Daily Horoscope and Lucky Numbers!

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  • November 9, 2010




    You give up. No matter what you say or do, it seems you are being misunderstood right now by just about everybody. So you are tempted to sneak quietly into a corner and suck your thumb. But that won't help. It does not hurt for you to think things through a bit, but don't give up on your own needs.




    You are a little too focused on your work, career, or the daily grind at the moment. There is money coming, but you are acting like you are terrified the world will come to a halt if your fingers are not worn down to the nubs. Take a break, would you?




    You need to be a little selfish today. You have a limited budget for spending on personal entertainments and your loved ones my try to push you to doing what they want rather than what you want. If you are going to a movie tonight, go to the Cineplex and each see what movie you want.




    Family members are out of this world right now. You can't make up your mind if you love them or want to forget the lot of them. There is someone in your family or circle of friends who can help out, and they may help you find a way to solve a thorny financial problem.




    This is not the best day to pick up the phone and call old friends or elder family members, unless you are prepared to listen without judgement to a lot of complaining. If you want to help, don't offer advice, just listen and accept what they have to say.




    You have a financial opportunity and everyone is full of advice. Most of it silly and based on little more than guesswork. Only you can make the final decision. You may have a partnership opportunity. Get everything in writing before you proceed.




    Sometimes you have to do what is right for you and to the blazes with what everyone thinks. This could be one of those times. You may be feeling apathetic and self-indulgent today - and go with it for a change. You are entitled to take a break now and then.




    You will feel good in the morning but starting in the late afternoon you may feel cranky without being sure why. If you can swing it, it might not be a bad idea to take off early so you can get some time alone to clear your mind before you get swamped with requests for help or assistance from family members.




    You could end up frustrated with a friend today, and if you do, think on it as a learning experience. Your attitude towards this person will greatly affect both of you, and there is great potential for healing and understanding right now if you can get past your differences.




    An apparent setback may prove to be an opportunity in disguise. Since it may be a difficult day for you to get your message across to others, it could be a good idea to take some time out for some mental "R&R". Don't try to push things if the timing is not right.




    You may find that the traffic is a little chaotic in places today. You'll be going along nicely then you turn a corner into an unexpected construction delay. Keep the local "traffic and weather" radio station turned on, especially if you are in a hurry today.




    Impulsive spending could put a real dent in your budget right now, especially if you are carrying any plastic. Leave home without it today. Carry only the cash you will need for necessities. If you still want that expensive toy tomorrow it will still be there.

  • November 10, 2010




    You'll be in a decidedly romantic, chatty mood. The Sweet Nothings will be flying fast and furious. If you are single, get out into some place where conversations and communication between singles is encouraged - a new hobby, class or sport would work wonders on your love life too.




    You will be asking yourself how you got so lucky today. Someone will likely offer you some kind of plum assignment or there is a job opportunity coming that you could only describe as a dream come true. You could get paid to do something you'd happily do for free.




    The gossip lines are just burning with good news, and the phone will be ringing off the hook. Everyone tripping over each other to be the first one to tell you, but you already know. You have good news of your own to tell, too. Your love life has tongues wagging.




    The high energy continues. You'll have many opportunities to learn new things, go new places and open up your world. Even the "old stick in the mud" - everyone has one in the family tree - will come around to your way of thinking. You may have to patiently push one or two to get them going but it will be worth it.




    You have an opportunity to learn something important to your personal or intellectual growth today. You may be to asked to accept some differences or belief or opinion between friends or loved ones. If you can do that, you may find your circle gets a lot stronger.




    Someone you look upon as an authority figure can help you financially or in your career ambitions for the future. You may find that there are hidden strings attached though, so make sure that you are careful to outline al the responsibilities and rewards clearly.




    You feel you have come out of a long tunnel today. Your energies are brighter and you feel more energetic. People compliment you on your appearance, ask if you have lost weight. You may have some ups and downs with family but everyone else will be fun.




    You may find an interesting, affordable and easy way to improve your health and daily lifestyle today. You may have a sudden insight about your spiritual future that leads you to start studying new ideas. Keep an open mind if you run across some ideas that look strange at first.




    A friend of yours could ask you for advice regarding a relationship today. You may share some kind of hurtful experience in the past that makes it hard for you both to trust, so you understand each other. The best advice is "Follow your gut feeling."




    You may find that you get along with female coworkers, employers, and authorities better today than you do with their male counterparts. Men around you in the workplace will tend to be tense, but women will be more playful and good-natured.




    A lecture, class or seminar on music, art, or travel could work wonders on your mood. If you are still single, you may even meet someone special who shares your interests. If you are already married, you may be deciding on upcoming vacation plans today.




    Spiritual growth will be a topic of great personal interest today. You may develop a sudden interest in religious history, the fine art of meditation, or join a group related to your spiritual background. Don't try to mix work and religion though, the "Politically Correct Police" will frown on it.

  • November 11, 2010

    Happy Veterans day!!!




    If you are worried about your future you cannot escape those concerns by booking a flight to Aruba on your credit cards. You may find much greater comfort right now by sitting down with a financial or spiritual advisor than sitting on a beach. Granted, the latter idea will have greater appeal.




    You have a classic "in-law triangle" in your chart right now. If you are still single, you may want to be as careful when looking at the family of a potential partner as you would be in evaluating them. If you are married, you may have to be extra patient with your spouse's parents today.




    Avoid office arguments at all costs. They will only rise up to bite you in the behind when you least expect it. Winning will not be worth the cost to your peace of mind in the long run. Be careful when commuting or traveling today, people are driving aggressively.




    You are acting like a big kid today, and people have noticed. You may find that a friend or companion is getting in your face with irrelevant and unwelcome arguments right now. You may decide it is lots more fun to play alone, on your computer, or with your romantic partner.




    Your family seems to have gone off the deep end right now. The men in your family seem especially tense and uptight and they won't tell you why. Some physical exercise or time out with friends could help break the tension. Don't push for answers right now.




    Some family gossip is burning up the phone lines right now and you'd be best off to be a listener, not a repeater of spicy information. Your source could be accurate, but the best way to profit is to take quiet action. Your partner is the only one to "tell".




    Maybe not every decision that involves your career should be solely based on the financial considerations. Maybe, just maybe, an opportunity that involves a little more fun and a little less money, or more time together with your family, might be the better choice.




    Your enemy today will be staring at you from the other side of mirror. If you don't make a stunning investment or financial bargain happen today, it will only be because you are getting in the way of your own success. Affirmation: "I firmly believe in my own ideas".




    You will feel tense and uncertain today. If you don't know why, it may be because you are experiencing a subconscious "flashback" to a time long ago where you had an unhappy experience. Focus on what you have now, and your mood will improve.




    Friends and companions will seem unfocused, but not unfriendly today. They just can't seem to get their collective act together and it may be a futile exercise in herding cats if you are in charge of any kid of group activity or pass time. It may not be a good day to hold any group or club meetings.




    You are facing a challenging decision about your career future. Do you bet the farm on a risky gamble, or stick with something you have grown out of? If you are feeling bored, you may find it hard to step outside a rut right now. You do need a challenge.




    You will be extremely impatient with other drivers today. Even if you are not normally aggressive on the road, today you will have a tendency to lean hard on the horn and the accelerator. Be aware that your own impatience can be dangerous today and take extra time to get to your destination if needed.

  • November 12, 2010




    If you are having money problems, seek out an older employer, supervisor or client for advice. They will know something or point something out that will seem obvious in hindsight. You will have to do some juggling to make the cash flow work in your favor.




    Sudden communications between partners and close friends bring equal amounts of joy and challenges. You may have to decide between a pleasant outing and one of duty and responsibility. That will be a hard choice especially if the latter involves "in-laws".




    Someone is going to sit you down today and say that if you don't make some serious changes you are looking at some health risks. You likely are trying to help out a loved one or family member while you neglect your own well-being. They may decide to turn the tables on you.




    Don't be a stick in the mud! Get out there and play like a carefree child. That's what is most needed to get your creative juices flowing once again. You need to reconnect with your "inner child" today. Don't let minor arguments or misunderstandings get under your skin.




    Family members seem like something of a burden today. You may be called upon to shuttle an elderly relative to the doctor, or be asked to help someone with some uncomfortable task. Remind yourself that one day the shoe could be on the other foot and you'll feel better about the job.




    It would be a good day to practice being a good listener, because your words and ideas are apt to get you in a heap of trouble. You are not certain of yourself, and that may come through, no matter how hard you try to put on a brave front.




    You have benefited from good financial energies for a day or so, but now when you have a chance to do something with all that energy there are some roadblocks in the way. It just might work out to your own benefit that you don't move too quickly. Check all the fine print.




    You will not have much patience for foolishness from others today, but you may find it hard to get all that motivated yourself. You could have an argument or disagreement, a bit of an ego-conflict or a personality clash with someone who seems to want to get in your face.




    You will find that your intuition and "gut" feels confused today. You have questions about your life, about the mysteries in life, that you are eager to avoid dealing with right now. You'll have some good news today though - you could be getting a valuable gift.




    Friends and companions are a source of stress and joy at the same time today. One group is working to help fix up your love life, the other is getting in the way of paperwork, research or travel plans. You may have to push someone out of the way in order to get the job done.




    You will be trying out some kind of alternative health care product or service, and it could turn out that someone important to your social connections needs to know about it. Share the idea and experience. Just be aware that it may not work for everyone as well as it did for you.




    Traveling can be a bit of a challenge today. You may find yourself drawn to the local library or bookstore, but there is this nightmare tangle of traffic along the way. Paperwork is a bit of a challenge and you may find yourself with a headache if you try too hard to focus. Relax! You have earned it.


  • November 13, 2010




    You have all the patience of a bull trapped in a china shop today and that could make you dangerous on the road today. Slow down! You are in too big a hurry to get from one place to another. You will be impatient with your partner or significant other today too, most likely.




    You are not at your best today where it comes to making financial decisions. You may be prone to risky gambles, or vulnerable to friendly but ultimately poor advice. Before you sink the savings into that stock fund, check it out with an independent third-party advisor.




    Today you and your partner would benefit from the 'non-interruption' technique. That's where each of you gets to talk uninterrupted for at least 3 minutes - use an egg timer - where the other is forced to listen the whole time. A friend may be willing to play "referee" if you can't come to a fair compromise on your own.




    You and your significant other will be discussing your health, well-being and lifestyle today. You may get some feedback you don't like. Dietary restrictions or stricter exercise regimens are needed to get you on a healthier track, and your own mind and body will also be giving you that message.




    If you are making plans for a trip, vacation or even an outing to the local park soon, avoid settling on the details or scheduling plans today if you can. Someone will cancel or change their plans at the last minute, and the whole thing may have to be sorted through again at a later date.




    You are going to have to make an adjustment in your attitude towards someone you care for. Have you done everything you could? Or have you done too much? Only you can decide where the proper balance lies. Don't let someone demanding come between you and your loved ones.




    Communications and paperwork is a hassle today, and you feel like you are caught in a mind-fog that just won't let up. If you are patient with yourself you will get through it. A new friend or companion could have welcome advice or ideas about your health.




    Money, they say, makes the world go around. Today, it is mostly driving you around the bend. You may feel like you are chasing your tail, but the trouble is likely only temporary. You may have to forego instant gratification today for long-term future benefits.




    You have an air of the creative savant or guru about you today. You are coming across as someone who knows something dreamy, spiritual, idealistic or creative. If you are employed in the arts or entertainment fields, there could be an interesting and energetic meeting today.




    Someone is not telling you the whole truth. They are asking for your help with a personal or financial matter, but when you press them for details they get a little foggy. Insist on hearing the whole story, it will make a difference to your choice.




    If you want to get along with friends and loved ones, stick to "light" topics. Death, rebirth, religion and sex are all "big ticket" items that line the road to disaster for you right now. You have big ideas in these areas but may be ahead of your time.




    A party or social invitation may look like a chore, and there may be some truth to that assessment. But you will find it leads to career benefits or improved conditions in your personal life. Don't be too picky about where you go today, let your intuition be your guide.


  • Sorry guys for delay...haven't been feeling well last couple days and I apology. :)


    November 15, 2010




    Sudden changes in your or your partner's career or attitude could leave you feeling uncertain. Follow your intuition, your "gut feel", to chart the right course. You can benefit by serious study of the issues, don't be afraid to seek out help and advice.




    A friend's hidden money problems are no longer hidden, and you may be able to help them sort out some of the problems. Truth is, they got where they are due to their own denial or stupidity. You can best help by forcing them to see that they bear responsibility for ignoring things so long.




    Sudden changes in your or your partner's career or attitude could leave you feeling uncertain. Follow your intuition, your "gut feel", to chart the right course. You can benefit by serious study of the issues, don't be afraid to seek out help and advice.




    If you said "No" to a friend or coworker yesterday, today may be the day you pay for it in other ways. You may discover that someone you thought was a friend was really after something more tangible than companionship. You may be better off without them. Trust your instincts here.




    Spiritual interests and beliefs will be important issues today, especially if you have children. Getting them to share your enthusiasm might be a bit of a chore though. Think up ways to make the learning fun. You may find they have ideas that are profound beyond their years.




    You may be forced to take a sterner, more authoritarian role in your family because an old patriarch or matriarch is no longer capable of dealing with the madness. You want to be nice to everyone but it won't work. You have to put your foot down.




    You have incredibly healing but challenging ideas today. An old childhood issue may come back and trigger a flood of interesting memories. Go with the flow. You may find that there is great healing and personal growth available in your life right now.




    Money matters are a bone of contention today, especially if you owe anyone any money. They may be seeking a reassurance that you can repay. You do have support from long-term aspects, any issues that come up today should be minor and short-term.




    You may be pushed into taking charge today when a power struggle or domestic dispute gets out of hand. If you can send everyone off to their corners or cubicles until the afternoon, tempers will cool and you will find that there is no energy left to stir up trouble.




    Your mental energies may seem scattered or disconnected today. You may even find that electrical appliances act funny around you! Try to take any strange occurrences as evidence that the Universe really does have a twisted sense of humor, just like you!




    Friends, companions and their children are less friendly today, and you may decide you want some time alone. You want to play, but there may be some aches and pains from all that energetic playfulness you indulged in yesterday. It's rest time today.




    Challenging news may come from someone you share investment ideas with, or from someone who is well connected in your social circle. The key to success for you both is to focus on long-term goals, and stick to what you know best. Don't let short-term anxieties deflect you from your path.


    Have a great day!

  • November 16, 2010




    People are more open to your ideas, beliefs and issues today. The past few days you may have felt like you were in a spiritual wasteland, but there are possible connections you can make in the workplace now with others who quietly share your beliefs.




    You will have an interesting day exploring new thoughts, ideas and concepts that will greatly improve your future. You will find that you have a lot of extra energy today for the little tasks life brings.




    People are more open to your ideas, beliefs and issues today. The past few days you may have felt like you were in a spiritual wasteland, but there are possible connections you can make in the workplace now with others who quietly share your beliefs.




    Romance is hot, heavy and exciting today. If you have been holding back on approaching a potential partner, today you discover your courage and get up the energy to make an unforgettable impression. If you are already in a relationship your partner may be waving the proverbial red flag at you.




    If you are looking for ways to improve your productivity and to have a better shot at career advancement, then your keywords today are "computers, the Internet, and communications technology". If you are self-employed you may decide to invest in better tech toys.




    If you are single, get out and shake your booty today, because you are hot, sexy and exciting, and your attraction index has shot through the roof! If you are with someone, some flowers and chocolate and your wild ideas could bring out the passion this evening.




    You have an opportunity to heal a rift in your family today. It may be large or small, but the challenge will be to ask yourself to accept some differences as they are. If you can do that, you may find that the gulf gets smaller faster than you expected.




    Communication, travel and paperwork are greatly improved today, with the help from a friend, companion or large group of people. You could be hearing a lot of good news from clubs or groups you belong to. Someone will call to tell you about a streak of good luck.




    Some adjustments in your budget or debt load will have a positive impact on your dream of a new vacation. You just have to juggle the priorities around a little. You may find there is more money hiding in your wallet than you thought was possible.




    You are absolutely gorgeous, did you know that? If you didn't before today, you will now. People are definitely noticing you. Just watch out that all the extra attention you are getting does not go to your head. Remember, innocence is more charming than arrogance.




    Your intuition will be sharp today but you may find it hard to trust what you are seeing. Things will be dramatic and intense, and you have a lot of wild, electric ideas today. You may find new ideas for your work or career on the Internet.




    You and your friends will be looking forward to the weekend. You have a lot of extra energy, things seem to flow smoothly, and you have a lot of support and interest for some big entertainment event of party that you are planning together,

  • November 17, 2010




    Good news is coming in your career or profession. You may be hearing of a raise, bonus or promotion, and if you own your own business, today could be a profitable day in the course of your business. Pay attention to what happens, because you could learn some selling secrets.




    If you are still single, consider asking your travel agent about singles cruises or resorts. You chart says you have good fortune in romance while traveling. If you are already married and you want to spark your partner's passions, a surprise trip could be the ticket.




    Religion will still be out of bounds among some friends and companions. If you do any "preaching" today, make it strictly before the choir. In fact, you may find yourself in a leadership role in your family or within your spiritual community.




    Expect a phone call or letter from an old flame today. If you are already in a new relationship, you could be thinking about taking things to the next level, and it could be that call that gets your current partner thinking about "settling down".




    You may get some uncomfortable sensations today but they should pass once you realize that they are mostly related to stress. While your physical body is under a bit of a challenge today, you are likely to get some good news about your finances that will brighten your mood.




    You are long overdue for a little fun. You may find that some form of "edu-tainment", like visiting a local science center, fits the bill nicely, especially if you have children. If not, and you are single, hit the mega-bookstores and browse ... for books and people!




    You will be thinking about home, family or real estate concerns today, and it may be hard for you to stay focused on your work. Your loved ones have a bunch of competing ideas, concerns or needs that are keeping you busy on the phone sorting out the tangled mess.




    You will learn interesting and helpful information that could help you improve your well being and physical appearance today. There will be phone calls and letters from loved ones, and there is likely to be a note of well-deserved praise or thanks.




    The focus moves to your pocketbook and you are only too happy to open it up and collect the money. You will hear good news about family finances, money related to home or real estate investments, and there could be good news about your credit rating.




    You come out from under your shell today and you are going to feel pretty good for the most part. One friend is being a pain in the posterior though, as there is some issue with a difference in your social standing or financial backgrounds. You can put it aside though.




    Holding your peace the past few days will pay off today. Someone is likely to reward you for keeping their confidence. You may be hearing news about a healthcare breakthrough that could benefit your health, or the health of someone you care deeply about.




    You have some interesting phone calls heading your way today. Friends, companions and your love partner all bring you good news. If you are single, one of your friends could be planning a blind date, or a sneaky introduction to another friend.

  • November 18, 2010




    You are about to have a change of mindset. Someone may present you with some challenging new ideas or concepts that challenge your beliefs and values. You may be considering going back to school or taking a fact-checking trip as a result.




    There is some teacher, lecturer, or "expert" headed for your workplace, and your boss or an important client is treating this character like the proverbial guru at the mountain top. If you avoid meeting them you may miss an important opportunity to show off your own know-how.




    You are about to have a change of mindset. Someone may present you with some challenging new ideas or concepts that challenge your beliefs and values. You may be considering going back to school or taking a fact-checking trip as a result.




    Your thoughts turn to your finances, debts, and savings, and you find a way to make some extra money and brighten the big picture in your over-all "portfolio". If you are not investing, an older official, authority figure or family member may help you figure out how to get started.




    You are even hotter today than yesterday. Unforgettable energy is pouring from your love sectors, and if you have been waiting for a good day to make a secret passion known, this is about the best chance you are going to get. You will attract attention no matter where you go.




    You must keep your eyes open today if you are out shopping. Someone in one of those little mall kiosks could be selling the latest health-food thing or vitamin that could be just what you need to pick up your energy and put you on the track to better health.




    Listen to that nagging little feeling that says it is long past time you had some fun. That's your inner child speaking - well, yelling, perhaps. You don't have to worry, it won't all be fun and games, you'll actually learn something important while you are playing.




    You may not feel like getting together with a family member of loved one today because they have been hitting some self-esteem buttons recently. But you may find that someone in your family has some good advice if you can get past your reactions to their critical approach.




    Your love life is taking a charming, funny and enjoyable turn today. If you are single, the best way to change that condition is to invest some time and money into creative hobbies, classes and seminars where you can meet people who share your interests.




    If you are looking to improve your financial situation, avoid the malls and playgrounds. You know the ones. The places where you shell out big bigs to have a moderately good time. Instead, find a way to bring your family together in household chores, surprisingly you'll enjoy that more.




    You may have a moment of tension with your significant other today that forces you to confront some of your most deeply-held beliefs about yourself. What starts out as a challenge could greatly enhance your self-esteem once all is said and done.




    You may feel like your prayers are going unanswered today, and that may be because you are pushing too hard to make something happen. Any seed needs time to grow. Relax, let go, and allow things to be for a while. Focus on gratitude and acceptance, and the pieces of the puzzle you are seeking will fall into place.


  • November 19, 2010




    If you are single, someone you know is planning to set you up with someone that they recently met, someone who could be extremely lucky for everyone concerned. Keep an open mind about that blind date, they may have had bad luck before but they may have picked a winner this time.




    There are big changes coming in your career. Your boss or an important client has been impressed with your knowledge, wisdom or your recent handling of an important project, and will be giving you some important action items to take on soon.




    You have amazing ideas today. Your mind will be spinning a mile a minute, churning out useful information and suggestions. You and your spouse or partner may decide to take a class, lecture or seminar soon. You may be considering a trip to the country together with a loved one.




    You may have a bit of a financial setback today but it won't last long. In fact, it could prove to be a motivating factor that leads you to action or ideas that greatly brighten your prospects in the long run. If there is a dispute, compromise is the key to a happy outcome.




    Unexpected good fortune may be heading your way in your love life. If you are still single, you could meet someone by accident or over the Internet. If you are already married, you could have an argument with your significant other that leads to new understanding.




    If you are feeling a little stir-crazy today, get your loved ones together and head out to the home of someone who is a little less fortunate. Call it a "group tidy and potluck". Everyone comes with tools, food and experience and works together to do some fixing and cleaning.




    Take off for some wild, crazy and silly fun today. Find a local playground and jump off the swings. Indulge your inner child. It's screaming out for a little active play time. If you are a parent, you may be giving your children the best treat of all - your time and affection.




    You will likely be surrounded by family members and loved ones today. If you have needed help with a home improvement project, you might be able to get it by setting up a "round-robin" that goes to a different family member's house each week to picnic, gossip and work on their house.




    If you have felt out of sorts with your significant other lately, today is the day when you can sit down for a serious discussion to patch up any differences you may have. There are likely to be some challenges, but taking the risk to open up could be more than worthwhile.




    If you are working on your tax bills or banking today, set the paperwork aside until the evening. You will find you are much luckier with money in the evening and those complicated calculations seem easier to understand once the sun goes down.




    Prayer or meditation could be powerful tools in your quest for personal growth and development. You may find that you have some time on your hands at last to read that new book or take in a seminar or lecture that will greatly enhance your self-esteem.




    The answer to your troubles today is to take things much less seriously! Have a look into your heart and ask yourself where your sense of humor went. You may find it really hasn't gone that far. If you need help getting started today, give yourself some prayer or meditation time.


  • November 20, 2010




    Keep your sense of humor handy today. You will be indecisive and insecure, but there will be profound flashes of insight that you can take advantage of if you can overcome your lack of faith in yourself today. Family members will act a little odd right now.




    You may have disagreement with your significant other over your career or social standing today. You may not feel like stressing yourself for some minor trophy that your partner holds in extremely high esteem. You may find a way to compromise.




    Your thinking may not be the most clear today, because you will be highly impulsive, and your subconscious is in charge of your reactions right now. Keep this in mind when someone proposes some incredible suggestion that tempts you to respond sarcastically.




    You are drawn to spiritual and religious knowledge, and that drive could push you to places you may not be ready for just yet. Be sure that you explore your new interests with one foot squarely on the ground, because you could end up completely transforming your life.




    Your love life is hot today and exciting. Your partner may make one of your fantasies come true. The same cannot be said for your relationship with your boss. You are frustrated with authority figures who are important to your career, but now is not a good time to speak out.




    Avoid political or cultural debates in the office place today. You might win personal points in the short term, but lose big time in the long run. Some people have long, long memories. You may have an opportunity to put in some long-wanted digital upgrade today.



    If you are settled into a committed relationship you may be discussing parenthood today. If not, there is an opportunity for you to express your creative skills or talents. You may find that family members or social authority figures are not terribly supportive.




    If you are a parent, a child could demand sudden and expensive supplies. You may be spending too much money on entertainment right now yourself. Quiet "quality time" together with your family doesn't have to cost that much if you are willing to be creative.




    You find yourself snapping at people and you are not sure why. You only know that you have one nerve left and everyone seems to be jumping on it. Well, not everyone. You do have one patient, understanding companion whose wisdom can cut through to the real issue - but only if you ask them.




    Your financial picture could be pretty confusing today. If you do any Internet banking, avoid the bank's web site today - they could have strange problems or hiccups that could temporarily affect your accounts. Any crossed wires will be untangled quickly though.




    You may be having something of a personality crisis today. Who are you, and where do you fit into life? You may be re-evaluating yourself because of some comments or concerns raised by someone in your career or social circle. You may decide to have an emotional makeover.




    Someone may accuse you of having an authority figure complex, but that would not be fair. You just have a problem with authority figures who abuse their power, and right now you are in no mood to sit and take it. You have discovered a way you can make a difference.

  • November 21, 2010




    Trust your intuition right now - logic may fail you where it comes to an important career decision. What everyone else is or would do under the same circumstances should be irrelevant. You have to follow what you know in your gut is the right course of action.




    Friends and companions bring challenges as well as opportunities right now. If you can keep things light, then things go well, especially when art or music is in the picture. But when the topic turns to global politics, you might want to dive for cover.




    Changes in social connections may leave you feeling a little insecure today, but it won't last long. If you push through your own resistance you'll find opportunities to connect with others helpful to your growth. An older person will challenge your authority.




    Weigh the pros and cons of a family vacation very carefully right now. If everyone is not involved you could end up making mistakes that could haunt you later on. Make sure everyone is on the same page before anything is signed for. Check the fine print.




    You may be frustrated or confused about your financial situation today. You may encounter unexpected bills or expenses, but a home-based business, help from a family friend, or home equity may bring in the needed cash just in time. Keep your chin up.




    Your love life slows down a bit today. You may have some feeling of insecurity right now because your partner's attention is on other matters. Keep in mind that they have a life of their own too. If you are single, you may encounter someone who is older than you.




    If you work with a business partner, or have a friendly coworker you confide in regularly, pay them special attention today. They may be a little tense right now but they are going to have ideas that could make you both a lot more prosperous.




    You could hear unexpected news about your health or well-being. You feel a lot of anxious, heavy energy today, and that is your body saying "Move me around a little, would you?" Sports and physically active hobbies are the remedy your doctor is likely to order.




    This is not a good day to put your house on the real estate market. An application for a home loan, or an agreement with a contractor for new housing renovations may need to be renegotiated. Avoid signing any family or home related documents until a better day.




    You could be having some "love-hate" moments with a sibling or close friend today. They want you to do all the changing, but true friendship means compromise. This may not be the best day to get across the "win-win" concept to them, especially over the phone.




    Don't over-commit yourself to a charity, club, or spiritual commitment right now. Everyone seems to have the offering plate out, and they are waving it in your direction. Make sure that you give out of a genuine desire to help, not from a feeling of obligation.




    You are looking for a change, but you might go a little overboard on that personal makeover you are considering. You may be reacting to suggestions of others rather than deliberately and calmly choosing your own path right now. Don't let your loved ones push you away from your dreams.

  • November 22, 2010




    An intuitive leap could be lucky for you financially, but you may have to work hard to get it across to others in your family or circle of friends who seem wrapped up in their own baggage today. Focus on your bottom line, apply your creativity and wisdom to your own personal benefit.




    Friends and companions may call to invite you out on what seems to be an innocent gathering, but if you are single they do have ulterior motives. Someone wants to partner you up with a buddy of theirs. Keep an open mind! If you are not single, expect some fun time with mutual friends soon.




    You have inspirations that can help you improve your career and social prospects, but your ideas may be a little ahead of their time, and your energy is all over the map. You need to slow down and take things one step at a time if you are to manifest your potential.



    Travel and commuting isn't dull today, but you will take any detours or roadblocks in stride. After all, it is hard to gripe about these minor problems when they turn out to be major blessings in disguise. You may be able to spend some needed time with or thinking about your significant other while you wait to pass construction zones.




    There are dramatic and interesting changes in your family structure. Values are changing that will bring you closer together, at least in time. There is a bit of chaos to deal with right now, but you will sort things out together if you are patient with one another.




    The energy of the day focuses on your love life, but if you keep your eyes entirely on the challenges you could miss a spectacular opportunity to make some extremely positive changes. Listen to your significant other, they have some terrific ideas today.




    Hard work that pays off. Keeping busy, being productive, enjoying craft work, hobbies, production, training, saving. You may find yourself really enjoying the workday today.




    You will be on the phone a lot today, likely with friends or siblings, and the topic will be someone's hot and heavy new romance! Maybe even your new romance? You'll be excited and active today and could feel anxious at times because there is too much energy in your body.




    You don't trust yourself today. Your eye is drawn to a new home, or to home-improvement projects that may actually be very good investments, but because you are uncertain you may miss an opportunity. This is one time when your impulses and intuition are on target - trust yourself for a change.




    You will be bombarded with wild, challenging and exciting ideas today. Keep an open mind when a friend or companion proposes something radical. A group or club may approach you with some challenges and your leadership could be critical in averting a disaster.




    Money is coming to you from the workplace. You may hear news of a coming raise, bonus or promotion. You are also lucky at picking up good bargains right now, except where it comes to home improvement purchases. You may buy something trendy and a little tacky today.




    You have an opportunity to take on a new leadership role today, by showing other people there are options in how you choose to react to a surprise. The news you get will likely be good, but you may have to move swiftly in order to take advantage.

  • November 23, 2010




    Your leadership ability is blossoming today. You find that wisdom comes from out of the blue. You have a connection with a deep source of information that is beyond your conscious awareness. You may have wild an unusual ideas and inspiration today.




    You're going to learn that there are more and deeper sides to your own nature than you allow yourself to believe. A psychic experience or an emotional encounter will show you that you can reach deep spiritual levels if you choose to. You may get advice from someone via a long-distance phone call.




    One of your new friends has something of the "geek" about them. This person is really big on technology and the Internet, and you can learn a lot from them. If you are single, there is potential for romance here. Keep an open mind - this techie is not as cold as they seem!




    You are thinking about ways to energize your career when it dawns on you that what your workspace needs is a little more color. You could decide to paint, renovate your workplace, put up a few posters or bring in some photographs to brighten up the cubicle.




    You need to get out - away from home, and the further the better. If you can't book a tour to Outer Blootavia this week, you can at least get to a cottage, out into the country, to a book store, or onto the Internet where you can spend some enjoyable time dreaming about your next vacation.




    You may be investigating some financial or investment opportunity today, and you are likely to discover that there is both good and bad news. On the one hand, there is money to be made. On the other, there could be some social risk or sacrifice you have to make.




    Relationships are going to be important to you right now and you will find that conversations take on a polite but serious tone. You could be making plans for the future, or entertaining someone from your past. An old flame, past friend, or older friend may come to visit.




    Your work life is about to get a major boost in a positive direction. You'll have additional resources and responsibilities, and will be happy for some guidance from an older coworker who will have some ideas for ways to improve your business communications.




    You have a lot of compassion for others today - the plight of a child may move you to actions you would not normally consider. You may be seeking a lasting outlet for feelings that did not seem important to you before, because you want to share something you have learned.




    You will have sudden, unexpected and dramatic ideas for ways to improve your home and family life, but your intuition might be off where it comes to the children in your family. Avoid challenging another parent over the religious or spiritual education they are giving their kids.




    The gossip will be all good news today, and you'll feel more free to speak your mind. The phones will be ringing and the hearts will be glowing. There could be news about a pregnancy, birth announcement, wedding or engagement somewhere in the big picture.




    Money is coming back in today, more strongly than it is going out. If you have a home based business or are considering one, there are lucky breaks coming your way. You could end up getting some free publicity or an interview in the local paper.

  • November 24, 2010




    You may be at the head of the class today, but not everyone is paying full attention. It may be nice to play teacher, but you may find that there are challenges in keeping everyone's attention focused. Storytelling may be one way to teach, share and get the message across.




    Your compassion and good will towards a loved one could get you into a spot of trouble right now if you over-extend your budget. There is a chance for you to do some good, and that's a good thing. Just try not to be too quick to throw money at the problem.




    This is not the best day to trust in friendly investment advice. Avoid those who may offer advice or ideas, but whose real agenda is getting a slice of your financial pie. Be careful when discussions of religion or politics roll around too, because you could get trapped in someone's circular thinking.




    You are feeling that people have turned on you today, and it may be that someone had some overly high or unrealistic expectations of you, and you have had to bring them down to earth. You are only human like everyone else, and you don't like being put on a pedestal anyway.




    It may not be the best day to travel, particularly if you or a traveling companion have any medical condition that relies on regular treatments. Make sure all the appropriate prescriptions are packed, even if you are just going across town for a meeting.




    It may be hard to accept the fact that a friend or companion does not share your core values or beliefs. It is even harder when you discover that through some shocking revelation that takes you off-guard. But it can be overcome with patience and mutual tolerance.




    You have to make an important decision about your relationship with your significant other today. Are you going to keep a recent promise or break your word? It may be harder in the short term, but if you act with integrity you could open doors you did not expect.




    You may have troubles with digestion or stress-related health troubles today. It is simply your body's way of telling you to slow down and take a break. You are pushing yourself too hard. If you take any medications be sure to double check to ensure they don't react against each other.




    Don't invest any of the kids' college funds in a risky "hot stock bet" today. You may find yourself thinking a lot about your financial future. Make sure that you are treading a safe and secure path. The daily commute is likely to be a challenge today, leave home early.




    This is not a great day to make big changes to your home. Whether it is home renovations, home buying or selling, or changes in your family tree, there are likely to be changes, revisions, and frustrations further down the road. It may be prudent to put off that meeting with the contractors for a day or so.




    You may face some challenges with gender politics in your family. There is some inequality or unfairness in the way children are treated because of their gender, and while you may feel it is important to step in, remember you'll be landing in "the middle".




    You could have a financial challenge that takes you by surprise today. There are twists and turns worthy of a mystery novel. You may find yourself investigating some pretty interesting or unusual behaviour on the part of a friend or companion that you share financial interests with.

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