Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

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  • November 25, 2010




    You will tend to be short tempered today and are likely to take things out on those closest to you. Your stress levels have you reacting a bit hypersensitively. Make sure that you watch your emotional reactions carefully today as you do not want to alienate those you care for.




    You may find that it is hard to focus on your chores and personal duties today. You mind is wandering all over the place, and you find yourself distracted by strange events, challenges and synchronicities. Avoid taking any new herbal medications today.




    Don't go traveling with close friends or in groups if you have a choice. You may find that commuters are erratic today, making sudden lane changes without signaling, cutting you off. Don't take it personally. They aren't doing it on purpose, they are just distracted and careless today.




    You and your significant other could argue this morning about your career plans or a social invitation. You may want to wait until the afternoon to try to sort it out, because it looks like you won't be going where you planned anyway. Try to avoid mixing work and pleasure today.




    If you have to travel today, try to take along a friend or companion. You could be traveling or commuting when you make a new friend, or when an existing friend suggests a fun opportunity. Just be sure that it is something you can afford, something you really want to do.




    You will have strange and unusual psychic experiences or dreams today that may raise some concerns or questions in your mind about the validity of your religious and spiritual values or beliefs. The change is powerful, but it only works if you have the ability to adjust to new conditions.




    You and your significant other need some time together but you may find that it is hard at times to "connect" emotionally and intellectually. Try for some kind of outing where you don't have to think too much, and where competition is not in the picture. Go for a bike ride not a racquetball game.




    You may have to spend money on medications or herbal remedies today. Be sure that you understand how different medications and herbs can react before you start any new treatment schedule. You will feel better if you know more about your own health.




    You need to get out and play but you really don't feel like doing much. There could be a disappointing purchase made today if you spend too much money on home entertainment, movies, or electronics. Focus instead on a little positive gossip - spread the good word about your creative accomplishments.




    Relationships will take your attention for most of the day. There may be arguments with loved ones, most likely relatives and parents, but there are good times as well, with friends and partners. Don't worry what people say or do. Their attitudes are likely to change quickly.




    You would rather spend time and energy on friends than on your work or chores right now. You may not have a lot of patience for the ideas and suggestions of others, and that could cause people to react to you in challenging, confrontational ways.




    You and your significant other may be arguing about money today. You need to get your priorities set straight and agree to a budget, but you each have different ideas of what is most important. One of you wants a big flashy toy right now and the stars say that is probably not a good idea.


  • November 26, 2010




    Money matters are more a source of joy today. While you are not likely going to be hearing from your boss today, you could soon hear of a raise. If you run your own business and are working today you can expect bigger than anticipated sales and better opportunities for bargain hunting.




    Your circle of friends and companions, or a group or club you belong to may nominate you for some kind of leadership role today. Don't be afraid to take control - you have more smarts and savvy than you give yourself credit for. You can handle the responsibility.




    You may discover that you have spiritual healing abilities. There are some wonderful books, and online information available about the art of Reiki that may appeal to you. You could be drawn to massage therapy or other forms of energy healing.




    It is time you considered expanding your social circle. This is a great time to meet new people, make some interesting new friends and explore new hobbies.




    You are thinking about getting another notch higher on the career ladder, and one way to do that might be to invest some time in the arts or entertainment interests of those in your wider social circle. Good old-fashioned networking works better with a hobby in common.




    The challenging and contradictory aspects you have recently faced have left you feeling confused and frustrated at times. But you may now more clearly see that the opportunities are real and valuable and that the hurdles you have leapt have forced you to a higher place in life.




    Big financial opportunities are heading your way, but you may be too afraid of the hard work and major adjustments they may call for. You need to sit down and re-examine your priorities. You will come up with some interesting investment ideas today.




    You may decide that you suddenly want to be left alone, and that may confuse you, since for the past while you have strongly wanted to be together with others, especially your love partner. Right now you have to deal with some confusing experiences and emotions.




    You may be attending a lot of meetings, the center-piece or chief keywords of which are "big changes". Everyone around you may be rushing around like the proverbial Mad Hatter, but even thought there is a lot of work to be done, you will be feeling upbeat.




    You need some healing and you are going to get it in the form of pure, unadulterated fun. You need to "re-create" yourself. Play, get out to the park, the spa, a local salon, and have yourself worked over. You deserve it, and there is almost no better cure for what ails you right now.




    If you are looking for a way to improve your home and enhance your family connections at the same time, consider upgrading your home computer or getting a faster Internet connection. You may be offered a tempting bargain on computer equipment today.




    A sibling or other family member could call with good news - a romance is blossoming, someone is having a baby, or there is going to be a family get-together soon. Expect good news with lots of phone calls or emails today. Music brightens your mood.

  • November 27, 2010




    Money, money, money! Get busy today, and you can make a lot of it. There will be sudden and unexpected opportunities to leverage personal connections to better your place in the rat race, and therefore build a more solid financial future for yourself.




    You are incredibly attractive today, and you will find that it is the more thoughtful people who are interested in what you think, believe or have to say. A dynamic and interesting person who has wild, radical ideas could drift across your path today.




    Your intuition is off a bit, and a friend may pull you down to earth with their rather pointed sense of humor. You will be shown that your loved ones and family really do care about you, even if they don't always take you too seriously. There are worse things than being wrong occasionally.




    A new technological tool or web site will greatly enhance your productivity. Taking some time away from your daily routine could help clear some room for exciting new ideas.




    You can clear up problems with a boss, employer or friendly authority figure today by following your intuition, and keeping the lines of communication open. You may benefit from a relationship with someone who is well connected in your social circle.




    The paperwork is starting to get cleared up and with a little help from friends or companions, you may find that there is an unexpected opportunity in the filling out of some kind of form or documentation today. Don't be afraid to ask for help.




    It's a good day to make some last-minute updates to your financial records. You may be concerned about a long-term investment but a quick check of the books will reassure you that you are much better off than you thought. Just hold off on any celebratory spending a bit longer.



    You will be highly energized and attractive today, a good combination if you are single and seeking to attract a mate. You have an air of mystery about you, and there will be good news from friends or siblings. Someone is suddenly feeling a lot more secure and happy.




    Your energy is coming back up today, and you are excited because some hot new idea has captured your imagination. You may be spending a great deal of time talking about new alternative medicines or a herbal treatment that shows great promise.




    You need a break, you have been falling into a well-worn rut lately. Let yourself play like a child. Sing, dance, play, just for the fun of it.




    If you are throwing a picnic or party today, buy extra supplies. You are likely to have more visitors than you are expecting. You may be frustrated by friends who don't RSVP, then show up - or worse, RSVP then don't show up. Cook something flexible that can be spread around if needed.




    You are enthusiastic and energetic today, and can carve a big swath through that growing mountain of paperwork on your desk today. You may be a little overly energetic at times and this could lead to arguments if you are too insistent in resisting compromises.

  • November 28, 2010




    You might find it a bit hard to focus on paperwork or documentation today. If you work in a "paper-intensive" business, make sure that you take enough time to fully understand and carefully check your work. You'll be distracted and impatient with yourself.





    Financial setbacks are likely temporary, but you are a bit hyper-sensitive to cash flow problems today, and you may risk letting a very short-term lack become a big issue in the day. There may have to be some belt-tightening, but if you are prudent and cautious that need not last forever.




    You and your significant other need to reach out to older, more mature friends who have been through the kinds of challenging that are troubling you now. You may be too wound up in your stuff to see that both of you are out of balance. If you are single, be careful of an unusual sudden attraction.




    You may be experiencing some religious or spiritual confusion today. Someone important to you has shared some spiritual or mystical experience or encounter and that may have shaken the foundations of what you believe to be "real" or "true" about life.




    friends you have made recently could bring mixed blessings right now. One offers knowledge or skills as a healer, but others are acting a little odd. It could be there has been a misunderstanding based on cultural, spiritual or religious differences.




    Social changes may be challenging today. You are frustrated with someone's unstable, erratic behavior, but it is difficult to say much because you need their help in getting to the next rung on the social ladder. Be patient, things will change when the timing is right.




    You may have an opportunity to travel or enhance your education due to developments in your workplace today. Keep your eyes open. Be aware also that you may have to juggle family responsibilities with new challenges if you want to improve your career.




    Interesting news or inside information could come to you, information that you could put to work in building up your nest egg. Just be sure you use the knowledge legally - there are risks involved, and it will pay to be fully aware of them.




    If you are single, you may risk romantic rejection today. If you are with a partner, one or the other is going to teach a lesson about acceptance, trust and emotional healing. Remember, you are who you are now, not who you were as a young and gawky pre-teenager.




    Your daily schedule may be a little challenging today. You may find that there are problems getting from one place to the next as you juggle your chores and responsibilities with those of your friends or loved ones. Take along some chamomile tea.




    You are having fun today avoiding your financial troubles, but you have to face the challenges. You may be interrupted during a game or television show by a telemarketer or the local utility company - someone wants into your pocketbook in the worst way.




    Don't count on family connections today. Any trials you encounter romance today have to be handled in private. Bring your mother into it and you will regret it. In fact, you relationship to family might even be the source of today's challenges.

  • November 30, 2010




    Family, friends, home or neighbours will be a source of both stress and joy today. An old flame or estranged friend could surface that will test you, but you'll all come through the experience a lot happier than before. You may even be able to rebuild the bridges you thought irrevocably burned.




    It's a day for long-distance phone calls, and get togethers with family, friends and siblings. Sudden and unexpected news blows the lid off some romantic secrets you have been keeping. Someone you know may be pregnant or working on getting pregnant. Don't spill the beans on their secret. Let them be the one to make the big announcement.




    Your financial interests are tied to your home, residence or family in some way today, and you may be able to locate some equity or resources that will help you get started on a home improvement project, renovation or home purchase plan. You might have to fight with someone over the details though.




    You will be the centre of attention today. You have opportunities to make friends, unexpected social encounters that boost your self-esteem and connect you in lasting ways to other people. You may hear some good news about a deal or legal agreement.




    You could greatly benefit from some time spent in prayer, meditation or relaxation exercises today. It will be a day of strange and unusual communications, calls and email letters arrive from loved ones, and there is a lot of interest in art or creative pass times.




    You may feel that your friends have let you down in some way today, and rather than holding in your feelings, it may help for you to sit back and ask yourself if you had reasonable expectations. It may be that there was some kind of miscommunication.




    Your intuition and creative skills could come together in new ways today, if you are willing to give yourself a chance, that is. Right now you are juggling work, career and family obligations, and are a little frustrated because it is all interfering with your quest for the next rung on the ladder of success.




    Overdue paperwork is flying off your desk today. You have a lot of mental energy right now, because you are looking forward to getting away for a weekend holiday or retreat. You may have to make some adjustments to your plans because of changes at home.




    You have a spiritual challenge today. You could have a disagreement or a falling out with a friend or a group of friends that brings you to a deeper and more full understanding of your spiritual beliefs, values and priorities in your daily life.




    You are hotter than the midday sun today - everyone feels the mojo you generate. You are highly attractive to potential partners, good news if you are single! If not, you may find your partnership is heating up and there is an opportunity for deeper intimacy with your spouse.




    You have a lot of energy, and can clear a lot of work or chores off your plate, provided you can stay mentally focused. That may be challenging at times, because you have so much physical energy you feel like you are bursting at the seams.




    You need to play. You may find yourself impulsively buying new home electronics and entertainment devices today. If the budget does not permit you to upgrade your home computer or TV, you might assuage the sudden urge by renting an energetic movie for this evening.


  • December 1, 2010




    Invest in yourself! A home-based business is the tool you need to cut through the glass or paper ceiling you have encountered in the "corporate" or office world. You are sick of the "Dilberts" and the drama, find a way to work, even part time from home, the challenges will be nothing compared to the rewards.




    Movie or picnic outings could be fun and entertaining, but you really need time to catch up on all the news. Someone could call from a distance with news about a loved one in the military.




    Someone has been keeping financial information secret, and you'll be glad to be informed today that there may be more money coming into your pockets soon. You may not be able to share what you learn, though, because a rival for your position or a coveted perk could threaten things.




    Your identity and social values are getting a small makeover today. It may be that you have run into someone who has the task of giving you a Divine "wake up call", or perhaps you are just suddenly bored by the same old sermon - you'll want something new and more meaningful.




    You could be acting a little foggy today, but you may be channeling the wisdom of the universe without realizing it. You could benefit greatly from meditation, prayer, and spiritual insights. Religious and spiritual issues will be important to you today.




    Your intuition about a friend or companion is dead centre on target. They are a bit stressed out and could use some fun and play time to get their head back together. You can help by finding them a fun way to express their creative energies.




    Career and social obligations bring mixed blessings today. On the one hand, you are looking at a promotion or job offer, but on the other, you have some challenges posed by investments, debts or savings plans. If you do get extra money soon, pay down debts.




    You may be traveling today, when you happen across an incredibly good bargain. You are lucky with money, travel and paperwork right now. You are not so lucky where it comes to makeovers and haircuts, they could turn out to be more dramatic or radical than you expected.




    Use the challenges you face today in spiritual or financial areas of life to power their own solutions. You may find that the solutions to the problems seem ironic in some way. It will be as though the problem comes with its own built-in answer in some way.




    You have a terrific opportunity to make friends with your partner's family. Even if you are only casually dating, it makes sense to be useful to the people closest to your partner. That oddball eccentric may be a lot more fun than you thought, too!




    You have a chance to let your boss know that you have a home life, take it. Whether you confront or hint around the issue, you need a little extra time off, and you will only get it if you speak up. You have a family member who needs more of your attention.




    A child or a young friend is looking to you for leadership. You have the opportunity to encourage or mentor someone with your own unique skills, talents or knowledge. Don't be afraid to give of your time and insight. You can make a real difference.

  • December 2, 2010




    The space aliens are still at it. Your loved ones and neighbours are acting so oddly you may sincerely wonder what planet they came from. Relax and enjoy the show. It's not often one gets free space theatre in their own back yard - and you'll want a distraction from your moody "significant other".




    Expect to be on the phone a lot today. People you know will be calling to invite you to this sporting event, that camping outing, another get together ... you may have to make some tough but ultimately pleasurable choices about your upcoming free time.




    You are going to get some money or a promotion soon. Today though, your energies are likely to be focused on getting all the chores done. You will accomplish quite a lot of work if you can avoid answering a bunch of phone calls from wordy, demanding friends.




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role today. People will find you interesting, exciting and attractive right now. Your ideas will be sharp, and your creativity and personal energy will be strong. There is a romantic energy in the air.




    Your intuition will be wild, sharp and erratic today. You could gain some amazing insights through meditation, or while surfing the Internet today. Keep an open mind, but as your thoughts will be all over the map, test any impulses you have before acting on them.




    You have an opportunity to make new friends today, and you may find that a much wider range or circle of friends will bring a lot of blessings. Don't be afraid to speak out, your quirky sense of humour may net you attention, excitement and allies.




    An older person, an official or authority figure, could help you sort out some issues in your career path, offering ideas and helpful suggestions you may resist at first as too structured or old fashioned. Have another look at these ideas - they may be golden.




    Your intuition will be on fire today, but it could be hard at times to get your wild and imaginative ideas across to others. Stay focused on getting these ideas straight in your own mind. The more organized you are with paperwork and presentations the better your chances.




    Listen to your gut feel where it comes to an investment you are considering. Going together with a large group of people, or a group of coworkers, may look promising, but there could be hidden fees or fine print you haven't considered. Investigate the details.




    If you are single, today you have an opportunity to meet someone special, with long-term potential. If you are seeing someone, you may decide to make it exclusive. If you are already in an exclusive relationship, you or your partner may be thinking of popping the question soon.




    You found the fine print, did you? A recent boost to your career turns out to have had some strings attached. You may have to give up some freedom or your spare time in order to get the bonus you wanted. Don't settle for a booby prize - renegotiations may be helpful to your cause.




    You'll have some fun in a long conversation today. A friend or sibling is in a good mood, and there will be some interesting gossip to share. You could be invited out to a concert, sporting event or get-together this evening. Romance is possible.

  • December 3, 2010




    You may be torn between responsibilities at home, and a strong need to travel or get away from it all. You are highly impulsive right now, and could wreck your economic recovery plans if you aren't careful ... sticking money into your home is far better for the long-term goals.




    You'll be doing a lot of talking and sharing of information today. Gossip may be interesting, especially when certain secrets are revealed, but be aware that others may have a personal investment in the things you believe. Double-check the facts before you act on anything secret.




    Some extra money will come your way soon, and you may be thinking about ways to spend it. It would be a better idea to spend some time thinking about ways to save or invest it. Money set aside for the future is an important and lucky theme for you today.




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role among your friends and family. You are in the middle of some kind of team-building effort. You may be getting together with friends to support a charitable effort, a sporting team or a special club.




    Trust your intuition where it comes to dealing with family members. You will have a sudden, unexpected and brilliant insight into someone's behaviors and attitudes, and that will help you connect with them in a structured, healthy and positive way.




    Friends and companions get back on "kilter" today. Everyone seems to want to help you out. But the problem this time is a lot more appealing to their sensibilities. They want to help you brighten up your love life in some new and intriguing way.




    Your career or social status changes in a positive direction today. You are feeling that things are now moving forward more quickly. Your energy is up, and you are benefiting from lucky breaks and coincidences that lead you to better opportunities.




    Financial benefits come from connections that you make in school, in book stores, or while traveling. You could be chatting someone up about the latest hot new alternative healthcare interest when you discover you both work in the same field.




    Your financial and business intuition will be dead-centre on target today. You have awesome ides. Not even Robin Hood could knock your arrows out of the sky. Follow the gut feel about a hot new investment opportunity - this one is for real!




    There are huge opportunities for you to dramatically and powerfully change your relationships for the better today. You will find that lovers, partners and even competitors start to see things your way. This is a good time to build alliances for both work and pleasure.




    Your career and financial energies look extremely good today, but remember, significant changes, even those that are good, are still stressful to most people. You are good at taking the reins of leadership but not as good at delegating authority today.




    Get prepared for some unusual but enjoyable diversions today. Someone is going to express an interest in your creative talents, or invite you to join them in a hobby you've wanted to pursue for a long time. A word of warning, though, the supplies could be expensive.

  • December 4, 2010




    You are starting to see some cracks in the family armor today. The children of the family are suffering from too much creative energy, and way too much time on their hands. You can help by communicating their needs to the responsible adults - these kids need hobbies!




    A home-based business should have two key ingredients for success - a good, solid, supportive partner, and an outstanding creative idea. A little luck and investment from third parties couldn't hurt either. You could find many of the conditions you need are coming into place.




    If you are seeking answers to a healthcare problem or an emotional hurt, reach out to your friends. Call the people who know you best, and listen to their advice, ideas and suggestions. Someone will point out something you had not seen before.




    You have an opportunity to dicker or bargain for a better deal today, and the best money-saving opportunities come with art objects, clothing, and decorations for your self or your home. Your intuition is a little off though and you are not altogether sure of yourself today.




    Someone may put you on the spot today, by forcing to take some public kudos. Be a good example to others by taking some well-meant ribbing with grace and humility. Small eyes are watching, and you have a chance to be a role model and inspiration.




    Your intuition is super-normal today. You will have insights about family members, loved ones or coworkers that could lead to dramatically improved conditions for many people in your widening circle of acquaintances. Your health may improve as a result of spiritual faith.




    If you are still single, a friend or companion could bring you a welcome opportunity today to get out, to have some fun, and to meet some new people who can brighten the romantic picture for the next while. It is a chooser's market, so take your time.



    You may be something of a flurry of activity right now, rushing from one chore to another. If you stop long enough to think, you may come up with a question about your work or career that has you considering making some drastic change for the future.




    This is an excellent day for going to the bookstore to splurge on that do-it-yourself craft book, those "how to play guitar" videos, or that boxed set of DVDs you have been wanting. You can broaden your horizons and enjoy yourself at the same time.




    You will be thinking about how you have been working for money instead of having your money work for you. Turn that equation on its head. You need to sit down with an investment advisor soon. Write down your goals and needs for retirement - you may be surprised at the opportunities you are missing.




    An argument or disagreement you had yesterday has radically transformed the way you view your partner, and things seem miraculously clear today. You know where you want to go from here now. It is a healing moment for both of you. Your friends may have been helpful.




    A new computer or electronic gadget could dramatically improve your life, but it may take a lot of time away from the practical matters you have on your plate right now. There is a lot of paperwork or studying to be done and you are spending a lot of time playing with your toy.


  • December 5, 2010




    If you are a parent, your kids could be begging for some expensive art or craft supplies today. You may be able to turn this into a valuable lesson about budgeting if you are creative in how you approach it. If you are not a parent, your love life could get complicated today.




    This is not the best day to start some major home renovations especially if you are putting in flowery, colorful decorative touches. You may find later on that your tastes or the fashions change, and it may be harder than you thought to do that faux finishing you saw on TV.



    You will wonder if you have been beamed to another planet where no one understands your language, despite the fact that everyone is speaking it. Don't sign any important papers until later in the day when the communications muddles have cleared up.




    Financial changes and challenges are likely heading your way, but don't let short-term challenges get you too flustered today. You could discover that an unexpected financial challenge leads you to someone new who could be incredibly helpful in sorting out your bottom line.




    Someone you know hits their bottom or breaking point soon, and you have a likely candidate in mind, someone close to your heart or home. If they don't reach out to you, maybe you need to reach out to them. Their challenges may be great, but you may be the only one who can help them now.




    You are pulled between radically contrary impulses today. On the one hand, you want to help people out. On the other, you would really like to tell them in rather pointed terms just how and why they have made their own bed and what they should do when they lie in it.




    A friend or companion has put you into a frustrating position, but if you are patient, the whole muddle could turn around in your favor. While you are sorting out the issues, someone will pop by with some wonderful romantic gossip or flirtatious energy that picks you up again.




    It's going to be one of those days at the office where everyone seems to be having a bad case of bi-polar disorder. If you watch closely though you will find that the moods are closely aligned with personal interests. Keep things professional - don't ask about family.




    You have somewhere to go but it seems the hurrier you are, the behinder you get. You may find that a commute or trip is all but impossible. Rush-hour traffic is likely to be a nightmare. If you have a radio station with regular traffic reports, put it on your scanning list!




    One big mistake people make when they get an unexpected windfall is to start spending at that new level of income right away. They push up their expenses and thus feel no more prosperous than they did when they were much poorer. They say when your income goes up your expenses go up, and you may see signs of that.




    Romantic signals could get a little scrambled today. Don't assume your partner can read your mind. You may tend to be a little manipulative today, and it may work, but it can also backfire. You have an opportunity to make up for some disappointment - the gift of books or travel may work.




    You may be facing some sudden challenges in the workplace because of technological glitches that are beyond your control. While everything is shooting off sparks and everyone else is going crazy, you will be finding other ways to be productive.

  • December 6, 2010




    You'll be off your game today - a bit clumsy and uncoordinated. Avoid any high-impact sports or heavy lifting, and pay strict attention to instructions given to you by people in positions of authority - you may regret some daydreaming later on.




    Your family is a little twitchy about a medical problem someone is having. They may fear that someone will not be able to make enough money to support themselves, or that the issue will come to light and reflect badly on them - but you can point out that will only happen if they refuse to help.




    Whether you are traveling around the world or across town, be careful to take extra time and care when you are driving. If you have medical issues, ensure that you are carrying any medicine you might need and that any medical paperwork is filled out in advance.




    You may be tempted to celebrate some recent wins in the game of life with some wild and expensive celebrations. Be extra careful. Self-indulgence could come back to haunt you. A simpler, more creative but frugal celebration could actually be a lot more fun.




    Do not let a short-term setback or challenge at home or in your family get to you. Your recent personal transformation is awe-inspiring, and it may be a little too much to take for someone who is used to taking your support for granted. You may be worried about security issues today.




    It's going to be a tough day if you normally do a lot of paperwork. The numbers and figures just won't want to add up. You may get a lot of benefit by seeking outside help or advice, especially if you are doing any sort of legal or accounting work. Coworkers will likely be cranky and uncooperative.




    Friends and companions have come back down to Earth today, but it's with a bit of a thud. They may come across as childish and erratic right now, but their mood has a lot to do with personal insecurity and little to do with you. Patience! They will come around eventually.




    Your mind is not on the work you have to get done today. You are at your most creative right now when you are thinking up new ways to avoid your chores. You have an opportunity to get ahead of the game, but your mind is on a sporting or entertainment event.




    If you are still single, you could find that bookstores, travel agencies, and bus terminals could all be good places to meet people, but beware that sudden attraction! It might not last very long. If you are open to a quick fling, then opportunities abound.




    You might have to decide between an investment or savings plan, and a sudden desire for a recreational get-away. Leave the decision for a day or so. Be sure you can really afford it. Don't allow yourself to be tempted by the offer of a pre-approved credit card.




    Everyone is tense, and the best way to escape is to set up an appointment for a spa, salon or to buy some movie tickets to get away from reality for a while. Pushing things, especially with your mate or family members will solve nothing right now.




    The workplace will be exciting and interesting but just a little chaotic right now. Everyone seems to have wild ideas, and they are all running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get the higher-ups to notice them. This is not the best day for new creative projects though.



  • December 7, 2010




    The workday will flow smoothly today. You could be asked to take on a leadership position, or be offered a raise or promotion, and people will be earger to cooperate with you. You get a nice, pretty feather or two to put in your corporate hat.




    If you are aching for some time off but don't know what to do, head to a local library or bookstore. You can get a lot out of new reading material right now. A new science fiction novel or even a computer "how to" manual could be just the diversion you were looking for.




    Today it is your personal relationships that prove challenging, but there are opportunities within the arguments you are likely to face today. You have a chance to learn something about the dynamics of personal relationships. Part of loving someone is learning to love their family.




    You have a wonderful opportunity to make friends today. You are attractive and are more outgoing than normal right now. People feel that they are getting to see the real you. Sporting and cultural events are terrific places to meet people and share ideas today.




    There is tons of money to be made, piles of work to do, lots of people to obey your every command. Remember, you need to share the rewards as well as the responsibilities! A friend who demands a piece of the action should be given a good chunk of the chores.




    You are feeling more comfortable in a leadership role you recently assumed, and that's because you are realizing that you don't need to make everyone like you in order to be effective. You just have to insist on respect. That's a two way street of course.




    You may benefit from the advice or mentoring skills of a strange or uniquely talented person in your social circle. If you are seeking advice, look for someone who has distinctive talents and insights, which are radically different from your own.




    If you are still single, a friend or companion could be the key to brightening your love life. If they have not already introduced you to their other single friends, ask them if they know anyone else who is looking for romance. You could meet someone at a group or club.




    A career or financial idea will keep you busy sorting out the fine print but make sure you set aside a little time for fun and relaxation while you have the time. A little music or paint to brighten up your workplace could make a positive impact on your productivity.




    You will get information on investing in real estate from someone who seems to have all the answers that have evaded your grasp. Be careful that you don't look too eager if they have financial interests that converge with your own. Double check the data they give before acting on it.




    Don't talk today. Do. Get out together, share each other's company. Enjoy your partner, body and soul. If you are single, get out of the house, take lunch outside the office, get out and be seen. A soul mate may be closer than you think.

  • December 8, 2010




    Today's challenges have to do with thoughts, ideas, paperwork and your sense of humor, which is into overdrive right now. Be careful with the jokes or wisecracks, because others may take you a little too seriously or personally at the moment.




    Today your main concern will be the spiritual growth and development of your loved ones, your mate and your children especially, if you have them. Your emotions will be strongly triggered by the need to protect those you love. You are likely worried about nothing.




    Family secrets are coming out today. Some of this is for the good. Unexpected news about someone's investment or estate planning could be in your favor. But there is also some concern about a loved one whose emotional state is somewhat erratic at the moment.




    Good news is coming in from friends or companions about an upcoming party or gathering. That may be excellent news, just in time to take your mind off some money worries or a dispute over a financial agreement that has you rather frustrated today.




    You will likely be extremely impulsive where it comes to shopping right now, and it is a good idea for you to take time to plan your purchases in advance. Leave the credit cards back at home. Stick to the budget. You will thank yourself for taking this advice in the coming days and weeks.




    Your relationships are about to undergo dramatic and powerful changes. You may be coming off as a bit strident and pushy right now, and those you are closest to could be pushing back. If you are finding people are acting more stubborn than normal, this could be the main reason why.




    Your intuition will not be too sharp today, but you may be tempted to act impulsively on it. Be careful before making any changes to long-term plans, and avoid impulsive long distance phone calls. Especially avoid calling old friends or siblings who you have outstanding issues with.




    A friend or companion could reveal a medical problem that makes some sense of their odd behaviour of late. Someone you love could confess that they are having a hard time with one of their kids. It seems like everyone is coming to you for advice today.




    The career ladder seems to be a lonely place at times today, but that is only because you have lost sight of your true priorities. You got lost in the outcome, in the politics, and have forgotten that the true value is the joy you feel in your work.




    You will find that it is pretty challenging to get from place to place today. People are cranky and confrontational on the road, and they don't seem to be paying attention to where they are going. Your attention is split too, so be careful.




    You will be impulsive where it comes to money and finances today, and while you are likely going through an over-all "upswing" you still aren't being too practical where it comes to debts, savings and investments. In the long-term the best thing you can do is pay down debt.




    If you are trying to get a handle on your love life right now, the key words for the quest are "money, values, material security". You may be feeling insecure partially as a result of something your partner says and does and partially because you are reliving a childhood insecurity.

  • December 9, 2010




    You may be disappointed when a romantic attraction does not go your way, but it may prove to be a blessing in disguise. You may not get the attention from the one you wanted at first, but that will leave room for someone or something much better to come into your life.




    Work brings some challenges today. Communications equipment is wonky, coworkers seem to be speaking another language, and the paperwork is piling up all over the place. But you really don't care, because your head is in the clouds and your heart is all a-flutter.




    You still want to play today, but you have too many options. You may be getting multiple social invitations from friends, or there are too many new movies to pick from right now. You may have to decide to flip a coin in order to settle on a choice.




    Someone in your family is looking to you for answers to a medical or health-related problem, and the alternatives you are suggesting might not be exactly what the doctor ordered. Herbs and other treatments could have unintended results today.




    This is definitely not a good time to go shopping for cell phones, computers, PDAs and other electronic or communication devices. They are likely to be the wrong model, break down easily or be more costly in the long run than you had anticipated. If you must buy these toys, get good warrantees.




    You and your significant other could have disagreements or misunderstandings about money, finances and investing today. You are likely to be on very different pages right now where it comes to what to spend, where, what on, and how much. One of you wants more than you can afford.




    People seem to be challenging your right to have your own life, never mind a few precious moments to yourself. You may find that friends and children want to take over your schedule with last-minute emergencies, challenges or their own personal needs.




    Today you are revising your thoughts and beliefs today in a serious way, and you could sweep aside your best ideas in favor of ideas that are less in your favor in the end. It is a good day to ponder your options, less so to act upon them.




    You may decide today that you want to leave some old friends behind in favor of some new people you recently met. Take your time, things may change. Right now they may all seem a bit sad or dour, but the exciting new people may not be as reliable in the end.




    You have an opportunity to climb a notch up the corporate or business ladder, but something from your past, or a family connection could be a sticking point. It may be that you feel you are not ready for the social demands of a new position.




    You are going to be wondering where your thoughts are coming from today. It may be in some rare cases that you are actually channeling, but in most cases it is just that you are experiencing old thoughts you buried that are bubbling out of your subconscious.




    You may discover today that your memories of childhood have been somewhat distorted. It is like going back to your old grade school - everything looks smaller than you remember for some reason, and the old foods you used to love seem "icky" now.

  • December 10, 2010




    Don't talk today. Do. Get out together, share each other's company. Enjoy your partner, body and soul. If you are single, get out of the house, take lunch outside the office, get out and be seen. A soul mate may be closer than you think.




    A coworker of the opposite sex could be lucky for you today. Their different point of view could be helpful in triggering an idea that is the solution to the problem you've been chewing on the past two-three days. Just in time, too, because you both needed an answer right away.




    If you want to get away from stress, get out together with the kids in your family and leave the old fuddy-duddies, the sticks in the mud and the old ball and chain at home. A couple hours in the park with your kids or a niece or nephew could make all the difference in the world.




    You are likely to have unexpected disagreements with family members today, and you need to watch your temper. There will be an opening to present a helpful compromise on the daily chores or to work together to improve your mutual health and well being.




    The phone is ringing off the hook. If you are single, your love life is heating up dramatically, and you are suddenly getting calls from all kinds of interesting suitors. Be picky today, some of them are a little wild for your normal tastes.




    Financial good fortune heats up in your chart. You might find a few hot bargains at the local flea market or computer store, but if you want to make good use of this energy, it's serious investing you want to learn more about. Trust your intuition and learn everything you can.




    Massage treatments, or a day at a spa, or a trip to an expensive beauty salon may seem like an exorbitant treat, but you definitely deserve it. Pamper yourself a little. Take good care of yourself, treat yourself today. You deserve a break.




    Mysteries of life such as love, lust, birth and rebirth will be taking your attention into the spiritual realm today. You could find yourself dramatically changing your spiritual or religious beliefs as a result of insights you gain through spiritual practices.




    A friend or companion can really open your eyes today. They may introduce you to new music, ideas, and spiritual dimensions that you may have not considered. You may be coming into contact with people and ideas that are dramatically different from those you knew in the past.




    You will have a lot of energy today for career and social aspirations but little patience for the children in your life. Your children, or the children in the community around you, may need some more "after school" activities. Can you help set up a crafting club?




    If you have the tiniest bit of the artist or writer in you, you are going to be hearing the call of your muse today. You will find that ideas come more clearly and flow more smoothly. Your ability to solve problems will be heightened, and you will be able to concentrate more clearly.




    You will be considering investing in real estate as a result of recent financial improvements. Just be sure that you have your financial house in order first. Don't get too swept away in the potential of what you are doing. Be sure there is a "cushion" to fall back on.

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