Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

Last post made 3 months ago by drtheolen
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  • I do really feel like goofing off today!!! After all it's Fridayyyyyyy!!!! So maybe i won't feel so bad since it's written in the stars  :P

  • October 10, 2010




    Invest in some time together with your partner. You may find it pays off with unexpected rewards. You will have a lot of energy today and want to spend it on your loved ones - your significant other is the one crying out with the most desperate need for your attention.




    Unexpected changes in the workplace may come about as a result of changes to the communications infrastructure of your workplace. There may be new computers, cellular phones or network devices available to you, or you may be finally given that PDA you wanted.




    Sudden invitations to parties or recreational gatherings could take you by surprise today. You may not feel like traveling and if that is part of the picture, be prepared for a few frustrating detours and rude encounters with testy commuters.




    Home-based business opportunities will bring in money and contacts with the creative people you need to pursue your dreams. But the people you work or live with are a little unstable and erratic right now. They are easily distracted by shiny baubles, a fact you can use to your own benefit.




    You may make a new friend today, likely with an older woman who has some interesting skills or hobbies. Your own ideas are a little unusual at the moment, but you may be a little too intimidated to say what is on your mind right now.




    October 10, 2010

    Money spent on your home or family will prove to be a more than worthwhile investment. It may bring you opportunities to boost your income, but the most likely effect is the love and gratitude you will be given. There is a warm and pleasant atmosphere at home today.




    You will be the centre of attention today. People will find you to be interesting, attractive and entertaining, and you may find that you are invited to more than one upcoming party. Choose carefully, especially if you are single. There could be romantic possibilities.




    You may have an opportunity to build your financial future with the quiet assistance of someone who wears a uniform. You may have to visit some kind of zoning, taxation or real-estate authority today, and while it's out of your way, and the experience is a bit of a nuisance, you will ultimately find that there is real value to be had.




    Friends and companions will have you on the phone a lot today. The gossip lines are burning up with information about a friend or sibling and their hot new romance. Your own love life could be getting hot too, but you'll want to keep that under your hat.




    It looks like there is an important opportunity to advance in your career or social life today, if you are ready to move quickly. Someone you socialize with could open the door to career success. You may be invited to an important party or gathering soon.




    Others will see you as someone very important and interesting today. Someone looks up to you and will see you as being the teacher or visionary they have been looking for. This may be a little unnerving but the truth is you can handle the responsibility.




    You have some financial aspects that speak of business opportunities and the possibility of greater prosperity, but they also speak of impulsive over-spending. Be careful to avoid any large purchases that could come back to haunt you later on.



  • October 12, 2010




    If you are looking around for money to sink into an investment plan, look no further than your own discretionary spending right now. Your chart says you are playing more than planning at the moment, and the high-tech toys you want could be eating into long-term goals.




    You and your significant other are both a little cranky today, especially where it comes to your individual commitments to careers versus your time together. You need some time off together, but maybe not today. You may enjoy some recreation, him at the game and her at the spa, perhaps?




    You feel anxious and over-energetic today. You may be considering taking up an extreme or unusual sport, but do be careful not to over-do it right now. If you are suddenly motivated to get moving, do a lot of stretching, and see your doctor before you push the envelope.




    Someone with small fingers could be reaching into your pocketbook today. There is some toy or goodie they just "have" to have, but it may be out of the realm of practicality in your current budget. There may be a valuable life-lesson here about money handling.




    This is a good day to look at new homes, but not a good day to make an offer to buy one. You will be focused on the concerns important to your family, but you may find that the "big deal" issues you are all hot under the collar about turn out to be a tempest in a teapot.




    You have an opportunity to speak out about an injustice, but you could find that you trip over your words and ideas if you are not prepared. Have another look at your ideas before presenting them to others. There may be more tactful or sensitive ways to make your point.




    A friend is going to ask you for money, and they may get a little touchy when you say no. But you have to stick to your own priorities. They got themselves into their drama at the moment, it's not up to you to dig them out.




    A family member could express some concern about your physical appearance, attitude, or the way you are treating yourself. You may have to work harder to reassure them that everything is okay, because if you are honest, you know you have been a bit moody lately.




    You feel anxious and uncertain for some reason and it is your own fears that are your biggest stumbling blocks right now. If you just relax and let things happen today you will be much better off. Don't try to push for immediate results, that won't work well.




    Relationships, good bad and indifferent, will take your attention for most of the day. There may be arguments with loved ones, most likely family members, but good times with friends and partners. Don't worry what people say or do today, their attitudes are changing with the wind.




    You are asked to some social function at the last minute and if you decide to attend you will have to rush around like a chicken with its head cut off in order to whip yourself into shape in time. You may find it more prudent to beg off in favor of some household chores that need doing.




    A friend or companion may stand in the way of a vacation or trip you have wanted to take. They may do nothing more than rain or your parade, and you can choose not to listen to their negative feedback. There may be challenges, most likely related to your workplace or responsibilities, but they are workable.


    Have a great day!

  • October 13, 2010




    You may be the target of some jealousy from a friend who envies your good news. It looks like you could be traveling or taking a vacation soon, but you may have to deal with friends and companions, or agencies related to group travel that make things a tad more challenging than you expected.




    Investment income from home-based business is possible, but you may have to make some significant lifestyle changes. Talk to you family members and loved ones, and find out what the local zoning laws are before you jump in with both feet. There may be snags you can avoid.




    You could be overcome by an urge to play matchmaker with a friend today. If so, make your choice carefully. You may pick just the right person to push all your friend's vulnerable buttons. You may later ask yourself what you could have been thinking.




    You will be greatly tempted to play hooky from your household chores today. Your energies are a little scattered, and focusing yourself on the daily grind will be an effort. Once you do regain your focus some exciting ideas will bubble up to the surface.




    You want nothing more than to play hookey today. You want to be anywhere but where you are. But chances are good you can't get out of the office. If you work at staying focused you can get a lot of work done. A friend or companion could provide a welcYou'll want to get away - to play, have some fun, or get involved in a sporting event, but these diversions either may not be possible, or could be more frustration than fun. People you count on for support may not be available, and you could find your "team" is less motivated than you thought.




    Family members may not be terribly supportive today, especially if you are hoping for financial assistance. It will likely turn out you don't need their help, anyway. There will be other opportunities for you to make headway on your own.




    If you are asked by someone to write something that is not true, or that violates your personal boundaries in some way today, ask yourself if the risk is worth the reward. It may be risky to say "no" but can you live with the choice if you agree?




    Get out, go to the gym, work it off. You'll be a powerhouse of energy today, but you may be frustrated when your financial ambitions are temporarily thwarted by someone who is too busy daydreaming to get the job done. You are not fully focused right now yourself.




    You and your significant other could end up in an argument today. One of you may have to make a compromise between the amount of time you spend together, versus the amount of time you spend with friends. A good friend may give one or both of you a verbal kick in the pants, for your own good.




    You may be asked to take on an envied position at your church, mosque, or synagogue, but you may face jealousy from others who covet the role. Want to earn some major long-term Brownie Points, not just a short-term responsibility you can't really manage anyway? Step aside gracefully and give the nod to old Green Eyes.




    Your interests and those of a friend may seem at odds today, and you both may feel conflicted. One wants to play, and the other has volunteered time or money to a charitable cause or effort without consulting everyone. Your own intuition is on target. Don't get pushed into any immediate commitments right now.




    You are going to have to delay gratification if you want to succeed in the long run. You may be putting in extra hours, or it could be you are forced to give up some tickets to a sporting or musical event because there is too much work to be done.

  •                               draft_lens2277129module12467819photo_1225993034chinese_horoscope.jpg


    October 14, 2010




    This is not the best day to set up new educational or travel plans, especially if a mate or partner is involved. You may find it hard to think and focus today, especially when driving. You do need to have some fun, but make sure that you drive with caution right now.




    A spiritual advisor can help you come to terms with some personal conflicts that are dangerous to a workplace friendship. Seek wisdom and solace from an older person who understands because they have "been there". Your boss may be more understanding than you think.




    Sudden communications bring bad news - you won't be able to get the play-time together you wanted and needed. The good news is that your love life is heating up and there will likely be other opportunities to get together, sooner than you think.




    If you are offered a new job, or if someone in the workplace is talking about big changes today, take everything with a gigantic grain of salt. Chances are not much will change as a result of promises that are made today. You may find that for every chore you clear off your desk a new one replaces it.




    You'll feel twitchy today and won't be sure why. You may find yourself in the middle of a heated discussion asking yourself "Why does this matter so much to me?" The answer is that "it", whatever "it" may be, triggers emotions dating back to old childhood disappointments.




    Your home or living quarters right now are likely to be a gigantic mess. Your mind is anywhere but on household chores and renovations, but circumstances keep dragging you back. You may have some disagreement with a loved one over the purchase of magazine subscriptions or encyclopedias.




    Don't worry if you put your foot in your mouth today, nothing bad will come of it. Conversely though, it may well be that a big presentation you deliver just doesn't get the point across. You may have to deliver it again at a future date when the bigwigs can pay attention.




    You are into serious "shopaholic" mode right now. The upside is that you can definitely find some really good bargains. The downside is that you could spend way too much money on things that you don't really need. Be careful to ask yourself "do I really need this".




    You could be the center of attention when you least want or expect it today, so watch your back. Have you ever seen a circus mime? They wait until their victim is distracted then play behind his or her back. You may be working with someone whose sense of humor is similar.




    Someone weaving a magic spell at a holistic store has very nearly got you convinced that their magic snake oil can cure almost anything - but if you check into it from an unbiased source you may find there are additives or side-effects you don't like.




    Friends and companions may come across as cranky or unreasonably demanding today, probably due to the fact that they are suffering from "empty pockets syndrome". They are focusing on some lack or need and are not really aware how they are coming across to others.




    This is not the best day to try to push new ideas forward, or to make sudden changes in your career direction. You'll be frustrated and anxious, but don't let yourself get too worked up. The energy could change rapidly in the next while. Make sure you are acting, not just "reacting".


    Have a beautiful day,everyone!

  • October 16, 2010




    You may find that your creative skills or a concept you have learned through spiritual studies could be a source of prosperity or improved productivity. Your creative talents will be needed today, and an idea you come up with could lead to money.




    You may be offered a once in a lifetime opportunity today. If you are a writer or are involved in the communications business, sharpen your pencils and get out that resume, you have a chance to get published today. Don't listen to a doubting Thomas in your family today.




    Family members are supportive of your ideas, but your friends may be wondering if you recently got abducted by space aliens or something. They just "don't get it". Don't spend any time trying to convince them, just do your thing - they will catch up with you eventually.




    You may hear unexpected news about your partner's heath or working conditions. The two of you may have to juggle schedules or work out some kind of budget that allows your partner to take a slower track in the corporate rat race. You are both a little burned out right now.




    You will find a really good bargain today, something that may help you beautify or improve the structure and security of your home. You may be visiting with someone today who has excellent ideas about ways you can improve the financial picture.




    You are having a hormonal "parental" surge moment. If you are already a family type, it may be you have new branches to add to the family tree. If that is not in your list of "major wants" at the moment, be sure you play safely. Your creative energies are high, but you are down on yourself right now.




    Your home is a whirlwind of activity today. You may be just tidying up for an anticipated visit from a relative or loved one, but not a few folks from your sign will be packing up for a home move. If you are moving it is likely to be fancier digs where you will be a lot happier.




    If you are single and looking for your soul mate this could be a lucky day for you. Don't be afraid to go out with friends or associates, it is in groups of people that you are your most attractive for some reason right now. The more, the merrier!




    You'll get good money news, but it may be prudent to keep it under your hat for a little while. Others may only see good fortune, and not all the hard effort you have put in. They could react with jealousy. That could lead to less than helpful behaviour on their part.




    You may discover that you or a friend has a musical or spiritual gift, or that you share interests in common that bring you together in a much more uplifting and positive manner today. You may be buying a new music CD to share with friends.




    If you are involved in a dispute, try to negotiate a win-win settlement. You may have an opportunity to build your financial future with the quiet assistance of someone who wears a uniform, or who works as an official or authority figure of some kind.




    You catch a break from the workload today due to the thoughtful ideas of a good friend. They may pop by at lunch with a "doggie bag" or offer to drive you to or from work, or baby-sit your kids this evening so you can get some time out. Someone will recommend a good book today.



  • October 17, 2010




    Your boss could call you in at the last minute to take action on an important new project. It is likely to be a lot of work. Make sure that there is some quid pro quo for the extra hours or responsibility that you will be taking on. You deserve the recognition.




    You desperately want to escape, to travel, to get away from your responsibilities, and there may be a good opportunity if you are willing to take some chances. Just try not to be too impulsive when you are making plans. Slow down, take your time.




    The work you have done lately to bring your family members together seems to be paying off right now. Everyone suddenly seems to "get it", and there is a lot more compassion and understanding. Someone you love may be ill, and you can help them recover.




    The phone will be ringing a lot today, and the wires are heating up with some interesting gossip. There is good news about romance, marriages and relationships, perhaps even some of it coming from you! You are chatty and talkative and that can only help in the romance department.




    You may be elected, chosen, or promoted to a leadership role in the workplace. Suddenly you are very popular, and people are eager to follow your lead. Take advantage and push for the changes that you know are the most desperately needed right now.




    If you want to make the most of the day, spend as much time following creative pursuits, hobbies and recreation as you can squeeze in. You are feeling somewhat frustrated in life, and there is a strong need to find meaning in the mundane. Let it all go, and enjoy yourself for a change.




    Your loved ones will bring you great joy today. It could well be that your "tough love" moment with a relative and their lifestyle problems has reached a turning point. You will need to find a drug and alcohol-free way to celebrate it, most likely.



    Someone will call today with news or information about a healthy lifestyle choice. You may not be receptive to the idea at first, but when you hold your nose and swallow the medicine, it will go down more smoothly than you thought. You may get a call from an admirer today.




    Good financial news perks up your mood and gets your heart pounding. You may be getting a raise, promotion or new job soon. If self-employed, creative communications and publicity are prime areas for growth. Don't be afraid of challenges today, they are there to fine-tune your approach.




    You have an opportunity to take on a leadership role today. You have a powerful, stable and encouraging presence right now, and people will be seeking you out for your unique insights and ideas. Be gentle with a friend going through a rough patch.




    If the cops come calling asking for donations to a charity, be generous. You may be a little impulsive and driven today. Your subconscious mind is driving you to push for changes and adjustments in relationships.




    If you want to make the best use of that burst of creative, playful energy you'll have today, make some time to get together with an old friend who could use some cheering up. Look for someone within your circle of family, friends or associates who shares your spiritual faith. They need support.

  • Sorry guys for skipping last two days...I had a family emergency...


    October 20, 2010




    It's going to be a high-energy day with a lot of confusing, conflicting energies that come largely from friends, companions, groups or clubs. People in general will be hyperactive, dramatic, excitable and unfocused. Don't try to herd cats today.




    You are even less focused today than yesterday. You are all over the map, swinging from one end of the mood spectrum to the other. Dreaming about your social plans won't get you where you want to go, but you are not sure which of two equally good opportunities to follow.




    You may find that it is hard to think, stay focused, find information or complete paperwork projects today. Your mind just wanders away from the mundane into some pretty esoteric ideas. You may be asked to lead or teach people in topics important to you.




    A sudden change in your financial status could help your short-term prospects, but you are dealing with challenging transits in the house of debts. You will have a chance to change something about that now - you will regret it if you don't work to get debts down or savings up.




    If you are single, the workplace or a high-profile meeting could open doors to romance. You may still be too busy to do much about the new attraction, but the weekend is just around the corner. You can find a way to get together if you are both creative.




    Expect good news from the significant other, but bad news from the office or workplace today. Your partner may be feeling strongly playful and you could be forced to stay late to work on some boring and pointless paperwork. You will be able to sneak away just in time, though.




    Romantic energies are still strong in your chart, but there is a tense aspect to the house of "children". If you are already a parent, you may have a romantic interlude interrupted by one of your children. If not, do be careful with your birth control right now.




    Family members seem determined to stick their noses into your love life and it may be up to you to put the brakes on, even though it may well be your partner's family who are the most active culprits. You may not be able to get support from your significant other today either.




    Friends and companions seem determined to stick their noses in your business, and while one or two may be helpful, there is at least one who is making a nuisance of themselves at the moment. Try to hold back what may be a deserved "back off" until you are well-prepared and more calm.




    A financial secret could be your "ace in the hole" for getting someone's help in your career or social status. Be careful. While you could accomplish your immediate objective, you may find that the story comes out in the future to bite you in the bottom.




    You may tend to get into strange arguments or weird conversations today. It seems like someone is arguing both sides of a debate, and you are hard pressed to keep up. So leave them with "If it pleases you, then believe it" or tell them that you simply choose to disagree.




    Your mood will be sliding up and down the scale like a psychotic trombone player. You will need to stay focused on your personal entertainment, relaxation, and recreation if you want to stay in the upper part of the scale. Leave work aside for one day.


    Have a great day everyone!!!

  • Thank you Nan.   :-*



  • Blue...


    Just wanna thank you for all your support and great friendship...


    Sometimes, when I see people face the life and death, I think about how precious and meaningful life is...therefore, I am really blessed to have someone like you as a sincere friend!!! :-*

  • October 22, 2010




    How do you react to surprises? You may learn a lot from your reactions today. It will be a highly emotional day, likely extremely busy, with a lot of paperwork and phone calls coming in fast and furious. You just may surprise yourself with how well you do under pressure.




    Friends and companions may seem slightly off their collective rockers today. They have all kinds of wild ideas, some of them better than others. You could be invited to some kind of Internet-based networking group or club where people share ideas online.




    You are eager to get things done today. You may have strong feelings about your career direction. Social or career connections with men could be lucky for you today. You will be able to get a lot of chores done and have a high energy level right now.




    You and your spouse or partner could use a little playtime together. A class, lecture or seminar in some kind of creative hobby or self-improvement concept could work wonders on your mood and energy. A dancing class that gets the body moving would be ideal.




    You may be invited to take on a leadership role in a meditation or prayer group or to teach others what you have learned in your spiritual path recently. You can be extremely charming and persuasive right now and your enthusiasm is contagious.




    Your love life is about to get a little funky and unusual. You can expect the unexpected as secret attractions are revealed and you are presented with some highly appealing opportunities. If you are already in a relationship, you may decide to explore a forbidden fantasy with your partner.




    Financial opportunities are as close as the workplace. Look for creative, artistic or entertaining ways to make money. Art, drama, music, and advertising are all good bets right now. You may have to travel for business or financial reasons, take extra care on the road.




    Taking charge in your family is always somewhat like herding cats, but right now you have an opportunity to build consensus because one of your loved ones is facing a health crisis. Getting agreement may require some compromise and compassion.




    Family members do a complete 180 and now, instead of being on your back, they are on your team. You will be able to see family issues and dynamics very clearly today and it may help to make some notes about your insights. You can go back to them later when you need the clarity.




    You are long overdue for a little fun. You may find that some form of "edu-tainment", like visiting a local science center, fits the bill nicely, especially if you have children. If not, and you are single, hit the mega-bookstores and browse ... for books and people!




    Money makes the world go around! You could find unusual bargains, hear talk of a raise or bonus, or find some money in a pocket while cleaning out the closet today. If you work in a traditional job setting, you may hear that your department is making more money.




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role today in some kind of sporting event, gathering or competition. There may be a lot of unexpected telephone calls, letters, faxes or emails to content with right now and everyone seems highly charged.



  • October 23, 2010




    You are likely to be a bit confused today, because there are terrific spiritual energies affecting your personality and ego, and you are experiencing a disillusion of the boundaries you normally keep so strongly between yourself and the emotions of others.




    Your intuition or a sudden insight could be healing or helpful to someone you love in a way you could never have imagined. You may have wild an unusual ideas and inspiration today. Keep an open mind, and don't be afraid to share information about healing alternatives today.




    You could be getting a lot of calls and letters from friends and siblings today. There is a lot of good-spirited gossiping going on. Everyone wants to know what you think. Silence may be the better part of prudence right now - let someone else make their own announcements.




    You have a business or career opportunity today that may be hard to resist. It will take a lot of energy and there is some risk involved, but if you are prepared to move quickly, there could be money-making opportunities in unexpected places.




    Your mind is on fire today, full of brilliant and creative ideas. Your energy is high, and you have some innovative insights that could help you a lot. Trust your instincts today, especially where it comes to what to wear and how to dress. It matters.




    You'll be excited and interested in a new investment opportunity today. Your personal energies are high, and you will benefit greatly from connections with others who share your values and interests. You could be invited to join some kind of investment or business partnership.




    Your friends may be planning a "stealth date" if you are single - that's when they set up what amounts to a blind date, but they don't tell either of you what's going on. You may be surprised by your attraction to someone who seems completely outside your normal realm of attraction.




    You are going to be getting some kind of special benefit or "perk" soon. You may be losing weight, or hearing about positive changes in your health and wellness. All that hard work is starting to pay off. You deserve a treat - a healthy, low-fat treat that is.




    If you are a parent you may be hearing about an upcoming concert or school recital. If you are not a parent, your own musical or creative talents may be on display soon. Just be sure you carefully consider the budget for costumes and supplies.




    Family members will bring you work opportunities or help with any health issues you might have. You could find yourself discussing a possible home move that is related to your desire to have a better and healthier lifestyle. You have a lot of energy to handle the daily chores today.




    If you are single, this could be an incredibly lucky day in the history of your love life. Other people see you as generous, bright and engaging, and are drawn to you like iron filings to a magnet. Your friends may be plotting a "stealth blind date", go along with it!




    You may find that there are unexpected opportunities to make money together with family members or out of your home. You might be planning a last-minute yard sale, starting a new home-based business or setting up a part-time web-based business.


    Have a great day!!!

  • "If you are a parent you may be hearing about an upcoming concert or school recital."


    I surely will be hearing some news like this soon - pretty hot is the horoscope today Nan.


    Thank you.



  • October 25, 2010




    Keep your opinions to yourself if you value your rung on the corporate ladder. You could anger or upset an important authority figure if you are too blunt, assertive or politically incorrect in your opinions. Spend some time on yourself instead, and have a little time to relax.




    If you are a parent you may find that there is mixed news coming from or about one of your children. You may find that their grades are better, but they could be having social problems in school. Creativity is high for you today but you find it easier to focus on mental tasks.




    Friends and companions bring equal amounts of joy and challenge today. You may find that you are getting a lot of invitations to expensive gatherings or holiday events today. Focus on your personal priorities today, don't get side tracked.




    You will find yourself wrapped up in someone else's social melodrama if you are not careful. Gossip is the road to ruin for you right now. Remember the old cliché, mom used to say, if you can't say anything nice, then keep your big mouth shut.




    Work-related paperwork is just a little too challenging today. Go over any legal documents with a fine-tooth comb and don't sign anything that you are not 100 percent sure of. On the upside, you have innate knowledge of a topic that will come in handy today.




    You will be decidedly vulnerable to impulsive spending today and it will be for the best that you avoid any credit card or other debt related to consumer goods. If you want to spend money, limit yourself to a strict budget, to money "on hand". The plastic is deadly to you.




    If you are single, you may be finding that your career is interfering with your search for that significant other. Today is not the best day to buck the tide. You are getting the cosmic message that you need to do a little more self-contemplation and evaluation.




    Someone may attempt to take advantage of you in the workplace today, but you are not as helpless as you look. In fact, you can be one tough cookie when your sense of justice is disturbed. Remember to keep your cool. You can overcome with strength and compassion.




    If you are a parent it is play day today but you just don't feel like getting off the couch. Once you drag yourself outside you'll find that you enjoy yourself a lot more than you thought you would. If you are not a parent, you may find it hard to get started on your own hobbies.




    Family members are getting in your face about some changes you have made recently, but you are the one who has to look in the mirror, and besides, you like your new style! As long as it is not their money you are spending, it's your own business.




    You could find that you are a victim of disinformation. Your normal sources of information are unreliable right now. If you are reading something in the newspaper that pertains to your career, take it with a grain of salt - at least until you are able to verify it.




    You will be looking for an older, wiser financial advisor and it's not a moment too soon. Look for someone who won't just tell you what you want to hear. A somewhat challenging schedule might actually work best for you. Focus on the "tried and true" safer formula.

  • October 26, 2010




    Financial opportunities follow you in a highly active, busy day. You will find that there is a lot of activity involving your finances and valuables today. If you are an investor, you may consider investing in your favorite sport or buying seasons tickets.




    You are likely to get compliments on your physical appearance today. Even though you might feel a bit stressed as a result of a financial or debt-related matter, people see a glow about you and are commenting on it. You may be able to parlay a compliment into an opportunity.




    A secret could be revealed today that opens the doorway to career and social opportunities. Listen to the older people in your social circle, who know how to make important connections. You may overhear something while networking or gossiping that leads to positive changes.




    Don't mix friendship, politics, religion and finances today. This could be a volatile mixture, even for those fuzzy, tree-hugging new-age friends of yours. They may tolerate everything in the world - except a different point of view - at least for today.




    It looks like you are heading for a power-boost in your career path. If the rat-race has been getting you down lately, take heart! You are about to move into a faster lane. You may be hearing news about a raise, bonus, promotion or a new job offer soon.




    Fun and enjoyment are the big keywords for your day. You may have to make some changes to schedules and plans, but are ultimately likely to have a highly enjoyable, pleasant time. If you have kids this is a great day to go shopping for some sporting or entertainment equipment.




    You have amazingly good ideas for ways to improve your financial and investment picture today. You may feel that you are receiving some kind of angelic or supernatural advice, because the ideas are so powerful and unrelated to your experience.




    You're about to run smack into a pair of bedroom eyes. Life is not all about board rooms and the drama of success, sometimes the far more exciting chase takes place in far softer realms. Your love life is about to get very interesting.




    You will be able to make some dramatic changes to your lifestyle now. Focus on those that impact on your physical appearance, fitness and well being. You may decide to join a local gym or buy some time at a spa. You will want to be more physically active.




    Whether you realize it or not, you are in a profound stage of healing today. An old childhood hurt or disappointment that has followed you through your life is popping up now to test you, and you have a marvelous opportunity to turn hurt into empowerment.




    Family members are back to normal. Well, normal is as normal does in your family, but they are yours and you love them anyway. They will bring your joy, good news, and perhaps even financial opportunities - if you are paying attention.




    If you are considering a home-based business, a home network or home alarm system may be the focus of attention right now. Getting "wired" and connected is critical to such ventures, and it could actually add value to your home as well as your business.


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