefit in having a more attractive home.




    Your family will hold great blessings for you today. You may hear of good news, a financial windfall, a new baby, or other expansions to your home and family will bring you pleasure. Some family members are supporting you and others appear to be working against you. Force yourself to stay confident! You know your own abilities best. A little extra money could come in handy today.




    You may be out shopping for new computers, computer games or programs, cellular phones or network devices today. You have a lot of energy, are in an upbeat, positive mood, and are looking for a new digital toy or entertainment device to treat yourself.




    You have a chance to solidify your financial or career advancement, provided you don't allow your own self-doubts to get in the way today. It would be a bad day to indulge in long personal calls or allow personal business to distract you. Don't let a partner bully or push you into action you aren't ready for.




    You are the centre of attention right now. You are like a people-magnet. You may have recently done a makeover or changed your wardrobe and your new look is proving to be very eye-catching. Your love life is heating up but you have to be careful if single, you may attract some rather wild partners.




    Most encounters with police officers and authority figures are stressful, but that's not the case today. An authority figure could be lucky for you in some way. You could be invited to join a highly influential group of people, but you may have to keep your membership secret.




    A friend of yours is eager to play matchmaker, and they are seeking your cooperation. If you are not single, then the two of you may be conspiring to put together two friends who seem clueless about the fact that they are perfect together. Be patient and try not to look too eager.




    Your career ambitions are humming along nicely today. You have somehow made life simpler or more easy-going for a coworker, and they are rewarding your insight by sharing opportunities, ideas or labor resources and this could have a powerful impact on your future.




    Your mind is full to brimming with wildly innovative ideas today, but you may find it hard to get others to go along with their implementation. You can try to talk to people today but they may be too busy or scattered to listen. Be patient and keep working on your presentation.




    Trust your feelings. You may be experiencing some strange changes, doubts or insights about your religious or spiritual beliefs are leading you down a new and to you, untraveled path. You may find that your creative talents provide an unexpected spiritual outlet.




    There are both challenges and opportunities hitting your love life right now. You may find yourself surrounded with admirers, but it may be difficult to get enough time away from your career ambitions so that you can follow up on their interest.

  • Lips...thank God...yesterday is gone and today is a new day...:)

    I like your reading today...Monkey


    Your career ambitions are humming along nicely today. You have somehow made life simpler or more easy-going for a coworker, and they are rewarding your insight by sharing opportunities, ideas or labor resources and this could have a powerful impact on your future.


    Thanks for the support as always...!!! :-*

  • October 8, 2010




    Your energy remains relaxed and comfortable in the face of some upsetting challenges in the workplace today. Follow your confidence and not your insecurity, or the doubts of others. You have the skill and ideas to pull off a major coup.




    It's party time, but do be careful if there is an open bar. You could be tempted to over-indulge, or be in a location where others are doing so. Avoid getting into arguments in places where drugs or alcohol are consumed, someone is spoiling for a fight.




    It may be tempting to ask a wealthier relative for a loan, but before you do that, see if there is not some other way. You may find they are willing to help, but there are others in the picture who could make things tough with mean-spirited gossip.




    You may be asked to sign some contract or document today, but the idea is likely to go nowhere right now. You may find that it is difficult to connect with people and that your meetings are cancelled or rescheduled because everyone is scattered and their thinking is unclear.




    You may have to make sudden and unexpected changes to communications devices in your workplace today, but the challenges your face and the effort you put in could pay off handsomely in career points, perks and bonuses that might not have come to you otherwise.




    Your energy may seem to slow down today. Suddenly it is time to stop and smell the roses. You have many creative ideas and are passionate about them, but may realize that putting them into play could take a lot of long-term planning and organizational skills.



    Your subconscious mind will be flashing conflicting messages into your consciousness today. Those you feel most strongly prone to act on, the impulsive need to play at the expense of work or family responsibilities, will probably not be the most wise or beneficial.




    Only the last-minute intervention of a friend saves you from throwing the Mother of all Temper Tantrums today, and then only barely. You will find yourself wrapped up in emotions that will cry out for expression. In some ways this is a good thing - you need a good, cathartic "holler".




    You are torn between your desire to get ahead, and a sudden need to goof off and fool around. You are being asked to take on a leadership role, but don't know if you want the responsibility right now. That could change quickly - think about your long-term goals.




    You may be getting the wrong information, and that may be why you are finding it so hard to travel or communicate with others today. Slow down, don't expect so much, and be patient. People will be moody and a bit unreliable today and you will get where you want to go faster if you keep your cool.




    Talking to a financial advisor might be just what you need right now. There is a struggle between the money going to pay the "bills" and the money you want to earmark for enjoyment. You need to find a balance between your career and financial life and your love and social lives.




    You and your partner need to keep working on sorting out your "stuff" today, but you can come to a wonderfully healing understanding if you both keep open minds. Your energy may be a little lower than normal, because you are healing in some way.

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