Claims said that the ad's ”Up to 10,000 jackpots every hour ..." and "up to £10,000 every hour" offering was misleading since there were actually 13 to 15 draws within 24 hours offered during peak hours to attract more players.
The ASA found that consumers playing outside of peak hours were led to believe that they had the chance to win a jackpot at any time.
“We considered that viewers would interpret the claim "every hour" to mean there would be at least one jackpot each hour, for the entire 24-hour period. We considered that the qualification "Min 13 games/day" contradicted rather than clarified the claim, and therefore concluded that the ad was misleading,” said the ASA.
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Comments (1)
leannep 05/17/15, 04:05:15 PM
Woah! I know there's gambling commissions, and various responsible advertising-groups, but I never thought anyone would actually follow up and check on this type of claim. As long as there are lots of $10,000 being given out, at least daily, there isn't really much reason to question it. I am surprised there were more...
Woah! I know there's gambling commissions, and various responsible advertising-groups, but I never thought anyone would actually follow up and check on this type of claim. As long as there are lots of $10,000 being given out, at least daily, there isn't really much reason to question it. I am surprised there were more than 10! And if it was me, based on that alone, I would decide that it was a legit claim. However, that is only as a consumer, and not as an advertising commission(er). Well, I'm glad I read this, as it will help me be a bit more assertive in being sure that I am getting what I am purchasing, and not just coasting along, like I was. Cheers.
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