Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

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  • October 27, 2010




    Your financial intuition is sharp today. You are thinking about making a dramatic change in your work, investments or savings plan that could make you a lot richer in the long run. Make sure to take things one step at a time though as you are impulsive right now.




    You get along well with friends and people who share your intellectual interests, but there are storm clouds brewing on the home front right now. Someone you love may accuse you of being self-indulgent today. It may be true, but it may also be necessary.




    You have incredible ideas today that seem to come from some extraterrestrial channeled source, they are so outside your normal way of thinking. Give them a chance to percolate and develop. You may find they are not as crazy as they seem at first.




    One of your friends has something of the bohemian artist energy about them. This person is big on alternative movies, music and theater, and you can learn a lot from them. If you are still single, there may be potential for romance. This artsy person is not as coldly intellectual as they seem!




    You will feel more ebullient today, more interested in speaking your mind, and just in time, too. There is a big high mucky-muck hanging around your office whose connections and authority you can make use of in your quest for personal success.




    You may be inspired to learn more about other people's religious beliefs, spiritual and political traditions today. You may run into an opportunity for learning hidden information or secret knowledge about a religious or spiritual belief.




    You are feeling confident and secure today. Someone may compliment you on your creative or organizational skills. You may be asked to volunteer for your community or spiritual center, to help with bookkeeping or in organizing crafts for the kids.




    You'll have sorted out your romantic confusion by now and settled on your true heart's desire. You'll be flirtatious, witty, charming and irresistible today. You will enjoy a warm romantic moment at a cultural or entertainment event where there are a lot of people.




    Your energy is high, and your excitement for a new job opportunity could get in the way of some hard realities. Slow down a little, work through the details, and you'll be able to make things work out. If you rush through, you could miss something important.




    There is more money coming into your office or department, but there could be arguments over how to spend it. Prepare well if you are heading into a business meeting where the budget will be on the table. You'll do better if you are prepared.




    You could learn that there is serious equity in your home or in a real estate investment. Family members may offer to help you out financially or give you gifts of great value. If you feel you need advice, look to an older relative who knows the answers.




    People will be seeking you out for ideas, wisdom and inspiration right now. You can be a powerful teacher or example to a sibling or close friend. You may get a lot of phone calls, letters, faxes and emails today, and the gossip lines will be burning up with good news.

  • October 28, 2010




    Unexpected telephone calls could interrupt you several times today while you are busy planning an upcoming outing with some friends. You may want to get together to discuss a mutual interest in an educational opportunity, or alternative healthcare.



    The financial picture is a bit complicated today. On the one hand, there are challenging or frustrating conditions, but there are also opportunities. Stay focused on the positives. Those are the situations that will help you move the ink back into the black.




    In the morning you will likely feel lazy, self-indulgent and unfocused, and that feeling will probably intensify as the day wears on. You and your significant other may have some disagreement about the division of chores, but you may lack the energy to argue about it.




    You may find that it is challenging at times to put thoughts and feelings into words. You seem to be tripping over your tongue a lot. But that is okay as long as you keep that self-deprecating sense of humor handy. People will find it charming.



    Friends and companions will be acting oddly today. You may want to keep a low profile at a party or get-together. Avoid hot-button topics like sex, politics, finances and religion, because everyone is wound just a little too tightly right now.




    Everyone in the workplace seems to need more coffee this morning. Their attention is elsewhere. You don't mind too much though because you want nothing more than to crawl under your desk and have a nap. Don't worry, it is only one day and everyone could use the mental break.



    Travel and commuting is likely to be a bit of a chore, even if it's ultimately worth the effort. You may find that communication, paperwork and getting from one place to another seems a bit like wading through hip-deep molasses right at the moment.




    You could have someone unexpectedly call in an "IOU". The news isn't all bad, though, there are wonderful aspects that support your innate personal creativity. You may not be able to leave your "day job" just yet, but that time is coming closer.




    You and your significant other will be talking and sharing ideas today. One of you wants to buy an expensive new electronic toy or device, and you may run across a good bargain today, provided you can be dragged away from your busy workplace for a moment of two.




    You are undergoing some changes to your daily work or lifestyle habits, and it may be challenging to you to hear that you need a change of diet and exercise. You can learn more about your options from a library book or Internet site. It won't be as hard as you think.




    You may have something of a dispute to mediate between a friend and a relative. There may be controversies involving children, after-school activities, schedules, and timetables. Someone you know thinks they have a creative talent but needs a lot more practice.



    Family members are wound up and uptight today and there isn't much you can do about that. It's not a good day for impromptu home improvements. You may find you don't enjoy the process as much as you thought and your efforts may have to be re-done later on.

  • October 30, 2010




    Your family members are probably not suffering from bi-polar disorder. Well, not all of them. But they have been a little fickle lately. All of a sudden they are coming around to your way of thinking about things, especially where it comes to work, career, lifestyle and spirituality.




    Your phone will be ringing off the hook. The gossip lines are just burning with good news, and everyone you know is eager to be the first to tell you. You are likely to have good news of your own. There is a new stage coming in an important relationship.




    Unexpected good news will have you looking around for ways to celebrate that involve spending large sums of money. You may be buying some large electronics device or electrical appliance, or beefing up the electrical in your home or workplace soon.




    You are feeling good about yourself today, and your energy is glowing and positive. People may comment and compliment you on your physical appearance or the "aura" you generate right now. You will have a lot of energy and may make new friends today.




    A sudden insight or intuition, perhaps even in the form of a precognitive dream or "psychic feeling" will come to you just in time to prevent an unpleasant situation today. You may have a strange encounter with a child who is wise beyond their years.




    A friend may have some advice about an important investment or financial planning. Be careful to do some of your own investigation, especially if you are investing in a long-term project without a handy "parachute" out. You may find there is a large debt behind the project.




    You are looking at a serious career development. You may not be getting a big raise, but you will get good news about your future job or financial security. Just don't get swept away by the "herd" mentality right now - you are better off marching to your own drummer.




    You may be spending a lot of time going from place to place today. You may be planning a trip or a recreational adventure of some kind. You may find it is a little hard to concentrate because your physical energy levels are so much higher than normal.




    Someone in your family may give you a gift of money or property today, or vice versa. You have a strong feeling of generosity and closeness with the members of your family. You may be investing in your home, in home improvements or renovations.




    You and your significant other "have to talk" but the conversation will go a lot better than you expect. Just go with the flow, and be honest and realistic about your dreams and expectations. If you are single, don't be afraid to call up an old flame, you may find an opening of the heart you did not expect.




    You need to help a loved one get out and into a more active lifestyle, and doing that will help you get into better shape. The two of you could take up a sport together, or simply go out for walks together, and it will not only help you get in shape, it could also help you connect with a job opportunity.




    This is not the best time to take up a new sport, recreation or hobby, but it is an excellent time to go forward with an old one. You may soon run across an older mentor or teacher who helps you boost your personal creativity and productivity.


    Have a great day!

  • Happy Spooky Day everyone!!! Don't let bloody Mary get to you! :P


    October 31, 2010




    Family members unwind and you find yourself greatly enjoying their company all of a sudden. You can bring together family members and loved ones in healing and positive ways if you set up a "group tidy". Get together at the house of a loved one who is lonely or struggling and fix their leaky faucets and shaky banisters.




    This can be an incredibly romantic day so keep the lines of communication open. Don't try to "fit in". Relax, be honest, be yourself - be more of a listener than a talker. You can be more romantic when you don't try so hard. Someone is going to be impressed by your sincerity.




    The money ride has turned a corner and you are happy again. You can get some amazing bargains on sporting and hobby equipment today. You have wild, innovative ideas, and while you may find it is hard at times to get them across to others, there is moneymaking potential there if you just keep plugging at them.




    You are a powerful and dynamic leader right now. You can really motivate others to take on their challenges in more positive ways. You may need to hold firm to your position, and when you do, you may impress an elder or authority figure who has been secretly hoping you'd finally speak up.


    You will be highly focused, energetic and strongly intuitive today. You may be called upon to participate in an investigation, or testify in a legal matter. You may have to keep something that you know secret so that others can act on the information you provide.




    You have a friend who is trying to get you on the phone but they can't get through the constant busy signals today. Everyone and his dog seems to want to get you on the phone. You may have a lot of email messages waiting online too. You are popular today!




    You should listen to your intuition today, especially if you find yourself in a room full of people who are all struggling to get the attention of the "big cheese". You may get more attention if you don't go over the top in order to stand out.




    Getting from place to place today could be a challenge. You may find that people are cranky and uncooperative, they communicate in rude hand signals and are rushing about like mad hatters. Be extra patient and aware of the traffic around you today.




    You have a strong and solid opportunity for investing success, but it may mean taking some risks on some rather odd or unusual businesses. Trust your intuition on big changes - your spiritual life is about to get very interesting. Pay attention to your insights.




    You might find out that your partner had been keeping financial secrets from you today but the upside is there is more money in the bank than you thought. If you are single, you may find that your financial advisor was right about a key piece of advice, or that you have a raise coming soon.




    Your unusual ideas about health, fitness and lifestyle could bring in money right now, if you are careful to study things properly. You have more learning to do, but the ideas that seem strange and unlikely may in fact be the answers you have been seeking.




    You may be reconnecting with an old childhood talent or interest today. You may be hearing music that you haven't heard since your youth, or celebrating some creative milestone. Don't be afraid to try your hand at a hobby or craft you haven't pursued in a while.


  • November 1, 2010




    You will want to put some time aside for home renovations and redecoration, and there may be unexpected bargains or opportunities to build value in your home with a little "do-it-yourself" elbow grease. There are positive changes coming in the workplace soon.




    Romantic energies are terrific in your chart right now, and you will be hearing good news about others in your circle of family and friends who are making love-connections of their own. If you are single you could have a very special "first meeting" with someone today.




    A strange intuition will lead you to financial opportunities. You will be a bit impulsive today, though, and should be careful of any stock or business proposal with "Internet" or "dot.com" in the title. If you run your own business or make business decisions, approach all new technology purchases with care.




    You will be excitable, energetic and interesting to others today. You have a lot of energy and want to play, but you may have to spend a lot of time on unwanted paperwork due to the actions or incompetence of others. Once you clear that out of the way, you'll be able to enjoy yourself.




    Your intuition is strong and your insights profound today. You may have a money-making idea that seems to strike like a bolt of lightning out of the blue. You may be strongly impulsive right now, especially where it comes to shopping for bargains.




    You need to get out and have a little fun, and the best way right now is to get together with a huge group of friends and associates. You are long overdue to be the one to throw the party. It's your turn - a big potluck could be just the ticket - and it's affordable too.




    All that worrying you did last week, and for what? See, things have a way of working themselves out. You are about to get some news that should finally put all your stressful fears behind you. Keep your eyes open for a new career opportunity.




    You may be looking to cheer up your significant other, or find a way to perk up their energy, and the answer may lie in an impromptu trip or that vacation you have been putting off for far too long now. You could both find it to be a healing and educational experience.




    You have an opportunity to make some extra money, and it would be an excellent idea if you took that windfall and paid down debt, or started to build up your savings account. Your career is heading for an unexpected upswing, and you will be highly energetic and creative.




    You could find that the best place to meet a new romantic partner is among friends and family. You will have a pleasant day because you will be popular and in demand for get-togethers and parties. Your personal energy is very attractive right now.




    Your patience and support of a coworker is going to come back in kind today. You will find unexpected support and assistance from others who are grateful for your leadership in recent days. There may be a juicy home-based business opportunity that comes out of the blue.




    If you want to have some fun and adventure today, get some kids together for a ball game, or take your children to an action movie. If you are not a parent and don't have nieces or nephews handy, get together with some friends tonight to get out and have some adult fun.

  • November 4, 2010




    If you are a parent, now is the time to try to sort out some recent challenges or changes to a child's lifestyle. If you are not a parent, you'll find your personal creativity is high and there is romance in the air. You may be considering taking a course soon.




    You'll be a lot happier and much more optimistic today. Sticking close to home, working on cleaning or home improvement projects could be a source of great joy and satisfaction to you. It all has the side benefit of increasing property values too, if you are a homeowner.




    Your skills and abilities as a communicator are sharper than ever today. You may have an opportunity to be published, to appear on television or see your words in print. If you are a creative person, this is an excellent day to work on your public relations efforts.




    You have been struggling to bring a spiritual dimension to your work, career and lifestyle for over a year now. Today you just may have a breakthrough - an "Aha!" moment that brings in the solution you have been searching for. Your partner, mate, or a business partner may have a clue if you don't.




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role if you can move through your initial anxiety at being told "You're in charge now." This may be a lesson in being careful what you wish for - demand change and someone may put you in charge of getting it done.




    Share values and spiritual belief with friends and associates you know well today. If pushed or placed into the position of sharing political or religious opinions in a general social or career situation be extra tactful. Don't be self-indulgent where it comes to religious beliefs.




    A friend or companion could email you today with an interesting invitation. They may be setting you up with a friend of theirs who is coming to visit from another city. You will have a lot in common, and there will be lots for you to discuss.




    Someone you work with may be the source of a hot and juicy investment tip today. It may look promising, but it could be risky. You may have to make a last-minute dash to take advantage of the information. Make sure that you get the story straight before investing.




    You may stumble across an amazingly good web site while you are out surfing for fun today. You may feel at first that the offer is too good to be true, but if there is an educational component, at least give it a second look before you write it off.




    You could be getting some extra money and your mind is on how you can spend it. Your best investment is in your home, or in your workplace, perhaps in a wardrobe, closet organizer, or in tools to better organize your efforts to live an organized life.




    You are heading for big, dramatic and powerfully positive changes in relationships and friendships right now. You may be hit with an "I have always loved you as more than a friend" bombshell, or be dropping such news on someone else.




    You are going to be taking on a new leadership role in the workplace. Even if you are not promoted immediately, you will see opportunities in new projects or responsibilities that have long-term potential. Look for the hard projects, the ones with the most likelihood of bringing great changes.

  • November 5, 2010




    You want to get out for a little fun and recreation today but you may be short on cash due to some unexpected bills, expenses or a delayed cheque. You may find an inexpensive way to have fun by taking a short trip to a local bookstore, library or taking in a class.




    It doesn't matter what your family thinks today, there are just too many romantic opportunities to pass up. You may find yourself involved with a partner that your family disapproves of but you'll enjoy yourself immensely if you allow yourself to follow your heart.




    You may find that paperwork, documentation, travel and study are challenging today. So who says you have to focus on that? Turning your mental and emotional energy towards your family and loved ones in a positive way today could have a healing effect.




    You may have additional income coming your way soon, but remember the old cliché about not counting your chickens before they are hatched. You have extra money incoming, but are tempted to over-spend as a result. Research your investment ideas before making any choices.




    You might not be able to soothe the savage beast today. Your own energy is tense and impatient, and any attempt on your part to talk sense into your significant other could be frustrating. If you are still single, be careful around people that you meet tonight, they may have hidden issues or agendas.




    Spiritual values you share in common with family members are both a source of comfort and a potential bone of contention today. You may find out that there are ideas or facts about your religious beliefs or family background that are new, changed or had been hidden from you in some way.




    You may be tempted to spend some of your nest egg on an expensive outing or digital entertainment of some kind. Be careful where it comes to impulsive spending, especially at the urging of a friend or companion who may have their own desires in mind.




    Dramatic changes have to take place in your career and work sectors, true, but before you storm the boss's door ask yourself if you are being entirely fair. If you charge in with no room for compromise or "face saving" you could end up with an unwinnable battle on your hands.




    If someone suggests to you that you need more education today, you may take advantage of the moment to suggest they pitch in for it, either financially, or by taking on some of the chores you will not be able to complete when you are busy studying.




    Despite the fact that there are positive developments in your financial security, you still feel tense and anxious. Your fears today are likely to be just that - phobias, fears, irrational and negative fantasies. Ask yourself just what all this worry will accomplish.



    If you are still single, this could be an incredibly lucky moment in the history of your love life. There are people with great potential coming into your life. These are new relationships with the possibility of long-term benefits both as lovers and companions.




    You have unexpected changes happening in the health and lifestyle area. Chances are you have been pushing yourself a little too hard. Pulled muscles and strains are a possibility. Follow the clichéd old "Mom-ism" ... don't run with scissors today.

  • You want to get out for a little fun and recreation today but you may be short on cash due to some unexpected bills, expenses or a delayed cheque.

    :o :( :'(...


    Oh goodie goodie...

    The last thing I need... :P


  • Lets hope tomorrow is much brighter nan!! Be good to me girl and give me a good prediction!

  • November 6, 2010




    You are planning an upcoming outing or get-together when you realize that two of the people you wanted to get together are fighting like cats and dogs. There may be a compromise possible if you can delay the party a while. Otherwise, you may have to separate them.




    Family members are challenging to your sense of well being right now. They are demanding, contrary and unpredictable. You want to escape them in the privacy of your home or workplace, but find there are annoying distractions there too. Don't worry, this will soon pass.




    A drive out in the country may sound restful and relaxing but there could be challenges and detours along the way. Unexpected changes could send you into some strange places. Take along some water and a good map if you decide to head out today.




    Don't fall prey to the urge to spend impulsively today. It could be a short-term booster, but is likely to be a longer-term downer, especially if you buy some expensive electronic toy or entertainment device. Hold off on any discretionary purchases today.




    If you are feeling stress or pressure today, the answer may be simpler and closer to home than you think. What you need to do is sit down with a trusted loved one or friend and vent a little. Be sure that you offer to return the favor when it is their turn to blow off steam.




    Trust your instincts. You may get a strange urge to contact a loved one or relative for their advice on matters of the heart. They will have just the answers, or the wide shoulders, that you need to sort things out. If you are single, they may be interested in playing matchmaker.




    A friend or companion could drop by to invite you to an unexpected outing at some kind of recreational or entertainment event. It may turn out to be challenging as well as fun, though. Your mind is highly creative and active today.




    You may be invited to a big, important party today, and if there will be any employers, coworkers or clients there, you may be best to treat it like the business meeting it really is, and not the "anything goes" party your heart is really longing for.




    You may get some time to spend alone with that book you have been wanting to read, but it won't be uninterrupted. You will likely get some strange or challenging phone calls or a request to "Come get me" from someone who is stranded without notice.




    Take the credit cards out of your wallet and leave everything but spare change at home. You will be extremely tempted to buff up your wardrobe as a result of a careless comment from a friend, and there are less expensive ways to update your appearance. Wait until you calm down before going on a makeover tour.




    You and your partner could have disagreements about sports or recreational activities. Maybe you want to go to a football game and your partner wants to go to the gym. Compromise - agree to switch preferences on a later date if you get your way today.




    You and your partner may disagree about a health or lifestyle issue. You should be careful to analyze your reactions right now - you could react from the wrong space and are strongly resisting a change that would really be in your own best interest.

  • You may get some time to spend alone with that book you have been wanting to read, but it won't be uninterrupted. You will likely get some strange or challenging phone calls or a request to "Come get me" from someone who is stranded without notice.



    Aww - too late  -  I had to give it back without reading it.


    Thanks as always Nan.



  • Blue...sorry to hear that...


    Well? you have no idea what's waiting for you for Christmas...that is if only you have been a good girl!!! Heh heh. :P

  • November 7, 2010




    You will find yourself getting a lot of work done today, with help from a boss, supervisor or employer whose mood goes through a positive change as a result of taking some new herbal treatment or alternative medication, perhaps even something you suggested.




    You'll want to escape the office or work responsibilities today. Kids in your life will be delighted because you'll suddenly be a playful bundle of fun. Your physical and emotional energy is high. Your romantic energies are also high, much to the delight of your partner.




    Trust your instincts where it comes to property or real estate matters. You may feel that it is time to make a change, but your gut feel is the best guidance you can seek out right now. Don't let a real estate agent push you to a quick decision based on flattery.




    Romantic energies are strong in your chart today, but you do have this tendency to speak your mind with just a little too much clarity. You may feel anxious about a secret you are asked to keep from a loved one, and it may be incredibly difficult to keep a promise to stay silent.




    Money is coming your way, and your financial antennas are finely tuned. You can find money in some strange places right now. You might find some spare cash you tucked into a music box, or invest some money in creative or musical businesses or stocks.




    Take some time to plan a little fun time today. Don't let yourself get wound up in other people's concerns. Allow yourself a little selfishness for a change. Set aside some time and space to do what you want to do, all on your own, or call up a pal and book some time for a movie or sports outing.




    You'll have wonderful insights and ideas today. Your lifestyle is about to change in dramatic fashion. Just be aware that you may tend to over-indulge in food and drink this evening. If you are partying, take a cab or get a designated driver!




    You have a friend who is trying to get into your pockets. You may be told of an exciting new investment opportunity today. Beware! It could turn out to have some strings attached you don't expect. On the upside though, once you root out all the fine print it could have some merit after all.




    You are reacting to outer changes, and that may have pushed you off your career path a bit. If you slow down and have a more dispassionate look at things, you may come to the conclusion that things are actually moving along a lot better than you thought.




    Dramatic and exciting ideas come to you from friendships or through group associations. You may find yourself in the middle of organizing a group event of some kind when wild opportunities and challenges are proposed. Don't be afraid to take a leadership role.




    You will be thinking about savings, investments, debts and financing today. Someone that you work with, or share workspace with, is going to offer you an opportunity to get involved in some creative work that has the potential to significantly boost your career.




    You'll be talking about romance, but you may not be pushed to do much about it right now. Your energy is on the "rational thought" level, rather than on the "primal emotion" that you really need to bring the beast out in your partner. Sure, they say the mind is the sexiest body part, but not when it's the only part actively engaged.


  • Blue...sorry to hear that...


    Well? you have no idea what's waiting for you for Christmas...that is if only you have been a good girl!!! Heh heh. :P


    Heh heh - I'm always good.   ;)



  • November 8, 2010




    Don't let a friend or a loved one convince you that their newest "cure-all" will fix everything from cancer to dandruff. It is one in another string of such things that trace their dubious roots to the infamous "snake oil" salesmen of yesteryear.




    You may want to get out, take a break or buy some new entertaining toy for your home, but may find that the budget is a little tighter than you thought it would be. You may find a cheaper alternative at the library, a bookstore or on the Internet.




    Family members may be looking at you through a mirror of unrealistic hopes and expectations, and you could "catch it" from a relative who is projecting their own insecurities and low self-esteem onto your accomplishments. Keep your chin up - and work towards pleasing yourself first.




    If you work in a traditional corporate office and your "IT" or techies come to you with a big plan to overhaul the phone system today, either beg the day off, beg them to put it off, or make sure all your contacts have your cell number. The chart today says "communications troubles".




    You have better luck with the great bargain hunt today, but do be careful where it comes to large purchases, especially big gifts bought for your significant other or an in-law you have been estranged from. You will realize that you can't buy harmony.




    You may be worried about medical expenses that are coming in, but you may find that what you need is not more expensive herbs or medicines, it's a good old fashioned venting session, preferably with a loved one with strong shoulders and the ability to keep a secret.




    You may be stressed and anxious and don't know why. Your subconscious mind is making up all kinds of fears and worries. You may have family members who are feeding stressful information to you. No matter what happens, it's likely to be a far smaller ordeal than it appears at first.




    A friend is in danger of having his or her ears boxed right now. You are sick and tired of watching them shoot themselves in the foot, and no longer want to be their designated "shoulder". A little tough love may be hard to deal out today but it may be the only way to wake them up.




    You may feel torn between home, family and loved ones, and an unexpected responsibility that comes up in your career today. You may be considering buying or upgrading a computer so that you can do more work from home. Be careful, make sure the deal you get is a good one.




    You have less patience for commuting detours or roadblocks today. You are in an all-fired hurry to get from one place to another, and the faster you rush madly about, the longer it is going to take. Take your time, leave early, take along a relaxing CD.




    Trust your intuition where it comes to a relationship with a close friend. You may want to reach out and help someone who is struggling, but money has this way of coming between friends. Make sure that any expectations are outlined clearly up front before you open your wallet.




    You and your mate have to come to some kind of compromise today so that you can get back to harmony. If you are single, you may find yourself attracted to a mysterious person who comes from another cultural or religious background. And they have secrets. Beware!

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