Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 8 months ago by drtheolen
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  • December 11, 2010




    You may be extremely tempted to make some kind of investment today that you cannot afford, or that is somehow out of line with your normal values in some emotional or spiritual way. Avoid any large purchase unless it comes with an air tight warrantee.




    A romantic relationship seems to skid to a halt today, but don't worry. There are unlikely to be long-term repercussions to anything that is said or done right now, particularly in romantic or business partnerships. This is not a good day to sign partnership agreements.




    An argument or disagreement could lead to positive changes in your family life today. You have an opportunity to turn a challenging moment between loved into a positive life-changing lesson for everyone concerned, provided that you can keep your cool.




    Your obsession with sports, entertainment, recreational activities or a hobby is beginning to take over your life. Only you can decide if this pass-time is unhealthy, but a lot of people in your life are starting to say you need to broaden your horizons.




    Your family is likely to be a little off their collective rockers today. There is some kind of chaotic situation throwing them off balance. Don't offer advice unless you are asked, but if you are asked, point out that they are only getting what they asked for.




    Don't be too quick to jump to a friend's verbal defense today - you may end up falling into the trap called "The Middle". That's a place you definitely don't want to be. Listen and be non-committal. Don't offer any advice or defenses unless you are clearly invited to jump in.




    If money is involved today, consider the source before you believe anything or anybody. Even your family members cannot be counted on to be totally truthful or accurate right now. It is not that there is necessarily a deliberate deception, but people are so hyper they are willing to believe anything.




    You will be able to come to a solution that helps you sort out chronic family issues - but you may have to work hard to communicate today. If you are patient and forgiving, you will be seen as gregarious and generous. If not, you may risk coming across as a tad petulant.




    Your intuition is not so good today, and it could lead you down the garden path where it comes to herbal treatments and alternative healthcare therapies. Do be careful to check with others, to check online on the Internet, to speak to qualified medical practitioners, before you start taking something new.




    Arguments or disagreements with friends could be a good thing today. All the cards will be on the table, in full view, and the two of you can decide as mature adults whether the problems can be overcome, or whether or not it might be time to agree to part the ways.




    Outer events are a reflection of your own attitudes. So if events affecting your career aren't all going your way, simply change your mind about the situation, then watch how things start to bounce back in your favor. You can find great opportunities within old challenges.




    You are going to have to make some changes in your attitudes about cultural values. You may find yourself confronting someone from another country who shocks you into the startling realization that your culture, religion, and beliefs are not as dominant or universal as you thought.

  • December 12, 2010




    It is a challenging time for financial agreements and partnerships. If you have to sign any legal paperwork that involves your money, be sure to read the fine print carefully. You may want to re-visit some of the fine print or re-write a section or two of a contract.




    Your mate or partner may be insisting you "settle down", or vice versa. Somehow there will be issues involving commitment, stability, security and-or the children in your lives. Communication is the key - talking things out will actually help, give it a try!




    You may benefit from a confidence you hear or over-hear in the workplace today. Be careful how you use this information, because it may be clear, once revealed, that you are the source. You could have arguments with family over your career or social ambitions.




    Try to find inexpensive ways to play today, even if that means changing plans at the last minute. You could end up spending a wad of cash, especially if you have a big family. A picnic at the beach is a much better deal than that outing to the local theme park.




    You could be excused for thinking that space aliens have taken over your loved ones, especially your family members, who seem to be acting the strangest of all right now. The best thing is to keep your silence if you are not sure what to say.




    You may have to cancel a trip at the last minute today due to circumstances beyond your control. You may be able to work out a new schedule with the help of an older woman who is a lot more knowledgeable and experienced in the area of travel, research or education.




    Slow down on the spending if you want to get ahead. You really have to give them credit cards a rest, or the bills could come back to haunt you, and sooner than you think. An unexpected bargain you stumble across may look good, but don't buy any new high-tech toys on the advice of friends today.




    You may be the center of attention today, but that may not be the most comfortable place to be. Other people may come across to you as depressed or confused, and you may find that family members and loved ones seem determined to make you responsible for their moods or well being.




    You will want to get in touch with a loved one today because you have an empathic or psychic impression about them, and are worried something is wrong. Chances are good that whatever it is, it is minor and you will both have a chance to laugh about it soon enough.




    Your mate or partner is the rock in a storm you are seeking today. They will have just the words of comfort you are seeking. People you work with, and family members you live with, will be a source of arguments, disagreements and distractions right now.




    A sudden and unexpected dispute could prove to be troublesome, but it may also bring along financial opportunities. You may find yourself juggling schedules at the last minute today so that you can take advantage of someone else's dramatic mood swings. Your boss may seem a bit "bi-polar" today.




    Someone is likely to give you a taste of the "paper ceiling" today. That's the invisible barrier to upward mobility caused by the lack of educational documents. You may be considering going back to school for more structured or formal education, but it will be a big challenge.


  • December 13, 2010




    Watch your language today, you may offend someone if your comments are perceived as overly critical. You may be concerned about a loved one's health or well-being but you will have to approach them carefully if you hope to motivate them to change unhealthy habits.




    You want to make a large purchase of some kind of sporting goods or entertainment device, but if you are not careful, you could regret the purchase. Don't let yourself be talked into buying that gigantic home gym that you will never use.




    If you are looking out for opportunities to make a good impression on your partner, avoid a very tempting opportunity to ingratiate yourself with their parents. You may find that you are able to talk your way out of a bad situation, but only if you are utterly sincere.




    You have a lot of chores or responsibilities on your plate today. You may find that it is easier going if you ask a family member for help. You may be surprised to find that they are eager to help you out. Just be sure to keep the conversation light.




    Whatever you do don't buy art, entertainment, or recreational items today. You will find that the idea that seemed really hot today looks like an incredibly bad idea in hindsight. Focus your energies on work, career ambitions and social connections.




    You may be called upon by a relative to come over to help with some home repairs or renovations - but you may be better off to pay for a contractor if power tools or electricity is involved. You'll be all thumbs today and could end up making things worse rather than better.




    You may have to decide whether or not to share what you know or keep your mouth shut. It may be prudent to keep quiet until you are sure that you have all the facts straight. You have an opportunity to make a positive difference, but must be tactful.




    Be careful not to fall prey to temptation to comfort spend today, especially if you are a parent who recently gave the "I can't afford it" lecture. You don't want to be caught failing to follow your own restrictions. You may have to find a way to compromise on the family budget.




    Now is not the time to stick your neck out over a family dispute - you are likely to get it bitten right off. You might find it hard on your self-esteem to swallow your pride and quietly take an unfair tongue-lashing, but it will be better that do you take it ... for now. Things will change.




    You may have some interesting experiences or body sensations today. Your subconscious mind is teaming up with your body to give the message that you are a body, soul and spirit, not a machine, and you need to spend some time "re-creating" yourself.




    You may find that your energy and the attitude of a friend are at odds right now. You have been through some spiritual changes and they haven't kept up with the changes in your values. You may find they are asking you a lot of challenging questions today.




    Your career is driving you around the bend right now because once again you are being asked to make changes, and you are a sign that likes the status quo to be stable. You may act rashly and impulsively in an effort to get some semblance of stability but that is only making it worse.

  • December 14, 2010




    You may find yourself drawn to new books, lectures or online tutorials today, but it could be challenging to find the time you need to study them. You may have to make a compromise or trade off with your spouse or a housemate so you can get that extra time.




    You are finding that a recent spiritual or metaphysical commitment has profound implications, not just on the spiritual level, but also on the mundane. Earning a living, staying ahead of the debts, and organizing new friends and social obligations are all part of the picture.




    The battle of the sexes is on big-time today as power struggles light up your house of committed partnerships. If you are married it may be one of those days you can do nothing right. If you are single, you could find yourself dealing with someone who is impossible to please.




    Avoid the new holistic snake-oil sellers. Sure, many of the alternative medications and treatments are legitimate, but you are likely to pick the wrong one right now. Keep studying and looking for information - put off action for a few days until better information comes in.




    You have a strong need to avoid your work right now. You want to play and party, but you have someone who is playing the role of "traffic cop" in your life. This is likely an older loved one or relative who is reminding you of your responsibilities.




    It looks like the old homestead is crying out for a serious makeover. For some in your sign, that may be impossible, and you may be considering a home move. You are in the mood to tear things down right now but that may be a momentary impulse you could come to regret.




    You may get a letter or a phone call that has you adjusting some plans about your finances. You may decide to shuffle some money around for better tax or debt-reduction effect. Trust your intuition when choosing a new banker or investment advisor.




    Don't push a loved one into sudden or drastic changes in the workplace. You have financial concerns of your own to worry about right now. You may find that the plans you are making for the future will undergo dramatic changes soon. You may be able to make money from a creative or musical talent.




    If you want to look and feel better about yourself, you may have to change your lifestyle. Significant and structured changes to your diet and exercise have the ability to make a profound and positive effect on your mood, physical fitness and attractiveness right now.




    You have many social opportunities today but your subconscious mind is interfering with your ability to follow through on the connections offered through family and friends. You may be afraid of social differences that arise from differences in religion, culture or politics.




    It may seem damp and dark to you today, even if the sun is shining. That is because you are picking up on a friend's dour mood. Turn it around! Use your skills as a story-teller to perk up their mood, and you will end up brightening your own.




    Healing is the keynote of the day, and you can find both equal measures of pain and relief in your career and ambitions today. If you are feeling strongly pushed to succeed socially right now, it is likely because you are determined to overcome rejection in the past.


  • December 15, 2010




    You may be in the middle of a course of study, formal or informal, when it dawns on you that you are a little over your head. Actually, the truth is that you have been pushing yourself too hard and you could really use a break from your task.




    You are looking at some financial frustrations today. You could encounter unexpected bills, or be let down by a late or delayed payment. Be careful not to count on any cheques that are supposed to clear or arrive in the mail. Be sure you have all your money in the bank to cover your own cheques.




    You and your partner come back down to earth with a bit of a bump today. It's the practical things, the little things, like paying the bills and getting the toys you wanted for the rec room that take your attention away from the fun and romance of life.




    You may feel under the weather today, but you will push yourself ahead anyway because there is a good opportunity for money to be made. You may get into power struggles with employers or subordinates, though - if you are on the upper rung of the ladder, practice patience.




    You may have to push through some strong objections to your desires today, especially if you are making plans for the future of your children. Try to find creative ways to compromise, the success of the plans you are making depend on support from others.




    Challenges arise from an elder member of your family who has some medical issues. While you may feel that you are unfairly burdened, you will find that there is a great opportunity to build closeness and to be of true service today. That can bring incredible rewards.




    It would be a good day to practice the virtue of being a good listener, because your words and ideas are apt to get you in a heap of trouble - especially with cranky and demanding coworkers who seem to feel you are not carrying your share of the load.




    You probably have financial challenges to face right now, but never fear, you are getting closer to figuring them out. You really needed a shake-out in the daily work sector, and you will soon be jumping out of your rut in a way that will surprise everyone, including you.




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role in your family, but the challenges presented may have you thinking twice. The women in your family want you to take on more responsibility, but they may be pushing you towards a role you are not ready for quite yet.




    If you can stay focused on investment matters and money that comes to you through shared resources, you will find that your intuition works quite well today. Don't let your attention get distracted by a short-term career-related issue that can derail your focus.




    You have a friend who is undergoing a spiritual crisis or religious transformation that you find incredibly challenging. Before you get too excited, just remember that no matter what they believe, they are still the same person you always knew.




    You may have to take a bit of an ego-hit from a loved one or partner. They can see how you are not following the path of your true heart's desire, mainly because you don't give yourself enough credit. You are going to get that speech about not giving up.

  • December 16, 2010




    You could benefit in your career by making the right kind of friends. Rather than thinking of this as social climbing, think of it instead as a strategic intersection between your social life and career. There is nothing wrong with you leveraging a shared interest to mutual benefit.




    You may hear from an old friend, or are thinking about taking a trip to reconnect with friends or loved ones you haven't seen in a while. You may hear news of dramatic changes via a long-lasting long-distance phone call, letter or email.




    Your debts, savings, and investment plans look a little weird or unsettled today. You know you have to get something done, and have a good idea, but the process for putting it into place is in doubt. Some Internet scheme you have been pondering needs another re-write.




    Love and romance perfume the air around you in a heady cloud. You may not even be able to think straight today, because your passions will be in control of all your senses. You want to sit on the phone or the Internet and chat all day long, but you really do have to attend to the daily realities.




    You can really rip through your workday or home chores today. You have a huge amount of extra personal energy and you are like a runaway fright train leaving a swath of neatness and organization in your wake. Just be aware not everyone is on the same track.




    You may get a bonus of some extra time off, or a "get out of work early" card. Use the spare time if you are a parent to put in some "quality time". If you are not a parent, some "quality play time" is what the doctor ordered. Set aside a little joy for yourself.




    Sudden changes to the office may arise because of changes in your family situation. You will find that coworkers and employers are more friendly and supportive of your concerns than you thought they would be. A lot of positive changes are coming.




    You will be able to communicate your ideas and feelings more forcefully and directly today, and are likely to be much better received than the past two days, especially where it comes to close friends and siblings. You may feel a bit hyperactive today.




    There are hot financial opportunities opening to you right now. Internet businesses, sudden changes in personal finances, and opportunities to invest in creative communications technologies may be awfully tempting. Just be sure you get all the background before you sink money into a friend's hot tips!




    You are the centre of attention today. Allow people to treat you well, you deserve a little treat. Someone is eager to make an impression on you, because they perceive you, rightly or wrongly, to be an important decision-maker. You will make a good impression.




    There are strong spiritual energies in your chart today. You may feel yourself pulled between one set of goals and another as the result of challenging moral quandaries. Follow what you know to be right, no matter how difficult - you will find opportunities down that road that you might miss on an easier path.




    A friend or companion who has been acting strangely will suddenly turn around today. They will be eager to explain themselves. Sit back and listen. They may tell a wild but entertaining tale, and there are opportunities for you both to find joy together.


  • December 17, 2010




    You are happy to get out and play today. You want to put work behind you and have some fun. If you are a parent, you'll enjoy spending some time with family - but leave your parents and in-laws at home and stick to your partner and children if you don't want arguments.




    You may be asked to take on the role of teacher or educator, and you are not sure you can handle the responsibility. The truth is you are underestimating your own abilities. You don't have to know everything in order to share what you do know!




    Finances and investments are important today but so are your spiritual values. You may be re-evaluating your beliefs on a spiritual matter that involves insight, inspiration and your beliefs and judgments about human sexuality and relationships.




    Changes to your primary relationship are coming, changes that will bring rewards and opportunities to you both. Keep your eyes open for changes involving people you have worked with in the past. While some of these relationships will be challenging, the ultimate changes will be good.




    You will have a lot of extra physical energy today. Some kind of trouble could cause you some unexpected chores, but the ultimate outcome will leave things in a much better place. You could greatly benefit from a low-impact exercise like Yoga.




    If you are a parent, you will find a helpful alternative to traditional medical treatments that will help you improve the quality of life for your children. You have a chance to dramatically improve your lifestyle through reading, study or by taking a class.




    There are some beneficial energies blessing the "home, house, real estate, family and relatives" sectors in your chart today. You can expect that recent disputes will be resolved, or are more easy to deal with, especially if you have a little extra money to spread around.




    There will be a lot of phone calls today, and you may be discussing travel, vacation or a new and exciting book you are reading. Avoid topics like investments, debts and savings plans if you want to stay on the up side of your emotional roller coaster.




    Don't listen to friends or companions who put down your latest self-indulgent treatment to improve your health or wellness. You may find that the weird aromatherapy fountain or that expensive massage treatment turns out to be worth its weight in gold.




    You have an unexpected or sudden opportunity to take on a new leadership role in your community, perhaps involving some kind of children's charity. If you have been looking for a way to give to your community, think of ways you can put computers in the hands of those without.




    Use your intuition to resolve an issue of trust in the workplace today. You may find that your actions on behalf of another are beneficial to your own bottom line, even though financial gain wasn't your primary goal. You will have lots of energy today.




    If you have been a bit bored lately, pick one of your best friends and get out together to some kind of class, lecture, or seminar, preferably something fun, playful and light. If you can't find a friend who is appropriate, you may meet someone at the class.

  • December 18, 2010




    If you and your friends have been trying to find a way to make a difference in the world or in your community, look for a sports-based charity of some kind to support. Volunteer to coach Little League. Get your informal sporting team together to support a good cause.




    You are focused on your career and financial future today. You could be asked to take on new and much more structured responsibilities. An older person you work for or work with could be lucky for you right now. They know someone you need to know.




    You may be planning your next dream vacation when it hits you. You'd really like to do something more spiritually fulfilling or meaningful. You could be looking up adventure tourism or eco-tourism for a rewarding new way to spend your free time.




    Spiritual ideas and concerns take a good deal of your attention away from practical matters today. You won't feel like playing without purpose right now. Some time spent in prayer or meditation would be greatly beneficial for your well being.




    You have a strongly attractive aspect in the "mate and partner" sector. People won't be throwing themselves at you, but you are definitely putting out scent. If you are with someone, expect a hot and heavy evening. If not, get out to an art gallery opening or musical play and make it obvious you are alone.




    If you have had any health problems lately, you may hear good news about your health, get a positive diagnosis, or find an alternative treatment that works to make you a lot healthier, happier and more energetic. You could benefit from yoga or dance exercise today.




    If you are single, don't be afraid to let a friend set you up with someone you have not met - especially at the last minute today. It could turn out to be a lucky encounter for all. If you are married, there will likely be some unexpected news this morning.




    You need to find a recreational activity, sport or entertainment event that involves your whole family, and allows for some real heart-to-heart communication. Remember the old-fashioned board games? Like Monopoly? Drag them out. You may find that they work miracles on everyone's mood.




    You will be getting a lot of truly unusual phone calls, emails, faxes or letters today. Don't be surprised if people confess all sorts of strange things. You may find that there are changes in how you communicate with a family member or loved one. Someone may finally buy themselves a cell phone.




    Money makes the world go round, and you are spinning with excitement. A gamble of some kind has paid off in a good luck streak. You should not sink the life savings into a trip to a local casino today, but a little bit of intuition could lead you to an amazing "win" or "lucky find".




    The fog clears today, and not only are you thinking more clearly, you have greatly abundant personal energy. You will find that there are opportunities to meet people, make friends, and if you are single, there may be an opportunity to meet someone who could be more than a friend.




    Your subconscious mind is done with the mental hiccups and suddenly you are finding that your somewhat chaotic intuition was more right than wrong. If you are trying to sort things out, try keeping a journal for a while - the human memory is a tricky thing.


  • December 19, 2010




    Creativity, harmony and abundant attention from other people will make the day enjoyable. Your own creativity is high and you are likely to get calls from people who appreciate your abundant talents. You can make new friends today if you get out around other creative thinkers.




    You are likely working on changes to your career, and if you are seeking to make a big impact for a small amount of money, consider getting one of them new technological toys, a cellular phone or PDA. It will not only be handy, it could be a conversation piece that opens doors.




    You could make new friends or meet interesting people in bookstores, libraries and travel agencies today. You may be out researching an upcoming vacation or picking up a new book or movie at the mall today. Paperwork goes smoothly and the energy is lighter than usual.




    You are thinking about moving, selling your home, or buying real estate for investment purposes. This may involve some dramatic changes, adjustments that will be challenging but potentially profitable. There will likely be positive changes in your family too.



    Romantic attractions hit you like bolts of lightning out of the blue. You are likely to get positive responses from more than one potential partner, whether you are single or not. If you are not single, and you want to do the right thing, set up a romantic surprise for your special someone.




    You may have been worried about your health recently, but today there is wonderful news. There is an unexpected or unusual new treatment, or you may find out that things are much better than you were originally led to believe. You will feel like celebrating today.




    If you are involved in team sports, or follow a team, you could have a winning moment today. If you have children, one of the ways to brighten their lives and futures is to get them involved in a competitive team sport where they are physically active with their peers.





    You can count on more moral support today from family members, who suddenly seem aware that you love and need them. You may get a call from someone who wants to apologize for their bad behaviour of late, or who simply wants to hear the sound of your voice.




    You will be kept busy on the phone, fielding calls from friends and loved ones who want your time, presence and attention. The sudden burst of popularity won't go to your head, though. You are feeling incredibly generous and have lots of bubbly, infectious energy.




    Financial and career changes are in your favor, but you may have to make some dramatic changes in the way you communicate with those "higher up" on the ladder of success. Someone may seek out your advice on a healthcare matter today - be careful how you respond as they may take advice as criticism.




    If you want to lead, teach, study, learn and share. Focus on past hurts that you have learned from - how can you share the insights and understanding that you have learned with others who have shared similar misfortunes? The task could prove incredibly rewarding.



    Your subconscious mind is flooding your awareness with unusually creative new ideas. You practically sparkle with energy today. If you are not sure what direction to take, just draw straws, flip a coin, or pick the most fun option and get busy creating.

  • December 20, 2010




    There will be more profound changes in a friendship as a result of impulsive or rash behavior right now. Arguments with friends may be caused by differences in viewpoint that come from your personal or gender-based perspective. Keep an open mind.




    Your hopes and dreams are not dashed, they are merely on hold for a little while. Career or social ambitions remain an area of personal, inward growth, but outwardly there may appear to be little progress. This is not a good day to push yourself or to get overly ambitious, as you'll have to revisit any plans you make.




    Avoid the road if you can today, especially if you are as introspective as your chart indicates. Your mind won't be on the road. You may be too cautious or distracted and other folks aren't too patient with delays today. Don't take that cell phone call until you are safely parked.




    A friend or companion is in a heap of self-caused trouble, but they are blaming you, your other friends and even God for their woes. You may feel forced to be bluntly honest, but save that for a time when your words are not as likely to be harsh, and when they will be more receptive.




    You know what they say - "Two's company". Three is dangerous. You may have a momentary flirtation with dangerous temptation today. Avoid a world of trouble and just say "no". You won't be at your best in terms of judging people's character and could be taken in by a pair of bedroom eyes.




    You may not feel like doing housework right now, but it could actually turn out to be therapeutic. You need to get away from the big ambitions and your recent obsession with your career for a bit, and settle in for a little overdue cocooning tonight.




    You need a break today. Some time to "re-create" yourself. You have had a tense few days. So relax! Find a special way to treat yourself. Make sure to involve your significant other in the choice of what to do, or there could be a misunderstanding.




    You might try to avoid or appease a "mother figure" in your family today, but she's likely to be something of a "hard sell". You'll get the message and you will know what needs to be done, but there are some challenges, because she seems a little too determined to be unhappy right now.




    Your workplace is likely to be something of a hotbed of gossip and office politics today. You may be suffering from information overload, or from not being able to get the information that you need in order to get your work done on time.




    Be careful if you are considering making a large purchase today. All a good salesperson has to do is flash a little glamour in your eyes and you are ready to buy. You could blow a bundle on some gigantic electronic toy that it turns out you have absolutely no use for.




    It may seem like a complicated and confusing day, but there could be a lot of opportunities for personal growth and improvement if you are willing to give something new a chance. Tackle each challenge as a learning moment and you can move mountains today.




    You lack confidence in your creative skills right now, even though people are giving you the signs of approval that you have been seeking. You shouldn't worry what anyone else thinks right now - stay focused on your own personal priorities and concerns.


  • December 21, 2010




    Your subconscious mind may be playing tricks on your today. If you are a parent, you are likely questioning your "role model" status. If you are not a parent, you may be getting a lot of flack from well-meaning relatives who want to know when you will settle down.




    You may have to make a sudden adjustment to your budget because of the actions of a friend who leaves you hanging today. Your significant other has some ideas that could help you use your social connections to find a new income source, new clients or a new job.




    Your personal values and religious ideals affect your hopes, dreams, career or social ambitions. You are tempted to go for a prize that may be frowned upon by moralists in your social circle. That BMW you are lusting after may be just a little too much for their conservative hearts to bear.




    You'll need to be even more patient today than yesterday, because for some reason your ability to play diplomat or social gad-fly has temporarily deserted you. Be careful with your words today, others who are important to you could misunderstand you.




    You have an opportunity to pay down some debts or build up your savings, but you must be careful to be realistic about the hoped-for return on a risky investment. You are not being terribly realistic. Chances are it will turn out good - just not perhaps as good as you are hoping.




    Your love life is a little complicated all of a sudden. It's parental or family influences that are the most likely trouble-makers, and you will be able to break free of it by making a deal or compromise with your significant other to provide a united front.




    If you have some floating aches and pains, headache or stomach ache today, that is your body's way of saying "Hey! I need a break here!" Stress-related ailments and over-work are indicated in your chart. You need some extra rest and recreation time - cut yourself a break, you deserve it.




    Take more time out, and make sure that you treat yourself and your partner to some special alone together time. You are having a hard time juggling your career demands with the pressures of an increasingly busy and demanding social schedule.




    Someone in your family, most likely your mother or a mother figure is having a little trouble with her health. Stress is the most likely cause. If you want to help out pitch in some time to get her out of the house, or away from the father figure who is likely the source of her troubles.




    You seem to have a hard time putting your thoughts into words today. There are times when your head says one thing and your mouth seems to want to say something else. Take long breaks if you are working on any important presentation or paperwork today.




    If you find yourself over-reacting to financial challenges today, ask yourself if you are not over-identifying with what you have, instead of who you are. You need to take a step back from your job and income, and realize that you are a lot more than what you do.




    You may want to change your image and are feeling a bit frustrated because people aren't getting the message you expected. If you are patient and accepting of unusual advice, you will learn things that could greatly enhance your self-esteem and well being.

  • December 22, 2010




    You have an unexpected opportunity to make money through some kind of new technology, computers or via the Internet. You will have an innovative new idea that can take you places if you are willing to make a risky 90-degree turn in your career.




    Friends and companions will bring joy and blessings into your life. Someone is likely to call you up with good news about changes in their love life, and you could be making the gossip lines heat up with some romantic news of your own pretty soon.




    If you are looking for inspiration with your career, consider something with more creative, artistic or spiritual qualities. Yes, you want to save the world and make a difference and all that good stuff, but you are also allowed to have a good time in the process.




    Travel and commuting is more smooth and simple today. You may be planning a vacation or merely going across town to visit the relatives, but you will greatly enjoy yourself by getting away from home. You have some secret doubts but will be able to sweep them aside.




    Sudden changes in the workplace add value and resources to your assets and bottom line. Even if you are not personally in line for a raise or promotion, you'll benefit somehow from an investment in your department or sector. You may have new computer equipment soon.




    Love and romance perfume the air around you in a heady cloud. You may not even be able to think straight today, because your passions will be in control of all your senses. You will want to treat a friend or companion to something special today.




    You may have an opportunity to share your workplace with a loved one or relative today. Someone could be visiting from out of town, or it could be your employer has designated this "bring your children to work day". Or, you may be spending a lot of time on the phone calling home today.




    Your love life should be perking along nicely today. You are the "Starbucks" of love, in fact. If you are still single, you may suffer an embarrassment of riches. You may have too many suitors, and it could be a challenge to pick just one.




    Home-based business owners in your sign will find business is better than usual today, but customers may be a bit unfocused or unrealistic. A written business plan or business agreement is important if there are large dollar amounts involved in any wheeling and dealing today.




    You seem to be having mixed luck getting through to people today. On the friendship and romantic front, people are excited and interested in what you have to say - but when you get too "intellectual" on them, they zone out on you. Don't try to make anyone think for themselves today.




    You may be juggling some finances around right now because you strongly want to "get away from it all". You may need to make some significant adjustments or sacrifices in order to attain your goal. But it may well be worth it. Your health would benefit from some fresh air.




    You have some interesting thoughts and ideas today, and people are really noticing you. You may be asked to write a paper or develop a proposal, and chances are you won't have too much time to prepare. Be ready for a flurry of activity today.



  • December 23, 2010




    You will have a wonderful last minute opportunity to have some fun today. Someone may invite you to a party or a sporting event. Once there, you'll find that you are the centre of attention. Everyone seems to be eager to bask in your light today.




    You may have another dream or premonition today, but suddenly you know things are going to turn out for the better. In fact the impressions you receive today could have life-changing impact, both on yourself and others in your spiritual community.




    You will be getting a lot of telephone calls and invitations from friends who want you to get out and party, or to share a big sporting event today. You have a lot of physical energy right now and you need to find an active way to work it off together with others.




    Someone important in your social or career path may ask you to take on a big responsibility, like hosting a party. You may be reluctant at first, but the rewards could well outweigh the risks. You can do this! It will be a little extra work, is all.




    If you want to make an unforgettable impression on your love partner, try poetry. Even if you normally trip over your words, you will find the words flow smoothly. Don't worry about making it rhyme. Just say what is in your heart and commit it to paper.




    Keep an open mind about alternative healthcare options today. Someone may seem a little "preachy" but they really just are so excited about the positive changes in their life that they can't help but tell anyone who will listen about their latest new find.




    Someone is making wedding plans! Whether that is you, or someone you love, the atmosphere will be dreamy, idealistic and romantic, and for once, you won't be in the mood to fight it. You will want to treat yourself to something special today.




    You will be feeling highly energetic today. This is good for getting work, chores, and exercises done, but if you don't find a way to work off the extra physical energy, you may feel uptight, anxious or argumentative. Get out for a good brisk walk!




    If you are a parent, you will be hearing some extremely good news about one of your children today. Someone may be on their way to earning a scholarship or some kind of scholastic award. You may be in the learning mode yourself - a new hobby or craft could be therapeutic.




    You have a wonderful opportunity to build stronger relationships with your loved ones today. Family members, friends and companions will open up to you in new and positive ways. You could be frustrated with your career direction if you are not following your heart's path.




    You find that it is easier to get your thoughts across to others today. People seem to understand now what you were saying. There may be some resistance, but now their arguments at least make some sense, and there are compromises possible.




    You have an opportunity to make some extra money or save some serious cash right now. Use your intuition if you are out bargain-shopping. You will find yourself led to just the right place to pick up something you have long wanted for your home or office.

  • December 24, 2010





    Your spiritual or metaphysical interests can affect your personality, and you are about to get a lesson from a spiritual teacher or expert that profoundly changes the way you dress, care for your physical appearance, or prepare yourself for facing the word.




    You may find you have odd encounters with authority figures today. Go on the facts, on the obvious. Ask for clarification if you are in any doubt as to instructions you are given today. Your intuition is not as sharp as it was yesterday.




    If you meet someone who looks promising as a friend today, it may turn out there is some reason they may not be in your life for long. Don't take it personally if they don't call you when you expected it. There may be issues in their life that have nothing to do with you.




    This is not the best day to set up a big partnership with your boss, employer or supervisor. Instead it may make more sense to get together with coworkers, friends and companions to brainstorm ideas from the "bottom up". You could get a lot accomplished today through creative and active listening.




    You may be traveling today, but there are likely to be delays and detours. Take along a little extra money, food, and water, make sure the old jalopy is fully fueled up in order that you are not trapped in a traffic jam without the necessary supplies.




    This is not a good day to get together with friends, especially those who are not at the same income level as you. One or the other side has some expectation of financial gain or assistance, and the other has, shall we say, different priorities?




    Your love life is about to get incredibly complicated. There are so many things hitting you right now that you are hard pressed to say if you are coming or going. If you have been on your own for a while be careful of a new partner who is more or less than they claim to be.




    You will find that there are a lot of little emergencies around the home today. You might want to have an electrician on speed dial, just in case. It looks like electronic devices, computers and appliances have all picked one day to test your mettle.




    Your obsession with a hobby or creative pass-time could have potential as a career or business opportunity. You have to realize though that no matter what you do in business, most of the time you'll be selling rather than creating. If that's okay, you may have a winner.




    You may have to run out to the drug store today to stock up on some odds and ends. Someone is suffering from a cold or a stress-related illness and you need to play nurse for them. Just be sure you set aside enough time for you own needs today.




    Can you think of a good reason to have an argument? Maybe, and maybe not, but you may find yourself getting into a "War au Verbiage" today, and believe it or not, it could actually be empowering. If you normally "fight", try listening. If you normally "flee" ... then stand your ground.




    The answer to a friend's financial problems may lie in their relationship with their own significant other and not with you. They may need to have better communication with their partner about the family budget. You can pass along wisdom here from experience.

  • December 26, 2010




    There are some confusing but exciting and potentially beneficial financial opportunities floating around right now. Pick one core idea, focus on the most helpful and humanitarian aspects of that challenge, and start working your way towards greater financial independence.




    You have an opportunity to tell a friend what you really think today - don't hold back! You have wanted to tell them how you admire their strength and courage, or other good qualities, but have been afraid to speak up. They really need to hear it now.




    You may feel a bit lazy or self-indulgent today. You want to talk, read, or surf the Internet, and you may have an unexpected opportunity to escape your responsibilities for a while today. Just be careful while driving, people are a bit road-happy today.




    A friend or companion may offer to invite you to a sporting event this evening. If you are still single, this could be a good place for you to meet a potential partner. If you are already married, you may be taking your spouse along to a last-minute outing with friends.




    Your career path looks pretty promising today. You have an opportunity to move up the corporate or social ladder. Just remember, what comes up can come down, and the quality of the ride in one direction can be affected by the people you meet going the other way.




    Paperwork is the last thing you want to do today. Unfortunately, the creative or people-oriented aspects of your work will have to be put aside. Get a strong cup of java juice and hit the books. The sooner you clear up the paperwork, the sooner you can get to the fun stuff.




    You needed a bit of an astrological kick in the pants and you got one sometime between now and this time last night. You were asked somehow to define what's really important to you - what you most value in life. The answer? Look up. Waaaaaay up - for "Divine" inspiration.




    You'll have a strangely romantic, dreamy kind of day, where it may be tough to concentrate. Pay special attention to the needs and issues a romantic partner brings to your attention - you don't want to give them the impression you are not listening.




    You could benefit from joining a group, club or association that is related to your workplace in some way. It could be a union, a professional association or just a hobby club that gets together on occasion to gossip and brush up on the latest developments.




    You have been challenged to take a more active role in the health and well being of a child or loved one, and the best way to lead right now is by example. This is not a time for "Do as I say, not as I do", especially where herbs, drugs or medicines are involved.




    The funky, innovative and unusual ideas you have for renovating your home may bring unexpected rewards today. Not only is it possible that new workshop or addition to the family room will bring you good return on investment, it's likely to be a fun project too.




    You come across as a bit loopy and unreliable today. You will be distracted and easily excited, and it may be hard for you to stay focused on one topic. You are not known for running off at the mouth but you will definitely be the chatty one today.


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