Love a free offer? Then you’ll love what Buzz Bingo have cooked up this month in the no deposit required to enter section of their promotions!
If you’re a fan of casino spins and bonuses with no wagering requirements – this means keeping 100% of your winnings with no exceptions, and shopping, stay tuned as we’re about to reveal how you could win any of those absolutely free – and every single day this November!
The free daily game has been given a bit of an update with a prize more fitting to this time of the year, you know, what with Christmas on its way and all that, so instead of summer-related prizes we saw previously, we now have shopping vouchers up for grabs. Alongside those there are copious amounts of casino spins as well as that dreaded no win option. Entry is free either way so whether you win or not you will not lose a penny by entering.
Entering to win bonuses, no wagering casino spins on Slots O’Cashpots Jackpot King or £50 Love2Shop vouchers is as simple as logging into your Buzz Bingo account, launching the Shopping Bag Spinner and waiting to see if Lady Luck is in your favour! And you can repeat this every day until November 30th! All free remember!
Other Going’s On This Month
#1 – Bargain Bingo: A penny won’t get you much these days, in fact it’s not even enough to buy a “penny sweet”, but it could be enough to win you up to £100 in cash in the Buzz Bingo bargain bingo games! You can join in the penny bingo fun every day in the 5-line bingo room until 11pm to win £15 for the one-line, £20 for two lines, £27.50p for three lines, £37.50p for four lines or £100 for that full house. The 9:30pm link game features a boosted prize pot of £250 in cash!
#2 – Win Spins Bingo: Until November 22nd Wins Spins bingo in the live bingo room will be handing out casino spin prizes with no wagering requirements, plus 18 x £100 full houses! Tickets cost 10p each and casino spins will be credited to the Blue Wizard Megaways slot title.
#3 – Play For 1p Win £100: Every Tuesday and Thursday (until further notice), between 8pm and 11pm, you can play to win £100 prizes for just 1p in the link room!
#4 – In Club Member Offer: New to Buzz Bingo clubs? If so you’ll get to play for just a fiver! Find your nearest bingo venue and grab the following offers:
- 1st & 2nd Visit: All of your bingo for a fiver. This could be 6 paper tickets or 30 touchscreen tickets, the latter gives you more chances to win.
- 1st & 2nd Visit: Choose a burger or hotdog with chips and any soft drink, tea or coffee for just £5.
- 1st Visit: Get £10 of slot machine credit when you spend £5.
#5 – The Bingo Wheel: Win a guaranteed prize every time you spin! Stake £5 or more on bingo and get a spin!
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Comments (1)

11/15/23, 09:11:40 AM
More great promotions! The welcome offer has wagering requirements but the majority of the other offers don’t.