Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • December 27, 2010




    You will have career and financial opportunities, even though some career and social events might prove challenging today. You may feel there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done, especially because the phone keeps ringing off the hook.




    Your creativity is just exploding today. If you are an artist, writer or musician, you could have an amazing opportunity to show your talents to a wider audience. You are a little intimidated by an authority figure of some kind, don't let that get in your way!




    Unusual communications could have you scratching your head today. You may wonder where all the strange and unique ideas are coming from. You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role in your community as a teacher or facilitator of new technology.




    You may be sharing some fun or entertaining educational program with a friend or companion today. You could end up playing both the role of the teacher or the student. If you are the teacher at first, pay attention to what the others say - there could be gold in their words.




    You will be focused on your work and career today, and some important dilemma may get you thinking about boosting your educational profile. You may be considering taking a class or attending evening lectures to improve your knowledge.




    You will likely be traveling with a friend, or commuting together with others today. You may be arguing about some matter of politics or some trivial issue when you have a terrific idea. If you are driving, get your pal to write it down - it may come in handy soon.




    There is a secret you are keeping today, one that could make you a lot of money if you play your cards right. You may have a partner or associate who has some inside information that will help you, but do be careful to make sure everything you do is legal.




    You and your partner have to reconnect with the things that brought you together as friends in the first place. Find ways to share your mutual interests and hobbies. If you are single, you may find that a friend or companion holds more than a friendly interest in you.




    You will likely find it hard to concentrate on your daily chores or responsibilities today, because your mind is scattered all over the map. You may find that other people seem argumentative for no reason right now, especially online.




    You may have an opportunity to take responsibility for a rowdy group of children today. Whether they are 2, 22 or 52, people around you will be fun, playful and joyful. Just make sure that everyone "goes" before you get in the car, and that they have their hats, inhalers, and special foods.




    There is something of a breakthrough moment in a family crisis today. While in some cases this may be traumatic, in all cases, it is a necessary prelude to getting help and healing for a family member who is suffering with some form of self-inflicted trauma or heartache.




    Your mental energy is stronger today, but you find it easier to focus on social obligations than on the demands of your career. You will be getting a lot of pleasant calls from friends and companions. You could be invited to a sporting event this evening.

  • December 28, 2010




    If you have any important phone calls, letters, email or paperwork to do today, remember that you are prone to Freudian Slips and subliminal faux pas today, and double-check everything carefully before you get the phone, and before that final envelope is licked, stamped and sent off out the door.




    If you are a parent, a child could be the source of unexpected expenses. You may be spending too much time or money on entertainment or distraction right now. Some quiet quality time together with your significant other doesn't have to cost that much, if anything.




    You can't seem to decide if you are joyous or miserable today, and your conflicted moods are probably reflected in the mirror. People can easily read you right now, and the "come closer ... no, stay away!" message you are giving out is confusing, though perhaps that is unavoidable.




    You have many social opportunities today but your subconscious mind is interfering with your ability to follow through on connections. This affirmation could work for you ... keep saying "I am one hot, sexy bundle of love," until you begin to believe it.




    Someone is undergoing a lot of profound and transformational experiences, and they may be having some trouble keeping up with the practicalities of life. If you want to help, throw a "freezer" potluck where everyone brings a frozen entrée for your hungry friend.




    You take a strong leadership role in career or social settings today but you tend to "steamroller" over people who do not share your views. Gender and office politics are two areas likely to bite you in the tender places today if you are not careful with your words.




    You may fear that you lack the money for a trip you have been wanting, but things could change between now and the time you set aside to go away. If you know what's needed now you can avoid new debt in the future. Plan carefully, but leave some wiggle-room in case of unexpected detours.




    Work-related investments could turn out to be less lucrative than you hoped for, and you could be frustrated with a coworker or employer who you feel is standing in your way. Be careful with your temper today as any resentment you feel may be more obvious than you'd like.




    Your love life is confusing and frustrating, and while you struggle to make sense of your friends and companions, it seems like they are doing their level best to be inscrutable. A financial or business partnership is more promising and less frustrating today.




    The workplace is going to be a little challenging today. The office politics are all about the male-female dynamic in the workplace. If you want to avoid a major power struggle, keep your own nose clean, dry and firmly stuck to the grindstone today.




    Your mind is way off in some mental theme park or something today. If you could bottle and sell your thoughts they would come in colours like Mad Magenta and Brilliant Orange. You may find that it is hard to concentrate because you have so many ideas and not enough time to write them all down.




    You can't make up your mind whether to redecorate, rebuild, or to simply give up and move to a new home. Today is not the day to make the final decision. You are too impulsive and your desires are erratic. Don't buy any major appliances or decorating supplies unless you are 100% sure of yourself.

  • December 29, 2010




    Communication confusion makes it very difficult to get much accomplished, especially if you are involved in investing or the stock market. People you deal with will seem to have developed an inability to remember basic facts and data. Truth is, a lot of them are dreaming about the weekend.




    An alternative healthcare treatment you are paying for may be costing too much. You may be drawn to vitamins or alternative health care to deal with stress-related ailments, when all you really need is more rest, relaxation, recreation and meditation time.




    You may be approached by a number of different clubs or groups who want you to help them with some kind of important paperwork, legal decision or documentation. You may be asked to take on a leadership role. There is some kind of entertainment or fundraising event to organize.




    Your intuition may lead you to alternative healthcare options, and while some may be helpful, others could have hidden dangers. Do be careful that you don't get too fixated on some herbal remedy and forget to check for possible drug or dietary interactions.




    Today you have some disagreements with a friend. You may go to them seeking advice or comfort about the "values" or investment issue that has been troubling you since yesterday, but they may be less supportive than you expect. Avoid any conversations about parenting skills or social values and children.




    A partner, business associate, perhaps an open enemy, will be in the way of some career or business plans you are making. Your creativity and charm are higher than you may give yourself credit for though, and a little creative pushiness on your part will get you through.




    You are still in power-worrier mode, but if you think back on all the times you dreamed up some scary scenario that never came to pass, you might have to have a good laugh at your own expense. Yes, there are some changes coming, but they will be more to your liking than you think, at least in the long run.




    You may be tempted to approach a wealthy friend for help with financial setbacks or an investment plan. That might not be the optimal solution it appears to be. Give things a little more time. There are hidden factors that make the idea less appealing over time.




    You may feel impatient with a loved one or partner right now, but it's not really them that is the problem - there is a meddlesome parent or family member somewhere in the picture. Talking things out could bring up an ideal way to sort out the differences.




    You need to be careful when listening to medical or health care advice, especially when it comes from so-called "alternative healthcare" practitioners. You could be sold something vaguely resembling snake-oil. Any therapeutic effect it has would likely be placebo.




    If you have to pick between the adult members of your family and the kids, you definitely want to hang with the kids. The adults will be acting like children, but they won't be near as much fun. If there is an opportunity to have a good time baby-sitting, jump at it.




    Your family members are acting a little oddly today. They want you to take on additional responsibilities, but they resent it when you fully take charge. Use your intuition to know when to move forward, and when to back off. Sometimes being a leader means letting someone else shine at the right time.

  • December 30, 2010




    Family connections could bring you into contact with the financial assistance you may be needing right now. Don't be afraid to accept help, or to use a connection provided the "wins" are mutual. You will have an opportunity to start a home-based business.




    If you want to dramatically improve your lifestyle and well-being, consider a serious upgrade to that tired old computer you have been banging on for so long. A nice new video card and some funky computer games could bring a lot of pleasure to your family.




    A family member could bring you unexpected financial opportunities. You may be a bit leery but there is gold to be mined in the wisdom of a loved one, even if you have had some ups and downs in the past. Just avoid spending too much money on entertainment and recreational plans today.




    Your family and the "family" at the office seem to be at war with each other, with you smack in the middle. It could be that way - but you have more power than you think. If you take the reins of leadership, you can turn an unpleasant situation into a serious opportunity.




    There will be unusual opportunities to connect with your loved ones and family members through shared values, beliefs, culture or religion today. You may find that your spirituality or cultural interests bring you closer together, or simply take on new meaning.




    You will meet unusual and creative new friends today. You are drawing people into your work and social life who are creative, compassionate, and politically active, even though they are not always the most practical folks on the planet. They may show signs of musical talents.




    You may be given a bigger budget to work with in the workplace, and things are looking up for your career today. Just be sure the money goes to the best possible use. You won't be at your most practical right now, and the outcome does matter.




    If you want to improve your lifestyle, career, or just broaden your mind, go online, upgrade your PC, or consider taking a computer course in the evenings. There will be exciting developments on the news about technology right now to inspire your progress.




    The challenges you have faced recently have changed your financial plans. You can now move things more quickly, and information that you need comes more smoothly, completely, and accurately. You may find doors are opening now, and things look much better.




    Your energy has gone a little wacko today, and if you are involved in a committed relationship, well, that may add a little spice to a rather dull companionship. If you are single though, you may find yourself attracted to some real odd balls.




    You may be considering investing in a new hobby. You may be considering a new team sport or outdoor activity that involves large groups of people. If you are still single, this is a good way to get around active, energetic and healthy people.




    There is an opportunity for you to get out and have some fun today together with friends or the children in your family. You want to play and have a good time. You have some wise insights about your career or financial situation, and can hunt out bargains.

  • December 31, 2010




    Family members could help you sort out a problem with your health, or perhaps it is you who ill be playing doctor. Either way, if you are on the giving or receiving end of unusual advice, it may pay to keep an open mind, especially if you are told you need to get more active.




    You may be looking at rows of computers and telephone equipment today. You want to make a better, more organized working or living space. You may find it difficult to get ideas across to others today, but it will be a valuable tay to put your thoughts in order.




    If you have taken some chances and believe in yourself enough today you could be rewarded with some amazing opportunities to increase your income potential. If you are hiding your light under the desk for fear of attracting attention, the opportunity will pass you by.




    Your spiritual intuition has always been great, but right now your energy is over the moon. At least one friend is uncomfortable with your new outlook on life. The truth is that they know they lack your vision or commitment and they fear being left behind.




    An authority figure could be lucky for you in some way. A police officer could pull you over, preventing you from a much worse delay, or a security guard stops you from entering a store just before a can of paint falls off a display. Regardless of what happens, be polite to anyone in uniform right now.




    Friends and companions will be a source of pleasure and inspiration today. You may be going out today to an entertainment event or a get-together in a large group of people who could be lucky for your social or career future in some way you didn't foresee.




    You should be whistling a happy tune today, as the financial, career, financial and investment aspects are turning in your favor. If you don't have any plans, make use of the day to meditate on and affirm your dreams and goals in life, and start working on a written plan for their attainment.




    You have an opportunity to seriously improve yourself right now. You may be considering going back to school. Taking an Internet course, or taking some kind of self-help class that will dramatically increase your knowledge and boost your confidence and self-esteem.




    Your ... joy for living, your libido, your passion for life, wink wink, is at a peak today. If you don't have a partner to share it with, you could be a little impulsive and disarming to the people you meet right now, especially those in the higher levels of your social circle.




    You may expect some sudden interest in your love life. Your friends and companions may have some wonderful suggestions for you - ask their advice. If you are single, a friend may know of someone special who would be a good fit for your lifestyle and interests.




    Some extra money is coming your way. You may be headed for a raise, bonus or promotion, because of your ability to bring people together in practical ways. You figured out how to motivate people and get them all working towards an important goal.




    You will be planning an upcoming getaway when it dawns on you that your holiday may conflict with a child or relative's scheduled sporting or entertainment events. You may be tempted to push your own desires but that could get you into hot water.

  • January 1, 2011




    Family members could be acting oddly today. You might have to deal with a loved one with a drug or drinking problem. This could be amusing or painful, but the bottom line is that someone needs help, or at least a stern talking-to. Try to be compassionate but firm.




    Keep your ears open - you could be hearing some wonderful news for or about a loved one today. Spiritual beliefs and shared values bring hearts together. If you are single, a spiritual meeting could be the place to broaden your circle of contacts.




    You are the centre of attention today, and you are happy that people are following your lead without too many troubling questions, but make sure to be a good listener. Someone, likely a friend or sibling, has some incredibly good ideas that you can profit from.




    You are focused, strongly intuitive, and full of physical energy today. You may be asked to testify or participate in an important legal matter soon. You may have to keep a secret in order to ensure that some important matter is resolved fairly.




    You need a break, and a friend or companion is going to drop by with just the ticket, a pass to a local computer show, or with the suggestion that you get out for a little fun on the town. If you are still single, look for entertainment with a "high-tech" twist.




    You may be doing a lot more reading, learning or studying today, but you will be reading with a specific goal in mind. You may be looking into alternative healthcare options, or boning up for a big work-related project with good career-boosting potential.




    You have a wonderful opportunity to boost your education today. It may be that the MBA course you wanted is now available online, or that class you wanted to take in eclectic pottery has come down in price. Something will smooth your path to a goal you have put off for far too long.




    You are re-evaluating your lifestyle today in light of changes to your personal values or investment financing. What you believe does have an effect on what you earn, and you are learning this in a challenging but interesting situation right now.




    It's going to be an extremely busy day in the history of your love life. There are good aspects as well as challenging ones. Your main trouble comes from health problems of a loved one, or frustrating career conditions that spill over into your personal life.




    If you have had some health challenges lately, you may stumble across a promising treatment today. Keep an open mind about alternative and holistic treatments. You may discover that the problem is really nothing more than stress - a spa visit could work a miracle.




    You have a chance to take a class or lessons but you may find that the hobby you are looking into has a hefty price tag, or may take more time than you have free. Double check your schedule before you plop down a wad of dough on a class you can't finish.

  • anuary 3, 2011




    There is a definite theme in your chart lately. The message is that home-based or family business is taking off - in some cases much better than you expected. Your energies are high today and if you are involved in sales you can expect a lucky and prosperous day.




    The phone will be ringing off the hook today, and if you are single, someone may be trying to get in touch with you to set up a blind date. Keep an open mind - even if they haven't been too good a judge of character in the past, they just might have picked a winner this time.




    Today you have better luck with your finances, and "high-risk" gambling may not be prudent, it's possible you could find yourself in possession of a winning ticket. It's far more lucky the "win" will be a bargain you find in the shopping mall, though.




    You will be the centre of attention today, particularly if you are single and looking for love - it seems everyone is suddenly noticing you and they find you highly attractive. This is a good time to tell a special someone what you are feeling.




    Focus your mind on your goals and desires. Picture them clearly in your mind, until you can see, feel, smell and taste them. Meditation and visualization exercises can be extremely powerful for you today. You are about to hear some good news about a creative project or talent.




    You will likely be on the phone a lot today. You have a friend or companion who is suffering from some kind of health problem and they need a shoulder to cry on. You could be a hugely beneficial and healing influence for them at a stressful moment.




    You'll be incredibly busy today, either with a full social calendar, or with unexpected but exciting career news. Your family and friends will understand the importance of a serious decision you have to make, but your love partner may have their own ideas.




    You will be doing a lot of reading, learning or studying today. Your mind is thirsty for knowledge, and you are soaking things up that will be greatly beneficial to you in the future. You could have a lot of fun while you are at it, too!




    You could be meeting with a banking official today to sort out a long-term investment or debt-repayment strategy. Look for someone older, wiser and more experienced. Avoid someone whose big flashy schemes look appealing but are much riskier than they appear.




    You'll have a romantic afternoon, with a lot of opportunities to speak with your significant other about the values, ideas and ideals you share in life. You may find that there are a few challenging moments, because change is never easy, but overall it will be incredibly rewarding. If you are single, look into a chat room or a gathering where people are expected to do a lot of talking!




    More extra money is coming your way. You will be amazed by your good luck in the workplace today. Your department could get a bigger budget, or, if you run your own business, you may find that loan you didn't expect finally gets approved. Just be careful how you spend that windfall!




    Got kids? No? Borrow some. Seriously! Your inner child is in serious need of a "playout". That's like a workout but it is a lot more fun. Find someone who could use a break from their parental duties, and borrow their kids for the evening. Movies, popcorn, video games!

  • January 4, 2011




    If you have kids it's a perfect play day. Find an indoor amusement park, take everyone out to the local pizza parlor, or send out for Chinese. It's a good day to take time off from the daily routine. You won't be motivated to do much anyway.




    You have an intuition about an elder family member. You must go and speak to them, take action on their behalf, or find some way you can help them. Your generosity and good will can work wonders right now. A little home improvement chore will make a huge difference in your lifestyle.




    If you want to make an impression on someone special, a gift of paper will be just the thing. A card, a notebook set, or some trinket thoughtfully wrapped in shiny paper will perk up their spirits and make you a memorable moment in their day.




    You will have money on the brain today and you do have some really good ideas. Write them down if you can't get started on them. You may be too busy playing chauffeur right now to be able to spend too much time on your own interests. Everyone is asking for your help getting from one place to another.




    You will be the centre of attention again today, but there is some attention that you don't really want. You may be asked to take responsibility for a child or a younger relative and you are not completely comfortable. Relax! You'll actually enjoy it if you loosen up.




    You find yourself in an introspective mood today, and can come across a lot of excellent ideas for making money, or for improving your home, residence or living conditions for a family member. Personal energy is high and you are interested in a special secret.




    You will likely be traveling or on the phone a lot today. You are an inspiration or a source of comfort to a friend in need. Look to music, art and entertainment for ideas on ways to make someone's mood swing back into the "positive" direction.




    If you are in business or investment, you may be plugging into some new kind of innovative technology that can help you move along your career path more quickly. You could be investing in a new telecommunications or computer system, or at least upgrading your old PC.




    You could be spending a lot of time reading, learning or studying about alternative healthcare options today. You have some interesting ideas that could come from loved ones, via long-distance telephone calls, or overseas via the Internet.




    Your financial future looks a lot more promising today, now that you have aired out your ideas and put them past someone with experience. The next step may involve pushing the envelope. But be careful that the hot investment you are after is not so risky.




    You are feeling a little confused or uncertain about how to approach a romantic question, and the answer lies in the old cliche "Be yourself". Speak from the heart. You may find yourself in a lucky encounter that dramatically changes your love live for the better.




    If you have been feeling a bit down in the dumps lately, today will offer you a chance to get out and shake out the kinks a bit. You may find yourself attending a holistic or lifestyle expo or taking in a class at the local health food store.


  • January 5, 2011




    You may be frustrated by unannounced changes to sporting events, recreational gatherings or activities attended by the children in your family. If you are not a parent, you may be frustrated with a new hobby that has turned out to be a lot more complicated than you expected.




    It looks like there is something of a family tug of war going on for your time and attention right now. You like to help out, to please everyone, but right now the best thing to do is to sit back and decide whether your own needs are being met or not.




    You may be at a bit of a loss for words today. If you are unable to express your own feelings, well, at least you will be a good listener today! If that is not good enough for your loved ones, agree to set aside some quality time later on when you have had a chance to think.




    Are you being totally realistic about your budget? Your chart shows that a last-minute reality check could highlight some weaknesses, just in time to prevent serious losses. Make sure you watch your spending today, especially where it comes to any device that is battery-powered.




    It may seem to you that absolutely nothing you can do would help certain people understand or respect you. So why not just go ahead and be yourself? Try to avoid getting all wound up about what other people are thinking. Spend time and energy on the things you want enjoy.




    You'll feel conflicted today, for reasons you don't fully understand. Something you know to be true seems at odds with the facts you are presented. Focus on the solution, idea, or "truth" that feels right in your heart. Don't worry too much about being "right".




    Avoid answering the phone or door today unless you are expecting company or calls - you are most likely to encounter strange or deceptive requests for charitable donations close to home. Politely refuse if you find yourself being pressured.




    An investment secret you are keeping is about to unexpectedly jump into the spotlight, so be prepared to move quickly. You may have an older friend or relative who has expertise or information that will help you make a challenging last-minute decision.




    This is definitely not an auspicious day for a long trip. If you are traveling, expect delays and encounters with unpleasant people. You will not be at your most patient or understanding either, and some of your troubles on the road could be more self-caused than you want to admit.




    If you can avoid an argument about bills, expenses, or your budget for one more day, you'll find there are better conditions, or at least that the other party will become more amenable to compromises. There are positive changes coming in your career.




    You could meet someone interesting today, but if you are single, and in search of a partner, do be careful that you don't end up bringing home someone with "excess baggage". You may find yourself attracted to someone in the healing profession, or someone with medical needs.




    There is good news in the work-finance area and stress in the work-health area. This likely means you are working too hard, and are paying for it in terms of stress related ailments like headaches or tummy upsets. Get more rest.


    Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

  • January 6, 2011




    You just want to have a good time. What could be so hard about that? Well, it could be that you are setting your standards a little too high, or you have not figured in all the costs, or the difficulty of getting where you want to go in the time you've got.




    Before you do any work on the old homestead today, be sure to bring in a reliable contractor for a second or third opinion. You may be in a big hurry to get some project completed but if you rush it the chances are excellent that you will have to do it over again.




    You'll have trouble expressing your thoughts and feelings today. You may have a friendship that is in trouble, and it is important that you sit down and talk things out. You may be surprised by the other point of view. There are secrets you'll learn that are hurtful, but will ultimately be healed.




    Your chart practically screams "impulse buyer!" right now, but sporting goods, electronics, video games and other high-tech toys you are drawn to may come with drawbacks or hidden costs you did not anticipate. Save your time and money for another day, for better bargains.




    You could be making a lot of dynamic and interesting changes to your personality, attitude or physical appearance right now. The challenge today will likely come from emotional sources. A family member could be critical, judgmental or hyper-sensitive right now, and they can only hurt your self-esteem if you let them.




    You will have a tendency to be impatient with other drivers today, and that could put you at odds with an authority figure. Do be careful not to drive too quickly - Smokey is out with his radar gun and you are the one most likely in the sights.




    Your energies are a bit erratic, especially where it comes to dealing with friends and family. Things can go from awful to amusing at the drop of a hat, so don't despair if they are all acting just a little wacko. Go with the flow of the mood swings, you might even enjoy most of it.




    Your career or social status could prove to be a challenge right now. You are frustrated that things are not moving forward as quickly as you would like. But setbacks could be a big blessing in disguise because you will later see they put you on a better path.




    Conflicts with close loved ones could have you dreaming about running away. That won't solve the immediate problem, but a vacation on your own could help your emotional state. You may be traveling for business reasons - if so, make sure all your paperwork is in order. There could be conflicts with authority figures.




    A friend or companion may ask you to join them in studying spiritual or religious interests, but be careful of buying into their ideas too quickly. There is a possibility that they really haven't seen through to the truth of their new thinking.




    There might be a bit of a dispute or argument between yourself and your partner about "values" or shared finances. You will be able to work things out to mutual satisfaction if you both keep an open mind. You might both have to work a little harder for a while.




    You may be playing nursemaid again, and this time you may be bandaging heart, spirit or soul as well as body and mind. Someone you care about is struggling with a religious or spiritual crisis and is reaching out to you for help you don't feel qualified to give.


  • January 8, 2011




    You have a feeling that you must be cautious about your daily lifestyle. Someone new has entered the workplace scene who you are concerned about, but you may be blowing their impact out of proportion. Be good to yourself, take things easy today. Get some rest time.




    You want nothing more than to toss your paperwork in the air and walk away for good, but that's not practical. What you can do is push it to the side of your desk, push the chair back, and take a long walk during break time. It could work wonders.




    Your family members may be acting a little strangely today, especially if you are one of the "family leaders". Someone has something of an authority figure problem or entitlement complex, and it is up to you to set them straight with some kind but firm guidance.




    A family member may be able to help you untie your tongue a bit, but only if you let them. You will feel torn about revealing a secret or keeping it inside. Be careful to confide only in someone who has the wisdom and maturity to be helpful right now.




    You are tempted to spend a lot of money on some flowery bit of fluff that could go out of style before you get it home. Reign in your impulsive spending today, especially where it comes to art, redecorating and hobby or crafting supplies or classes.



    You could have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role today, but you may be frustrated when others make the task more challenging than it should be. You cannot force others to see wisdom, even if it is obvious today. To get your way, you have to make them think it was their own idea.




    Flattery may work today if you want to avoid a conflict with a coworker. But make sure it is sincere, or it could come back to haunt you later on. Because once you turn them around they may be turning to you for help on a project that is more important to them than to you.




    If you want to make up with an estranged friend, buy them something sweet, pretty or buy them something creative and decorative. Friends and companions in general will seem to need cheering up today and you can help by "being there" for them.




    You tend to get yourself into arguments with authority figures today if you speak your mind, and while that may offer some satisfaction, it may also provide challenges. You won't want to compromise, but you can disagree while remaining respectful.




    You may have an opportunity to travel, but there are some unique challenges. You may have to make some personal adjustments to your schedule. You may have to reschedule a trip to the beauty parlor or salon that you booked or planned today.




    You may benefit from innovative or unusual investment advice from a family member. A sudden change in your home or real estate investments could bring financial rewards. But you could find friends are hanging around with their hands out if they hear of a windfall.




    Your partner may have some 'family troubles' today, and you can best help by staying non-judgmental and open-minded. Be a good listener. Don't try to jump right in and solve everything at once. You may raise more resistance than might otherwise be the case.

  • January 9, 2011




    It's not the easiest day for you in terms of expressing romantic emotions. There is a lot of bottled-up stuff wanting to come out, but you're not sure of yourself. Your energies are erratic, but you do have a highly creative streak today and can get a lot done.




    Don't overeat or overindulge, avoid stressful parties today. Your chart suggests that you have over-extended yourself today, and you need rest or exercise, some way to reconnect with your deepest spiritual needs. Someone my drop in with an unexpected gift today.




    Someone may introduce you to a new sport or hobby, but there are dangers. First of all, it's likely to be expensive. Second of all, you may find that it is a lot harder to master than you anticipated. You should also be careful to avoid anything too "rough and tumble".




    You could have a disagreement with a family member about your love life today. Best if you can avoid the topic, especially if you are still single. "When will you settle down!" will be the lament of choice, and worse, they may have a blind date hidden up their sleeves.




    You may have a bit of a bump in the road of life as you travel along, especially if there are older women in the vehicle. In the non-metaphoric plane, do be careful with your driving if you are having heated discussions with loved ones.




    You may want to break free of a friendship, association or a responsibility that is a drain on your pocketbook, but something is holding you back from taking the next big step. Use your personal strength today and take a stand for self-empowerment and personal growth. Trust your intuition.




    You'll have terrific physical energy today - a little too much perhaps. You may find yourself getting angry or frustrated a little more easily than usual. Make sure that your mantra for the day is "I am calm", especially where it comes to dealing with family members, relatives and authority figures.




    You may be in a bit of a quandary today, trying to decide between your desire to have some fun, with your need to set aside some money for an investment or business opportunity. It may be better to defer gratification for now. That deal could really work out.




    There are radical changes coming in a friendship or association. Someone you know is finding it difficult to live life in the "real world" and you're about to hit them with that, both barrels. While the immediate reaction may be intense, the desired result will be to bring them back to the earth.




    You have a lot of energy for your career ambitions today, but that may be a bone of contention between you and your love partner. If you are single, you need to get out more! You are spending too much energy on your work life than your love life.




    You might have to cancel that trip or vacation you were thinking about yesterday, and the most likely cause is the schedule at work. You may be asked to put aside personal goals in order to sacrifice for the "good of the team". All well and good if you truly feel it is worth it ...




    You need to focus your financial energies on paying down bills, and setting money aside for savings, but your impulses today will be to do the opposite. You will want to spend, spend, spend. That would be about the worst way to spend the day - you will find that huge bargain is no bargain.


  • January 10, 2011




    It's a hot wonderfully expansive, romantic and energetic day. People are exciting, interesting and witty. If you are single you could find the company of someone a major turn-on. Take a chance on love! You can leap over tall buildings today.




    You may be on the phone between work and home a lot today, but though there are distractions there are also opportunities. Say what is on your mind and in your heart today. Everyone will be listening to you, what you have to say will be important to them.




    You are in a mood to play and have some fun, but if you want any company, you must take on a leadership role and get everyone organized and ready to go. People will be energized and hyperactive, and will be hard to keep motivated in the same direction.




    Your intuition remains sharp, but it's your house, home or family who take the lion's share of your attention right now. You might feel moved to make improvements to or expand your home. If you are a parent, you might be considering adding another branch to the family tree soon.




    If you want to perk up your love life, call your significant other on the phone and invite them out on a last minute old-fashioned "date". Buy them a new cell phone. Or call them at lunch, "just because". They will love the sound of your voice today.




    If you are looking for a financial or business partner, you might want to hook up with a tall, dark, Scorpio type. You will have opportunities, but may not be able to manage all of them on your own. You may need to learn to delegate tasks and responsibilities to others. Trust is the big issue.




    You are definitely more energetic and your brain is laser-sharp today. Unexpected good news could come by phone or email. Someone wants you to take on some kind of leadership role. You sound, look, and act sharp today and everyone is noticing.




    Listen to your gut feel, especially where it comes to family members and relatives. You are getting a message that someone is getting a little too big for their britches, and someone else is going off on spending sprees that could impact their future well being.




    Unexpected financial challenges or changes could have you re-examining your commitment to a charity or to going out on an expensive trip with some friends. You and your significant other will be able to spend some quality time together this evening.




    You feel dreamy and idealistic, but your employer or clients may not share your enthusiasm for an idea that strikes them as "well ahead of its time". Bring your descriptions down to earth. Sell them on the practical applications, and they will come around.




    Someone may call with an unexpected offer to help you with your chores or daily tasks today. You like to be self-sufficient, but if you say "No thanks" you may deny someone of an opportunity to help someone they care about - namely you! Would that be right?




    You have too much energy to spend time contemplating your navel today, but your mind is focused on spiritual and intellectual matters. You might be better off to work out your spiritual energies at the gym rather than on a meditation mat, however.

  • Gonna be tough to get someone to snap back to the real world when the virtual world is so much fun!! But i will try.


    Thanks for the advice.

  • Gonna be tough to get someone to snap back to the real world when the virtual world is so much fun!!


    Awww,Lips...you are not kidding there(feel the same way:))


    Off the topic but have you seen Inception yet? just watched it again last night...oh how I wish I could have the power to living in a dream world sometimes! :P

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